Well as i live and breath, you can buy OCH with CE on the Asian server. Something we've waited around half a year for on this server and to date still havent gotten xP
E-Passes are buyable for CE too. Come on three rings >:3
Well as i live and breath, you can buy OCH with CE on the Asian server. Something we've waited around half a year for on this server and to date still havent gotten xP
E-Passes are buyable for CE too. Come on three rings >:3
I wanna JOIN!
Im asian but i in U.S =C
Same here Ice. :P
But I smell a rat...
Yeah. I think someone said they mess things up with names and stuff. Like the 'driver' in storm driver being their word for the driver of a car. I'm not sure which country it is, but it's either Korean or Chinese.
Wait... the updated crystal bomb lines were added to the Asian server a few weeks before they were added to the normal server... so anyone else thinking what I'm thinking? In a few weeks... WE WILL FINALLY BE ABLE TO BUY EXPANSIONS WITH CE :'D /party
Unless this has been available on the Asian server for a long time, which I hope isn't true. Even then we still have hope. =)
Erm, I don't really play on the Asian Server, but it's pretty much behind everything that happens here. Like SLs only released recently, and DHF started today.
Are you really sure the updated crystal bomb lines hit the Asian server weeks before the normal server? 0.o
How much is an Elevator Pass on the asian server?
Also, it seems like the Crown->CE conversion would stabilize (around some unknown value) if Elevator Passes were purchasable with crowns instead of CE...
I sure hope they like their hyper inflation with E-passes being bought with CE. They'll have CE at 20K per 100 in about two months, tops.
@Goofio: 30-Day elevator passes are 2,400 CE and 7-Day elevator passes are 699 CE.
Hmm, interesting. :o
So, supposing this is all real and you're not pulling our collective leg with this... could you also take a screenshot of the trade window, maybe? With the Crown<->CE rates? I'd love to see OCH to be payable with CE, but elevator passes? Well, I have my doubts.
Enclavean, when was this added into the game? Because if it was in the last day or two, I'd bet they just finished it very recently and implemented on the Asian server first because their "update day" came sooner and we'll get it later this week, if not today.
"Enclavean, when was this added into the game? Because if it was in the last day or two, I'd bet they just finished it very recently and implemented on the Asian server first because their "update day" came sooner and we'll get it later this week, if not today."
You think that if we now "Busted" OOO they will try to cover their actions with that premade excuse and will implement it here too? I think OOO will of course not even bother to comment on this (i still didnt saw any comment on asian servers hosted by another site, yet there is no asian servers in official SK site game) and sooner or later some GM will come here and sweep this topic under carpet.
@Tenbriastar: If you REALLY think I'm pulling this out of my butt, then just wow..... but fine, here are screenies of the energy trade/market windows:
Oh and ele passes are very much available in the Supply Depot: http://i.imgur.com/IZOXc.png
@Duke: Released earlier today along with the Dark Harvest festival. Guess they timed it to be released togheter.
Enclavean... very well, I stand corrected. Looks legit enough to me. XP Curious and curiouser. I don't see the rates staying up like that for that long, unless the featured auctions over there are way more expensive to bid on and buyout (Which are the easiest Crown sinks, development-wise)
...1.7k CE.
I paid 3k for that [scrap]
Image: Asian Server SK Game has a pretty cool font to them.
Why would anyone want to go to the Asian server? Elevator passes being bought with CE means that people can easily grind out crowns and sink ENERGY out of their market. Their crowns price will horrifically skyrocket when people start hitting the KoA mission in stride and start spending less money. I hope they can stay afloat over there.
...What does Top Up on the depot screen do?
so anyone else thinking what I'm thinking? In a few weeks... WE WILL FINALLY BE ABLE TO BUY EXPANSIONS WITH CE :'D /party
Don't get your hopes up. Three Rings' original plan was for the expansion to be purchasable with CE. Sega, not Three Rings, were most likely responsible for reversing that. In China, Sega is probably only involved as the licenser, and the company that handles the servers and transactions, GameCyber, are free to do as they like.
I think they just dump random experiments just like lab rats on Asia server then see if they survive or not >__>
How do you even access this asian server? The game lets me pick between European and USA, but not Asia :(
Thenewteddy, you took the words right out of my mouth. :P
I'm not sure which country it is, but it's either Korean or Chinese.
...Since it's called HK/TW server it's obviously Chinese, I don't think it's hard to differentiate Chinese and Korean.
Crown->CE conversion would stabilize
Just saying, the CE price in TW server is rediculously high...
I recommend HK server if you're deciding to switch... here's a screenie from TW server, pretty old... I'd say it's even higher that 13k now.
How do you even access this asian server? The game lets me pick between European and USA, but not Asia :(
It's an individual server run by Gamecyber, OOO/SEGA gave them permission to run the game, and the liscense is probably 5 years... which means it's not 'connected' or doesn't share anything with our US/EU SK, which means switching = starting from scratch. There're currently Simplified/Traditional Chinese (horrible translations) and English available.
How would one 'start' on said server?
Every non-Asian T3 player is now going to be literally begging the devs to implement this into the non-Asian servers. Truth to be told, every T3 Asian can easily get this... (FSC and KOA grinds)
Every non-Asian T3 player is now going to be literally begging the devs to implement this into the non-Asian servers. Truth to be told, every T3 Asian can easily get this... (FSC and KOA grinds)
I tried it but I can not interact with my NA characters though the asian servers. In other words, it is as though there are two different, nearly identical games both called Spiral Knights, but which do not interact with one another.
That's exactly right. Pretty sure that's been said already. The Taiwan and Hong Kong severs are totally separate too.
Whelp, there goes my idea to single-handedly balance the different CE markets while making uber profit at the same time.
Request source on Sega being the culprit of barring us from purchasing OCH with CE.
@Poopsie: Three Rings has no say in this server what so ever.
@Materialist: Yes the prices in the TW server are 14/15k, I recommend everyone who joins to play on the HK server. I get 3 bars there and 1 bar on TW O.o
@Thenewteddy: Yeah the servers are separated, so I had to start all over again :(
@Eltia: He said "most likely" so it was an educated guess i believe.
@Bosuonparedo: "Top Up" screen is where you buy CE with real life money or gcards.
@Malsvirbranea: Funny you say that, likewise over here a few people are saying "why would anyone wanna go to the US server"
@Enclavean 3bars? Nice, too bad I'm Australian, I think playing on both servers will still, only get me 1 bar. xD (We're in the middle of no where :D)
Would people who have no idea what the situation is like in the Asian server refrain from spouting nonsensical [Vana-censored] as if they knew the economics behind everything? The elevator pass has been purchasable with CE since the launch of the Asian server, and there are many MANY full 5* players there, yet I don't see the CR->CE exchange spiraling out of control.
Think about *why* CE is so expensive now. Craft costs and elevator costs, right? (Granted, some CE is also bought just for player-to-player trade purposes, but that CE derives its value from the primary demand.) Well, with CE-buyable ele passes, any player with 2.4k CE will only need to worry about craft costs for a month. So you have a lot more cr entering the system, yes, but you also have a much-reduced expenditure of CE in the first place.
The problem I see with this, though, is that this would seem inevitably to reduce revenue. I wonder if/why it works on the Asia server; it does not seem to me like it would work great here. You'd have both less CE and fewer ele passes bought with $, surely.
Derpules, the thing is that people shouldn't be spending CE on elevators in the first place. They should use their mist tank and be done, otherwise they're throwing CE down the toilet.
Eventually, people will probably become uninterested in buying CE so others can get elevator passes, and their crowns to CE rating will go through the roof. Remember, all of that CE came from someone who's put their money into the game. If less money and CE flows in, then those elevator passes start becoming mighty expensive.
Edit: Name fix'd.
Beh. I always read the name that way. Excuse me while I fix the mistake. 1 AM is not a good time for me to stay awake at.
I'm quite hopeful that a feature such as this will go live here as well in the near future. The day the OCH update hit the servers without being available for all free players, I stopped playing as the game wasn't F2P anymore (at least in my opinion). I still visit the forums and check the release notes, ever hopeful OOO makes good on their promise of allowing every player to get this expansion without spending a single cent (assuming our time is worthless.)
I'd really appreciate a statement from OOO as any technological reasons for not implementing this feature are obviously void.
Concerning the possibility of offering other premium items (e.g. elevator passes or vanity items) for CE I'm far more skeptical. This would most likely have a major influence on the economy and OOO's revenue. I don't mind OOO selling convenience and vanity items for real money - I'm actually quite comfortable with such a business model - as long as the actual content is available to everyone.
that will bring back the guy who does Spiral Spy! :D
*starts please spam*
*mouth gets banned for spamming*
*mind gets banned for spamming*
Or the fact that OOO claimed they dont know "if its even possible" and sudennly it appears out of nowhere on asian servers (and OOO is supposed to still work on it) will make him never come back after seeing that.
Unless he knows that there's a difference between getting it to work on the Asian servers where they don't have to deal with Steam.
Excess mist energy is best spent via crafting.
If you have an epass, you'll likely use up extra CE crafting your gear and otherwise buying weapon slots et cetera to get rid of and not waste your mist energy.
What this would mean, is that the game would be a bit more f2p than it is already.... and it especially would be if there was an option to get a 1 day epass.
I bought this expansion. And I liked it. Worth the ce price in the Asian servers.