Hi guys! I'm Zeddy, no I'm actually Fehzor I just ripped off his thread because it was cool and I want to be cool too. As you all know from perusing Hall of Heroes, the developers attempt to justify enough classes for me to find one of the ones that doesn't make sense aside from shadow defender. (Striker, Gunslinger, Bomber, Specialist, Cobalt Knight, Guardian, Elemental Defender, Shadow Defender and Piercing Defender), and I have gone down the very equally valid path of being a one of these, because I think that if I waste money on something and make a weak copy of a forum topic I'll sound pretty cool, dude. Here's my guide:
-Read the Shadow Defender thread that Zeddy made
-Attempt to hack into Zeddy's account so that I can bump it and answer questions like they're cocaine
-Failing that, plagiarize Zeddy's OP and sub in unique words/paragraphs pertaining to myself.
This is all there's to it! Hope I helped! Attention [Cravers] don't have anything to do with actual threads. We mostly just make bad "meme" threads that feed our want for attention and kill epic semi-political jokes. You might think we should actually contribute something mildly unique because it really isn't that hard to be creative, but that's the job of Zeddy and the Shadow Defenders.
I don't understand the Fehzor-Zeddy relationship, but the thread you're lampooning is fine with me. Anyway, these are the worst attention-seeking threads:
* I'm quitting the game, and will now perform a rant that you've seen many times --- probably about new content, but maybe about energy. In any event, the content of the rant is that I deserve unlimited entertainment for free, but Three Rings is too stupid or evil to give it to me.
* I just came back to the game after a break. So what's new? Of course, I could more easily discover this information for myself using the wiki or Announcements forum. So my real agenda is to determine which of my friends is still around. Of course, I could more easily discover this information for myself in-game...
Oops --- I'm way off-topic for the Arsenal forum. These threads usually appear in General Discussion.