Greetings people, as you may have noticed the CE prices have gone crazy, first, I remember quite well how, CE price was 5.8k cr, then it got 6.4k cr, I admit, that's nothing to worry about, since there's one way you can buy it quick (FSC Farming) that wasn't anything we could worry about.
1. The CE prices
- On 25th of the February 2012 we encountered the CE price as being 8k cr, that was still not a problem, though people were complaining about it, because there could be a troll who may have changed drastically those CE prices, but still, you could still farm 100 CE easily, because of the FSC mission, King of Ashes which was released with the brand new missions update where missions get spruced up, split to Arcade missions to Rank missions, Prestige missions and Expansion missions. But that's not part of the discussion, so, on KoA you could actually farm 13k cr only consuming 50 ce, that was one way you could actually farm for money, but OOO apparently wanted to change that, just for the sake of their money maker, and they nerfed the KoA mission to 8k cr, that wasn't a problem either, because you still could get 100 ce per 1 KoA mission
- On 5th of the September we've encountered the 9k cr problem, this is completely unacceptable OOO, people can't even stay on the floating line, and that only obligues us to either buy your CE packs, either buy an elevator pass, I should just remind you that this is a F2P game, not a game where you get stuck in and wait a whole day just to recharge your mist. Here's one of the pics I made:
2. The Lag
-Mainly, SK is not supposed to have huge PC Requirements, so everyone could enjoy it, I shall share you those PC requirements, just so you can see what I mean:
-Pentium 4 1.3GHz
Athlon MP
GeForce FX 5600 XT
Radeon 9250
1 GB
Win Xp 32
DX 9
300 MB
- That's practically pretty much some low requirements, yet people could still get some rough lag around the FSC missions, just saying, those requirements do not show the reality of this game at all.
-On the date of April the 18th OOO released the Blast processing, which they said it would revolutionize the whole thing, no more lag, yet no more other things like that, for the moment, it was unlaggy indeed, the blast processing was working on its plan, after some time though, you could not notice anything at all, they just overweighted the whole game with their patches.
- OOO, if you're ever gonna make this game work as the PC requirements say, I'd just be marveling there.
-That's mostly what I can say about OOO, about Spiral Knights, those are just the shenigans they made. Mostly the biggest ones they made.
- And Nick, I think you made a great game and the dev team, and everything, but what I can really say is, the CE economy is broken, so is the laggy game itself.
- Enough said for me, ~ Daclub.
I agree that CE prices has gone off the rails recently, but then again I haven't been too bothered about CE prices since I play the game a lot less than I'm supposed to (been busy). I joined this game with Steam, also played in the Beta some time ago, and the prices were at 3.5kcr maximum. Of course, I was too much of a newbie to appreciate, and enjoy, the fact that CE prices were so darn low. But 9,000cr does seem to be a bit harsh on F2Pers.
While it is understood that CE is bought with real money, I have yet to realise why the prices are rising to such a height. I don't participate in the economy so I wouldn't know. I buy CE to use CE, with real money that is, and not to sell them on like others do (only if I have spares).
As for performance, I've experienced heaps amounts of lags too coupled with game crashes. It was only until today when I found out about optimizing Java for 64 Bit PC Users which resulted in me getting faster load times (significantly faster loading times) and less lag. Though, after doing so, I've crashed twice already which didn't happen very often when I didn't optimize my Java for this game. It's ridiculous. Java is known as a massive memory eater thus giving it more RAM to work with and I crash twice? Stupid. We may need another performance update, and soon!
- OOO, if you're ever gonna make this game work as the PC requirements say, I'd just be marveling there.
Again, +1
If the Energy Prices were to ever ascend past 10,000cr then I'm sure as hell done with Spiral Knights. There's only so much one can take.