---------------------------------Halloween Wish list! And suggestions! -------------------------------------------
A huge Halloween themed haven, with pumpkins and everything.
Maby some fall leaves falling down and some wisps of wind that cause the snipes to fly away.
The return of the pumpkin king and his costumes. Plus some new costumes and other things. Ide like there to be more token related things then promo boxes so that its more FTP friendly.
Some Halloween confetti.
-----------And then This stuff :P
Pertains to the older costumes, and also moves onto the newer ones as well.
For the old Halloween costumes they should get a nice new armor costume so they have a complete outfit.
Then for some new outfits and things.
----------First costumes
I think there should be a pumpkin set costume, sort of like the bomber but just some color and other little changes.(bomber mask- Keplik)
Whether this is obtainable by the old fashioned tokens, or spending money on a Halloween pack of some sort doesn't matter it will make the costumes seem complete to me. Though tokens would be nice. unless its going to be like the plasmatech suit where you get the full costume with the pack.
----------Now accessories
Maby some accessories that fit just the Halloween theme, like maby a fall leaf aurora, and regular accessories in orange. Then some things that are themselves like some spider or pumpkin pets. And then some other accessories that people can post below, those will be put into the suggestion box.
----------And now a couple new weapons for Halloween.
All weapons are supposed to be Halloween specials having them go up to 5* doesn't seem right for what is basically a collectors item, these items are bound and cannot be unbound, keep this in mind thank you.
----------The scythe:
Only a 3* weapon.
Does Shadow damage. Its charge attack is like a caliber where you spin but at the end the pumpkin king pops out sort of like the snarble barb bomb, where it just pops up, not out like the flourish where it bite forward. Will have a sleek black purple metal feel with the curved blade.
----------The pumpkin
Only a 3* bomb.
Does shadow damage. Has a very short blow time, as when it explodes it doesn't blow at first, first the pumpkin king appears see throughish and starts pushing monsters out then explodes into an old shard bomb style bullet frenzy maby 6 bullets.
----------The bolt shock
Only a 3* gun
Does elemental shock damage. Is a gun that is a bunch of bolts and bits put together like Frankenstein, the charge attack shoots off a bolt that flies and hits something and sticks to it before blowing up.
----------The haunted shield (name pending)
A 3* shield
Is made out of a dark wood with vines all around it. Does shadow and pierce protection and gives a low gun speed. (this can be changed as i was just fiddling around with an idea.
----------More ideas are appreciated, sorry if any spelling is wacky my keyboard sucks.
Any concept drawings of armor or anything are greatly appreciated I will be drawing my own concepts soon too.
Any thought or comments on accessories are also great.
----------If I missed anything let me know.
All Suggestions will be listed below and updated as much as possible with credit to those who give ideas and or talk about it with others.
Vanilla ~.^
All things suggested will be placed her to keep thee original post original. All who suggest will be given credit obviously.
Oatmonster ~ no return of old costumes. Not for weapons as promo. Give new players a sort of variant or give old players a name on their mask so that you can tell them apart in some sort of way.
Derpules ~ seems okay with having old costumes back as long as new ones are around. For the reason of having old costumes back its because its a seasonal happening instead of something like ground-breaker that only happens once thanks to a beta.
MASKS!: Suggestions on the masks.
New color Scheme
New mask entirely
Mask year date or some way to tell that you have the original?
Pumkin bombhead mask ~Keplik
To see bombhead mask concept go to Oatmonsters pumkin mask thread
Link : http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/64631
Contributors to mask Suggestions: Oatmonster, Addisond, Marazo, De-Xstroyer, Keplik
Accessories suggestions.
Carved or Jack-o-Lantern Eyes
Carved mouth
From : Vlad and OatMonster
Candy Auroras: Submitted by: Xxpapaya
These Auroras cost tokens probably more then already offered but that is still in the works.
Also more candy tokens have been suggested so if we were to add those to the list of aurora's that would make it bigger. What all of these aurora's look like is still something to be talked about.
Cursing Aurora
Sweet candy Aurora
Hard candy Aurora
Sour candy Aurora
More Candy! (Tokens that is.)
Gummy(Jelly costume?)
Mint (Frost-themed monster costume?)
Bitter (Poison-themed monster costume?)
Suggested by: AlphaStevo
And More tokens! (Candy that is)
Spicy Candy
Description: Not sure who made this, but nonetheless it would've been quite a popular cooking ingredient. If it wasn't for the fact that Fire themed constructs liked it so much.
Rewards: [5 tokens= Mouth Watering Firo Knight Mask, lasts for 1 week] [25 tokens=Eye watering Firo Knight Mask, lasts for 2 weeks] [75 tokens=Mouth Burning Firo Knight Mask, lasts forever!]
Impatient Candy
Description: Said to make you feel extremely impatient, however it appears to have the opposite effect if you already are
Rewards: [5 tokens=Frowning Devilite Mask, lasts for 1 week] [25 tokens=Annoyed Devilite Mask, lasts for 2 weeks] [75 tokens=Raging Devilite Mask, lasts forever!]
Chilly/Scary Candy (otherwise referred to as mint)
Description: Upon eating this not only will you be scared out of your skin, it also drops your blood temperature to a freezing -4122∘ Celsius.
Rewards: [5 tokens=Shivering Howlitzer Mask, lasts for 1 week] [25 tokens=Chilly Howlitzer Mask, lasts for 2 weeks] [75 tokens=Frozen Howlitzer Mask, lasts forever!]
Auras: [100 Impatient Candies=Cursing Aura (where a bunch of censored words emit from you)] [100 Spicy Candies=Steaming Aura (where a constant stream of steam emits from the knight *most likely where the "ears" are supposed to be*] [100 Chilly/Scary Candies= Chilly Aura (where gusts of wind blow beside the knight, kinda like the gusts of wind you see when you are at High Graphics]
Accessories: [60 Impatient Candies=Truly Impatient Axe (resembles the axe carried by Devilite Overtimers, attaches to the back of armor, where the wing accessories fit) 90 Impatient Candies=Prismatic Angry Eyes (resembles the glowing eyes of Devilite Overtimers, attaches to the same accessory slot as Prismatic Glow Eyes)]
[60 Chilly/Scary Candies=Skeleton Wings (the bone structure of wings, kinda like the Valkyrie Wings and Dragon Wings, only just bones) 90 Chilly/Scary Candies= NOT TOO SURE, STILL THINKING XD
[60 Spicy Candies=Malfunctioning Pack (resembles the two pipe like mechanisms you see on Mecha Knights, which constantly release sparks and smoke, attaches to the back of armor like wings) 90 Spicy Candies=Shocked Aura (kinda like the sparks a Mecha Knight sends out when it gets shocked/malfunctioned but it doesn't interrupt anything)]
Submitted by Xxpapaya
Free accessories like last year, from the good old OOO.
Similar to the pumpkin bomb bandilier that came into the mail to any knight that was created at the time that wasn't part of multiple acc. This is not something bought this was actually something given out to knights FOR FREE if you do not remember.
Give pumpkin king some new attacks, maby some bullets. (pretty self explanatory he maby attacks just a little bit why the zombie reskin do all the work while he bounces about. (where you can just heard him in the corner..)
Re-skin of blast bomb line for Halloween seem kind of boring (dont do a re-skin please), unless there will be weapons with there own traits. (We would really have this instead!)
Keep format of the anniversary event, just halloweeny.
So keep the way its fun For F2P so that they can get some cool things but also make it for P2P interesting as well.