Right now there are two videos I made, and I'm thinking of ideas for more (anything from more battle tactics to crafting and trading). Any suggestions would be appreciated. "Dealing with an aisle of gun puppies with a sword" is giving me pause for thought.
The first is about methodically not rushing into a room made of ice block divisions and monsters.
The second video is a bit more advanced, a bit over 5 minutes of battle footage, and is all about kiting and bombs. Kiting was a new concept to me when I first came to Spiral Knights, having never played MMORPGs before (and you can't really kite in a text MUD), so I hope this video will help others.
This is the first time I've ever played with the likes of iShowU and iMovie, so I may be doing things wrong.
Of course, it may be the case that these videos help no one; hence it's all tentative.
These are very well made, and fun to watch. I found the bombing one particularly useful, since I don't have any experience with bombs but should probably start using them.
As for suggestions for future ones, certainly one on dealing with gun puppies would be helpful. Also maybe some on the Jelly King and levels leading up to him, especially level 16. For instance, a lot of new players seem to rush into the gun puppy rooms on the upper left while all the enemies are still inside, and get themselves killed, instead of just backing out and dealing with the jellies first. Actually maybe just a tutorial on backing away/kiting moving enemies with you when you're faced with an area with both gun puppies and other enemies would help.
Keep up the excellent work! It's great to see someone put so much effort into helping new players. :)