Another idea of mine I was told to post here.
Legion of Almire Boss
Backstory: The Almirian noble named Lord Brandell, who tried to escape Vanaduke's attempts to claim the souls of his people with fire.
Level Appearance: The same area where zombies were fought before the Codex.
Description: Appears as what the Slag Guards originally looked like, with simple armor and no helmet. Has purple fire and veins. Carries a giant Blackened Crest and a big purple Fang of Vog. Rides a skeletal horse that has the head of a Howlitzer.
Flavor Text: A lost Almirian nobleman! He's protecting something...
Attacks: Shadow. All attacks and fires are purple, and have no status effects.
Phase 1
Lord Brandell will start out by charging at one of you. A purple arrowed cursor appears around the target. He'll run with his shield up, so only attacks from behind can hurt him. Once he gets to you, he'll slash twice, and his shield lowers. Once he gets to an edge, he'll stop, turn around, and the horse will blast 5 fireballs. His shield lowers when the horse is attacking. Once the horse is done he'll target someone again.
Phase 2
Now the horse is ticked. Fiery purple veins appear on it's bones. Lord Brandell will now charge faster and his slashes will launch single fireballs at the target. A trail of fire appears behind the horse. Once he gets to an edge, he'll turn around, and the horse will pop it's head off like a Howlitzer and chase a target for a while spitting out fireballs and eventually after about 15 seconds exploding. Then it's head respawns onto the body and Lord Brandell charges again. Lord Brandell's shield will be up while the horse's head attacks.
Phase 3
The horse explodes. Lord Brandell is now on foot. He can chase after a target and swing the Fang of Vog 5 times, Swing it slowly to launch 2 giant fireballs at a target, do a massive version of a Fang of Vog charge that sends 8 fireballs out in a * formation, send a 4 explosion fiery wave out, or do a more damaging slow 3 swing combo with his sword. With his shield he'll bump you, this bump brings out a regular Fang of Vog charge that will push you away. While he steps with his shield up fire will appear behind him, making it hard to sneak behind.
Falling to his knees with a thud, Lord Brandell drives his blade into the dirt and turns into stone, joining the men who once followed him as a statue.
Simply posting the idea, not exactly asking it replace the current final battle of the Danger Mission. It's here more for your thoughts on the boss itself than having it added to the mission as the idea.
Not too sure what to say =) Its a good suggestion, but I don't do danger missions often, if not at all. This is for other to decide =)
Good luck