For long time i have been stumbling upon a problem where i couldnt acces support portal (blank white screen).
Recently with the great help of GM Clotho, Helios and most possibly other Spiral Knights Staff probelm was solved and Spiral Knights support have sent me a succesful solution.
Im sharing it here for all other people having this problem.
You will need to modify one of the site cookies. For this you will have to use either browser built in tool to edit cookies or other plugin (for Firefox i suggest Cookies Manager+).
When you download that pluging or localise tool you should clear your cookies and then open this
site (it was the site that appeared blank white for me)
There will be two cookies (if you didnt clear your cookies there will be more and you will have to filter it with spiralknights phrase) JSESSIONID and the other one we need to change. Its name is some random numbers from range 1-9 and a-f (30-35 characters long). When you select this cookie you should see its name, domain: ".spiralknights.com" and value "x" that will represent language. What you need to do is to change whatever value is there to "en" (without quotation marks). After that save cookie, and set it to not expiry anytime soon. Then reload page and enjoy support portal.
Here is simple step by step original of solution from support staff working with Opera web browser (that has built in cookie editor):
1) Open https://www.spiralknights.com/support/#mail
2) Right click -> Edit site preference -> Cookies
3) There will be two cookies, ignore "JSESSIONID" and press "edit" on the
4) In the field "value" change whatever language string there is to "en"
5) Reload page
Thanks again for Spiral Knights GMs from support, Clotho, Helios, Hyperion and most likely some more who worked on this issue.
Helios --- Still wont help the poor guy with his dam router....then again none of the game masters will WORSE GAME MASTERS ever <69.