6209 is the number.
Count to 7,000 Game
Been playing Splat2n lately.
I wonder if I can get 6209 splats in one game with the carbon roller.
Glad you've posted in other thread first, I quickly went here and tried to make a post before you do (if you do), so I can post again. And it worked! Sorry I messed up your counting with that. That number should be something less than 6211 and at the same time something that wasn't mentioned here, yet.
EDIT after nearly 6 days: Fine, have it your way. 6210
Was it 0.001?
You didn't specify it was an integer.
Anyway, 6211.
Small wandering 1 accidentally jumped into open 6211's mouth. Suddenly, 6211 started evolving. Congratulations! Your 6211 is now 6212.
Did you know?
Diamonds don't shine, they reflect.
Did you know?
That also applies to not only the Moon, but also all the other planets in the solar system.
Did you also know?
We messed up the number! We said 6209 twice!
Fun fact: I programmed a simple prime number finder in Python. (If an 11 year old can do it, you can too!) I thought I was gonna solve science and find prime numbers forever. Then I realized that when the program even reaches the biggest prime number, it would have already hung itself.
Well, even if my program can't solve science, it can find out that 6208 is not a prime number.
Dropping by just to say: where the hell did you get 6208 from...
The number is 6217.
Looks like from the end of previous page. Also, we've missed some prime numbers. Ironically, one of them is 6217, which Markelu was expected to use.
The number's 6218.
I also made a prime number finder thingy!
First things first, it's 6219, and second:
def prime(num):
if num in range(-1, 2):
print ("%d isn't prime, no matter how much you think it is." % num)
suc = 1
for i in range(2, num):
if num % i == 0:
suc = 0
if suc == 1:
print ("Yay! %d's prime!" % num)
print ("%d isn't prime..." % num)
Could be simplified, but eh.
Always remember: if you find a super efficient way to find primes, you'll either be very, very rich or very, very dead.
At the time of me writing that previous comment, the number was still 6207. I guess they got to me first.
Anyways, the number's 6220... or should we count my failed reply and make the number 6221?
You make the choice.
I'd like to go with 6220, this game is allowed to have mistakes. That means I'm increasing the number to 6221. Oh! It's a prime. (This fact hasn't influenced my decision. Seriously.)
The noobie had a problem.
He said "I know! I'll use a regular expression!"
The noobie now had 6224 problems.
That moment when you want your Lichen to combine with another Lichen but it combines with different Lichen instead and everything's wrong.
The number's 6225.
Can I just say how much I love this thread? It's such a great excuse to talk about random stuff and to make stupid jokes.
6226. Palindrome!
I really like it too. Sadly, I often can't think of any funny stuff. It would be great if there was more active people, but I'm glad I'm not alone.
The number's 6227. Rhododendron.
I mean, if there was only you, this thread would be stuck at whatever number until someone else came along.
I like counting games. :)
6229 is a prime number.
I think I've listened to this for at least 6232 minutes.
If you two are feeling lonely counting, just remember that I will sometimes check out on this thread and increment the number to 6233.
Heeeeey! Glad to hear that. :)
The number's 6234.
The first Unreal Tournament was simply called Unreal Tournament, but is also known as Unreal Tournament '99. It ran on the first Unreal Engine. Its sequel called Unreal Tournament 2003 and its more polished version Unreal Tournament 2004 ran on Unreal Engine 2. I've liked this naming scheme, because it involved the number of its Unreal Engine (UT1999 -> UE1, UT2003 and UT2004 -> UE2). Then, there was Unreal Engine 3 with its Unreal Tournament, this time called Unreal Tournament 3, because they obviously couldn't use release year again. Now, they are making another Unreal Tournament in Unreal Engine 4 without any number (because many publishers/developers love to do that in these days for general confusion). It seems to be heavily inspired in UT99, so it could be classified as a "remake," what's probably the reason for using the same name as the original.
Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with number 6236, at least I'm not aware of it if it does.
that feeling when your last week of term has an assignment due and two tests.
6237 for no reason.
I thought about your Non-standard Lemonade Stand game lately. It was weird to me that player's AP fully refilled each turn while you could use only one attack per turn. I've quickly found a solution: choose more attacks per turn. But now that you made Markelu use Pat 3 times, I see that this indeed was possible. ...Or just my head messes with me again and I completely misundersood everything.
Either way, the number's 6238.
No, you can use multiple attacks per turn, it's just that nobody has enough AP (Lemon Rage is 20 when Pi has 20 AP).
You can use 6239 attacks each turn if you wanted to!
Yes, I see now. On completely unrelated note, some Pokémon Gen I glitches are a bit scary. It is weird, but they can make you feel uncomfortable.
The number's 6240.
Pokemon Gen 1 is hands down the worst gen.
No contest.
Cannot be argued with.
I can probably name 6241 problems if I try hard enough.
Well, maybe not, but still.
On the other hand, its glitches are glorious. Hearing data? Reading sounds? Seeing RAM? No problem. Interpreting blocks of RAM as pokémons? Ok. Swapping them between each other, that is putting chunks of data with their unique purpose where they doesn't belong? Doable. Rewriting portions of game memory with garbage without crashing? Doable as well. Making your own game in Pokémon? If you do it well it will gladly do what you told it to. I find this all really fascinating. I've also seen a video where someone played the game with some hack, that kept modifying random bytes in game memory. He had to restart every few minutes, but that thing tried to continue no matter what. Gen I runs like a zombie*.
The number's 6242.
*I mean an undead creature that just won't die, no matter the damage you do to it. Skeletons from Dark Souls could be one such example. Herex probably too, despite not being an undead.
The whole "writing game memory with garbage" exists in quite a few other games. It's called "arbitrary code execution".
Like, someone made Pong and Snake in Super Mario World.
Also 6243.
"Writing game memory with garbage" doesn't necessarily means ACE to me. Anyway, I've seen 2 videos exploiting ACE to escape the game and exectute short custom "programme" towards the end. One was TAS which ended with intro song from My Little Pony and balloon picture on the screen, and the other was played by real person who programmed Pong there.
I'm aware that similiar things exists in other games, but Pokémon has so many glitches discovered and explored very deeply. I don't watch glitch videos from other games, so I've got no idea to what degree are explored glitches from games like Super Mario or Half-Life. For me Pokémon Gen I is king of all glitches, despite the fact that some other game may be broken even more. It's simply an opinion of mine.
Sorry for putting you through all of this. I offer you 6244 cookies as a symbol reconciliation.
my favourite glitch is when tasbot make mario maker in smw
Also, you keep your cookies. I'll even throw in one more, 'cause I'm nice I think.
(i.e. 6245)
I saw one glitch TAS for some Mario game too. It had about 10 minutes and showed off several hidden features, including secret developer console or something (just kidding, it was only arbitrary code execution).
Since I don't know what to do with all those cookies now, I put them on a table. Because I want to look nice too but I don't have any more cookies, I add one mushroom on the pile. I also make a sign saying "SNACKS" with purpose of informing random passers-by about table's content. Because amount of snacks on the table may change, I don't include information that there is 6246 snacks on the plate.
You mean the one where they sudo color a dinosaur?
Or do you mean a different one?
Anyway, 6247.
Yes, it's that one. I'd swear there was one section where they entered the RAM and found "earthquake block," but it was probably different video since it isn't there.
The number's 6248.
FAKE VIDEO! TAS is cheating Emulator used, not console...
Just kidding!
Try it, Mitch!
But really, this is thread for talking about tons of random things. You were right.
Just went to a concert. Mahler symphony 1 is amazing.
(did you know I'm also a music nerd?)
I quickly went through a video on YouTube, so I know a bit what are you talking about because I've never heard about this symphony. It isn't my favourite genre (this doesn't mean I don't like it), but it sounds well. I like music in general (who doesn't?), but I usually can't say about specific tracks more than "I like" and "I don't like."
The number's 6252.
Lately I saw in the forums claim, that Twins can't be defeated with shard bombs. I know, that Twins' rockets cause some damage when they hit them, so I tried to prove yesterday that this claim is wrong. Sadly, after about hour (I think?) of feeding them rockets, I died, and I didn't even cause enough damage to move them to another phase. I coudln't check how many HP left to that, because I didn't bring any weapons except that single Shard Bomb. Next time I'll have a free weekend, I'll try to do it again, maybe on Normal, so it doesn't take so incredibly long.
The number's 6254.
Well it looks like all the old posters are suddenly returning now, probably only for the purpose of increasing the number to 6208, but still, nice to see you again.