Operation Crimson Hammer
First of all, gunslingers aren't bothering with buying OCH because it gives a sword, a bomb and a dumb-looking helmet. Gunslingers don't act thankful for a helmet that gives shock, fire, med CTR and low ASI so I guess remove it. We'll replace it with a gun that's thematically consistent with WRH and DR.
Swordsmen get a high-DPS, high-risk, elemental sword.
Bombers get a high-DPS, high-risk shadow bomb.
Gunslingers should get a high-DPS, high-risk piercing gun.
After extensive research, I found that the game contains such a weapon., and it's not behind a paywall like our options are! Gunslingers are understandably really mad about this! :[
I think we should make things fair for them and put Blitz up as an OCH exclusive just to make things even. Everybody's happy now! :D
Shadow Lair Armours
Swordsmen and Bombers get awesome rewards hidden within the depths of the Shadow Lairs. It's super unfair that Gunslingers don't get in on this action! :'[
I did some research and swordsmen get a shadow armour that gives a damage bonus while bombers get armour that gives a universal bonus nobody cares about as well as a low bonus relevant to their weapon. I did some more research and it seems like Gunslingers have a shadow armour with a damage bonus and an armour with a universal bonus nobody cares about as well as a low bonus. Neither are behind massive CE-walls like they are for the other classes and Gunslingers are understandably really mad about this! :\
I think we should make things up for Gunslingers and put Shadowsun and Deadshot up as Shadow Lair armours. I'm sure all the Gunslingers will be really grateful towards OOO when they do this so please hurry and do that Nick! <69
Oh, and I noticed that Heavenly Iron gets a low bonus against fiends and a low bonus on swords, so I was thinking that maybe we could make the undead bonus on Deadshot low and give it a penalty against shock so things can be fair for Gunslingers and balance it with swordsmen. Don't let swordsmen hog all the shock penalty, OOO! <3
A mobile piercing weapon
All gunslinger gets against devilites and beasts is Blitz Needle and Callahan, and those really suck because you can't move while using them just like with bombs and swords, except they get range and more damage while we don't, and that's not fair on Gunslingers at all! :(
Gunslingers are always jealous at DBB and Flourish and even though those do much less damage than Blitz does because gunslingers have no options at all when it comes to being mobile and attacking things. Gunslingers are really mad about this! :<
Swordsmen and Bombers don't have any piercing weapons with ridiculous damage like Gunslingers do, but they're still envious at us so I think that you should just turn it into a piercing Antigua and then everything will be fair and balanced. I can hear the Gunslingers crying out in joy alredy! n_n
Only One Lockdown Weapon
Swordsmen get TWO swords, a shock-variant of their status-lines and a freezing variant of their heavy lines. Bombers get TWO bombs! A shock variant of their crowd control bomb and a stun variant of their status-lines.
I think Gunslingers should have a shock variant of either a crowd-control or status-focused gun they could get for Krogmos just like Swordsmen and Bombers do. I did some research and apparently there is such a weapon already, but they don't have to grind 300 Krogmos like other people do. Gunslingers are, understandably, really mad about this! :S
I think Storm Driver should be unlockable for Krogmo coins to make things fair on Gunslingers. They'll be so relieved when you do this! :3
You want to take out Shadowsun and Deadshot and put them as SL armors?
If there was to be a SL armor for gunners it should have:
Pierce and Normal Resist
Shock Resist
ASI Low for Guns
Damage Bonus Low for Guns
Charge Time Reduction Low for Guns
Movement Speed Increase Low
OP so make it now.