What this game ACTUALLY needs, compared to what people THINK it needs

80 replies [Last post]
Hexzyle's picture

I hear a lot of people complaining about "we want more content" and then suggesting things that honestly wouldn't help in the long run.

A frequently suggested idea is Tier 4, in all its forms. But what would this create? All it would do is cause the players to get to the end of tier 4 and grind that, and then whine that they need a tier 5, and so on and so forth.

Another idea is more levels. But this, like Tier 4, is just the same old stuff, put into a new container in a different configuration. It doesn't alleviate the lack of "playable content" that everyone wants.

More weapons? Yeah, I guess, but you're still using them in the same old way. (and it only affects those who chose to use the new weapons)

Once the players have reached "end game", what more is there to do?

What would truly help, not only tier 3 players, but also tier 2 and 1s, is more enemies.
Not just one or two, but a plethora. I'm talking 15-30. We need jellies that split apart into smaller ones when attacked. We need brutish werewolvers that gallop around at great speeds, wall-running, throwing their weight around and in general trying to destroy the player. We need construct catapults that fire mini gremlins at the player, which then parachute down and just try to be a nuisance in general. We need tiny repair robots that buzz around on the ground which can heal or throw up a protective forcefield over its fellow monsters. We need jellies that pretend to be a treasure box, or perhaps even a fellow knight, and tries to body slam into the player when they come near. We need immobile plants that hide in grass or bushes and snaps at the player or spits long, spiny vines. We need giant rolling balls so we can Indiana Jones our way down long hallways. We need skeletal liches which cast curse over an area of effect. We need fire/shock/poison/ice-breathing drakes with limited flight shooting various projectiles at the player. We need more enemies that cooperate with eachother to create more deadly combinations.

This is supposed to be a planet constructed of various worlds. The lack of diversity in monsters doesn't really reflect that.

With more enemies, (not necessarily all in the one level, spread them out a bit) more strategies arise. More level configurations can be made, and the diversity of level building increases. More traps help too: the fire launchers in the Razwog level were a very good example. With levels feeling less stale, and more enemies arising that the player needs to learn how to fight, the game becomes fresh again. Certain enemies might be harder to fight, and can spawn more frequently on higher difficulties. You can play through a level you've done before and not feel like you've done it before.

This is probably a bad example but, of all my experience on the forums, the least complaints arise when new enemies are added.

Amaki's picture
Now this I can actually support.

Quite honestly, there aren't that many "roles" for monsters to be in at this time, with the Battle Arenas giving a general sense of the limited variety available. While the game is certainly enjoyable with the number of enemies currently existing, having a very large and thus more random selection would improve things.

For example, Wolver Dens are incredibly scripted levels, with only a few monsters besides Wolvers (in easily spotted rooms) and a preset arena. What if once in a while we expected to find an Alpha Wolver and instead got the unpleasant surprise of the angelic-but-deadly Skolver? (I'm convinced it exists. Somewhere.) Or Gremlin Hunters, purpose more or less self-explanatory?

Also, props to all of Hex's ideas. Just a note, though: you didn't suggest a new fiend monster.

Gravelord-Caste's picture
The Truths don't provide any Answers

I don't care if it's a bad example, I like it, and you can't go far wrong with a mimic.

Hexzyle's picture

having a very large and thus more random selection would improve things.

Exactly what I was trying to get at. Pokemon wouldn't be as fun if there were only ~30 pokemon to fight and catch. You can't go wrong with variety (as long as the variety doesn't increase complexity too much)

you didn't suggest a new fiend monster

There are already quite a few. Plus there's the Pit Brute

Warp-Master's picture

OK, the reason I suggested more levels instead of more enemies is because adding more enemies takes more art and more code; adding more layouts is an easier, lazier way to add more content, and therefore more likely to actually happen. Besides, why can't we have both?

Also, regarding a Fiend suggestion: possessed copy machines.

Buzzshadow's picture

I can agree to this

Hexzyle's picture

adding more layouts is an easier, lazier way to add more content, and therefore more likely to actually happen

Of course it is. I'm just cutting to the root of the problem, though.

Besides, why can't we have both?

We can. But adding new enemies first would allow more level configurations to be made, and the diversity of level building would increase

Orangeo's picture

-though I don't hear that much T4 talk. People who want T4 don't realize what a pain it would be to make stuff, and how unentertaining it would be if it was just "the same but harder". Definitely would be better to just expand other tiers, more enemies, more bosses, etc. NOT DLC.

Venomousbiohazard's picture

It is about time we need more enemies.

Kalaina-Elderfall's picture
This is pretty funny to me

This is pretty funny to me actually because yesterday I was fighting Gorgos and was thinking "Wow, maybe I don't actually want more types of enemies after all." And the swarm levels are still a nightmare to me.

What I really want is just more level variety. I really hate your standard Clockworks floors, but I -love- Aurora Isles, don't mind Jigsaw Valley too much, love arenas, Devilish Drudgery, Lichenous Lairs, even Wolver Dens. To be honest, I will enjoy just about any floor that isn't standard Clockworks or a swam level - provided that there's variety. In the gate with three Decon Zones in a row, things got a bit tiresome by the last one.

More content doesn't necessarily mean more endgame content. I'd like to see a couple more boss stages, in any tier, and more types of levels to show up in the gates.

In short, I don't mind killing the same things over and over again. I don't think we need a ton more monsters, although a few could be nice to flesh out the monster families that don't have much going for them. I don't mind running through the same old Concrete Jungle and Dark City levels that I've been through dozens of times already, but the more types of levels there are, the more variety of play we can have, and it really doesn't have to be anything revolutionary. 'Course, when was the last time OOO actually listened to "I just want more of what there is now, not radical changes to how the game works"?

The said, I do think there's room to make the existing levels more interesting by adding intricacies like traps and puzzles. Although I think they were trying this with Scenario Rooms and... well, intricacies you can barely interact with if at all are not that compelling.

Zeddy's picture

I have given up figuring out what people want when they say they want 'more content'.

When compounds got introduced, I heard whining that OOO shouldn't be making these new monsters and levels, they should be making content.

Dashing and bashing. Don't make that, make content!

When gorgos got introduced, I heard the same. Don't make new monsters, make more content!

Battle sprites, a rework of the leveling system, loads of game-changing abilities, a set of missions including a boss. Don't make all that, make more content instead!

Content is apparently not new missions, new enemies, new abilities, new material sinks, or new bosses. Just what do people expect to find in the core if none of all that?

Orangeo's picture
Kalas got a point. Scenery

Kalas got a point. Scenery could help more than you'd think. I wouldn't want more enemies if they're just "Another enemy that walks towards you and attacks!".

Youwantcookies's picture
New Boss?

New Tier 4 fiend boss? (Oh gawd...)

Mtax's picture
Allan please add endgame content.

What that game really needs?
-Endgame content.

No, really...
One of my guildies started playing yesterday. He is close to get 4* set now. Really.
I hope those TDrone scenario rooms are really sign of something.

Second thing,

" You can play through a level you've done before and not feel like you've done it before. "

I have that feel whole time. If im doing to arcade, missions bosses or God knows what other I have damned déja vu!
I know every mob spawn in game! (expc SL)
That. game. needs. new. level. designs. B A D L Y.

Arelic's picture
All I can say is:

* Different players have different demands as well as preferences so similar concerns are expected.
* People will always have complaints about one thing if not another so Zeddy's question is warranted.
* I have grown to like the additions throughout my time in Haven, Clockworks, Cradle, and Spiral Knights.
* Where I cannot disagree is at the need of more variety as I would also poke at the idea of more puzzles.
* However, I am in no rush for new content immediately as I am still getting use to my sprite's applications.
* Would changing the nature of how one approaches the same obstacles make for a different experience? I do it.

* Where are my Tordodrones, Slooms, and Golden Trojans? D: Personally I would like a few more docile enemies, I think. But let me rethink that as we have the tenderfoot menders, silk wings, and gun pups already. I heard the Tordodrones were also docile unless provoked. Sounds like a good time. ;D
* I am always a sucker for more story content. The danger missions help with that as I realized through Legion of Almire yesterday. Keep it up OOO. Let us yield further speculation with what occurred in the core with the missing knights.

Oh ya. And I only see new tiers as the same thing but just greater specificity in handling so I would not look out for it.

(said more than I intended to say)

Coelydragon's picture

Ooh. I like this. So two things to sum it up. We need levels and monsters to actually try brutally murdering the player (currently the best way to kill a Trojan is to stare at it for a while, step aside, and shoot it with a nerf gun/gun that needs nerf) and we need a monster or monsters with an adaptive AI to provide constant challenge. One level of this would be sufficient if it (both level and monsters) morphed enough and kept a vanguard busy enough.

Gravelord-Caste's picture
/reply Zeddy

Content is apparently not new missions, new enemies, new abilities, new material sinks, or new bosses. Just what do people expect to find in the core if none of all that?


/r Everyone: I'm up for new enemies and new places. Preferably both, much like when Compounds were released (but with less G****mned Bats).

/r OP: More weapons? Yeah, I guess, but you're still using them in the same old way.

What about new weapon Types? Maybe lances, gauntlets, staves...

Hexzyle's picture

You and I both. So I came up with what I thought would be in the best interest of everyone in regards to "content". Something that would be "forced" upon everyone. Something like new weapons doesn't really apply to everyone (since they're optional) so some people will complain about those updates.

Lances, Staves and Gauntlets fall into the melee weapon category.

Warp-Master's picture

Lances, Staves and Gauntlets fall into the melee weapon category.

Not only that, they're basically swords with odd hitboxes, and we have a ton of those already. I kinda wish we had Gauntlets just so I could punch Menders and Pit Bosses in the face, though.

Remove-The-Forge's picture
I am actually surprised that

I am actually surprised that this hasn't been moved to Suggestions, yet.

Gravelord-Caste's picture
/reply HexZyle

Lances, Staves and Gauntlets fall into the melee weapon category.

Hrm. While they could fill different roles, Lances having more defensive gameplay with Shield buffs for example, I see your point. Although staves might not be a melee weapon; the Seraphinxes DID learn magic, aye? Maybe they could be a new weapon type, but that's another topic for another thread.

/r Warp-master: I would LOVE to punch the snobbish, upper-class coffee drinking [REDACTED]s.

/r Cirnothebaka: I concur.

rough reading

"A frequently suggested idea is Tier 4, in all its forms. But what would this create? All it would do is cause the players to get to the end of tier 4 and grind that, and then whine that they need a tier 5, and so on and so forth."

what exactly is wrong with that. its been pointed out many times in sks early stages that this game will need new content around the clock

"What would truly help, not only tier 3 players, but also tier 2 and 1s, is more enemies."

i hate dust bunnys, drones r just plain annoying, no threat, no reward, just an annoyance
i avoid clockworks becuz every gate has som compound lvl in it wtfreally

amount of monsters of prefered kind is awesome but like some sort of game mode or lvl or somthing, not as a global solution o.O

in my opinion ur idea is pretty much the same as opening the **** core already and going outer space, there would be no sense in new species appearing on our beloved cardle all over again

fact is game works out and seems to be cycling its playerbase/audience or at least im under that impression

Warp-Master's picture

@No-Thanks: http://i.imgur.com/dcYBfBK.jpg

There's no room for a Tier 4. There's 29 depth levels, the Core is Depth 30, that's it.

Mtax's picture

Core can be tier 4... but its unnecesary.

Traevelliath's picture

I would love some more randomized content that is profitable... Well basically the arcade except more random and more profitable. Even the cycling danger missions are great, because it's not the same thing over and over again. The only problem/complaint is the ratio of reward vs difficulty is way worse than FSC.

But I'd also heavily appreciate some weapon balance changes. I've been staying with the game by thinking "That looks shiny... I wonder what it would be like to use it!" I love the crafting changes, because it encourages this sort of mindset a lot better. However now I have an arsenal of equipment that I simply don't use because they just don't compare to my favorites. These include the Winmillion, Triglav, Fang of Vog, Furious Flamberge, Leviathan, Plague Needle, Valiance, Biohazard, Mercurial Set, Heavenly Iron Set, Ice Queen set, and the Almirian Set. The sad part is that a lot of these things I really WANT to use, like the Almirian Set, and the Winmillion, but they just don't work as well as my Snarby/Skolver and Brandishes.

Admittedly weapon balances don't solve the problem directly. They just provide a motivation to continue playing.

Azuricus's picture
Should be in Suggestions... but

+infinity and beyond

Agent-Fungoose's picture
What this game really needs

What this game really needs is moneyz!!!! Money money money money money money moneyz!!1 Moneh makaaah!!! Oyus, if we have OOO swimming in a pile of money, then they'll sure be more than happy to listen to all of our requests, demands, and complaints. Honestly, why wouldn't they? They'd be too busy celebrating in their new big submarine building, complete with fish aquariums as walls, 7 pool tables, a new coffee lounge, and they'd all have their very own personal assistant. They'd be so happy that they would spread that joyness with us shameful players, giving us what we want, and we will all be happy, and yeaaaah...

Scamall's picture
Writer's Block.

Agreed. I could go for more variety. Since SK's on Steam, I wonder if players might be able to use the Steam Workshop to create new items.

On an actual content note, I could go for a beach-themed level. With crabs and shellfish as Beast types. Maybe some Bro-Gremlins and volleyball court battle arenas.

Or a desert landscape. Really, just think of biomes that aren't yet in the game. To my knowledge we don't have a real snow level, just those Mechanized Miles with ice machines. I could go for a demon snowman enemy.

This stuff writes itself.

The way I see it, there can

The way I see it, there can be two approaches to making the game more interesting: improving the single player aspect (missions, clockwork runs) or multiplayer (lockdown, blast network).

Single player aspect changes:
The problem with adding more monsters is coding up the AI. It would be boring to have 30 additional enemies that behave identically, and even now a majority of the monsters have a battle plan of "lock onto player position and lunge in that direction."

It's difficult to make an AI good, but not too good (ie. never miss) and their strategy has been to make enemies that do tons of damage, easy to learn the strategy to defeat, but requires learning the timing to avoid getting hit (ie. trojans, vanaduke), especially if you're juggling more than one at a time.

The simplest change to add more intrigue to the game with minimal coding required: Weapon Challenges.

I believe it isn't enough to encourage players to craft weapons easily, but to actively use a variety of them. Where each depth includes a symbol for a weapon family (eg. Catalyzer, Callahan) and if you finish that depth with only that weapon, you earn an achievement and prize items. Something that rewards players for crafting and using a variety of weapons, rather than just the best and most effective.

Fighting stale enemies would feel different because your strategy would revolve around the variety of weapons you would challenge yourself to use.

Level design changes (ie. more interesting puzzles) and more diverse player-to-environment interaction would be the next step up. I would like to see more environment based hazards, like moving platforms where falling means dying, climbing ropes, etc. Maybe even puzzles that require dashing to get across, like a ravine. Maybe a puzzle revolving around invincible enemies and it's a race against time while avoiding death. Speed run levels would be cool too, and perhaps even leaderboard rankings for best time on each level in clockworks would be interesting.

Multiplayer Changes:
Lockdown definitely needs more attention.

It's not enticing enough to get lower tier players to play, even though they are separated from T3 players. T3 players step down their gear to play T2 or T1 only because they find it more interesting or balanced, which is a sign that Lockdown could use improvements.

Simplest change for more interesting Lockdown play? Allow UV-less games. It would be an option in addition to regular Lockdown, to join standard or UV-less games.

It allows people to play a version of Lockdown on a level playing field with the rich veterans, every equipment limited to their inherent buffs, no more being overshadowed by ASI VH players or Pierce Max, Normal Max armors. No more intimidation over having to get mowed down by a sea of strikers who spent hundreds of thousands getting the best UV gear.

Additional changes for more interesting gameplay? Weekly Weapon Ban Poll. Players vote to ban a particular weapon for a week, but no weapon can be banned for 2 consecutive weeks. People hate Polaris enough? It gets banned for a week and all LD games will be polaris-less until the next week. For more interesting gameplay. Maybe you hate Gran Faust. Or Warmaster Rocket Hammer users. Put it to a vote.

It goes without saying, but most LD players would like a tournament mode or just plain damage based dueling for the PvP enthusiasts. But I will give the benefit of the doubt that those are more difficult to implement.

I think the goal of Spiral Knights has been to encourage a variety of gear and weapon usage, and either adding benefits to using a variety of them or temporary bans on those that are too popular, will encourage diversity.

Hexzyle's picture

The problem with adding more monsters is coding up the AI. It would be boring to have 30 additional enemies that behave identically, and even now a majority of the monsters have a battle plan of "lock onto player position and lunge in that direction."

I never said it was going to be easy. I did suggest in the OP some creative ideas for new enemies: having enemies with a lack of inventive abilities makes combat stale.

The simplest change to add more intrigue to the game with minimal coding required: Weapon Challenges.

It's a similar idea to new weapons, but people have to be willing to participate in the challenge.

Additional changes for more interesting gameplay? Weekly Weapon Ban Poll. Players vote to ban a particular weapon for a week, but no weapon can be banned for 2 consecutive weeks. People hate Polaris enough? It gets banned for a week and all LD games will be polaris-less until the next week. For more interesting gameplay. Maybe you hate Gran Faust. Or Warmaster Rocket Hammer users. Put it to a vote.

I feel like this is just a cheap replacement for proper weapon balance.


I agree with you. However, time/effort vs value added is really the most difficult balance to figure out. If they spend 2 years creating more enemies, what if they suck? What if players lose interest during that time they are creating these new monsters, will their release be enough to encourage them to come back and stay around longer? In the last 6 months, they released compound minis, Gorgos, tweaked Greavers and Devilites--it looks like they are looking closely at the monsters encountered.

I feel like this is just a cheap replacement for proper weapon balance.

Definitely. But their approach to weapon/armor changes is slow and somewhat erratic (ie. shard bombs, mad bomber inferiority compared to chaos update?) It is highly unlikely there will ever be any real weapon changes in the near future, as most complaints seem to be filed as low-priority.

The most realistic change that will happen in the near future (6 months from now)? Return of tortodrones I guess, maybe 1-2 more missions, another event/promotion prize box. 1 year from now, probably release the 2 other sprites (that use valestone and moonstone), option to switch around sprites. Probably 1-2 more monsters released, I'm guessing another type of compound mini.

I would really like to see more active preview server releases that demonstrate potential ideas they are tossing around and willing to let users test and give feedback about. They didn't even add fire crystals to preview server until the last week of preview or so. As if they didn't want us testing mechanic changes at all, compared to just the sprites, which are still questionable.

Hexzyle's picture

I think something like the Fire Crystals could never be tested accurately by the testing community, especially so with the shortened time frame. Even now the general community disagrees on whether they are good or bad.

Buzzshadow's picture
@scamall I don't think the

@scamall I don't think the steam workshop would work because not everyone on SK has steam.

I don't think anyone would object to more lore added to the game, and new enemies wouldn't hurt too.

Fallconn's picture

Captain Falcon seal of approval on this thread, in other words


Klipik-Forum's picture

"With levels feeling less stale, ...the game becomes fresh again."

How is this different from adding new levels? Either way, soon you learn everything and it goes back to being stale.

Hexzyle's picture

New levels require new enemies. Let's take a look: Compounds - required three new enemies. Candlestick Keep - required a new enemy. Gremlin Grounds - required a new enemy. Operation Crimson Hammer - required several new enemies and a new boss. Even the new Pet missions have new enemies (the new boss and the launchers)

You can't create new levels that don't feel stale without first making new enemies. Everything revolves around enemies: people play this game to challenge their skills and fight, what greater thing to add to such a game than more versatility in combat opponents?

Clown-Nine's picture
We need tortodrone :). Plus

We need tortodrone :). Plus slooms and 13 other monsters

Sonosuke's picture
I think this needs a +1

And to be in the Suggestions. What this game needs is not new weapons or new armor and shields or new levels, but new enemies. Enemies we can attack with our new weapons. Enemies we can protect from with our new armor and shields. Enemies we can find on new levels. Enemies that aren't annoying, but a challenge.

Aidanblades's picture

The devs should actually look into this, but I think more monsters will come with the new boss.

Atlas-Snowcap's picture

I completely agree - but there's another point I want to add.

I recently bought the OCH expansion for a quid in the sales, and while some may consider Mortafires and Ghostmane Stalkers annoying, it highlighted something that I'd never really considered:

The importance of the fighting style of a monster. Sure, an enemy may be boring as heck when fighting it one-on-one (Mortafires...) but they bring new aspects to the game when combined with different enemies (if a Mortafire is present, you always have to be on your toes).

In this sense, having monsters that filled certain cliques and/or encouraged people to mix up their style of play would multiply the freshness of encounters by quite a lot. Different combinations of these enemies would encourage players to tackle each scenario differently.

And as a last note, I'm not saying that this has been absent at all from Spiral Knights, I just like the idea that if more monsters are added, they'll use less tactics that involve the simple "walk towards and attack" regime.

Avenger-Of-Troy's picture
I didn't read everything but perhaps my point was already said

A frequently suggested idea is Tier 4

Aren't shadow lairs T4? Also, I totaly agree with all these points. :)

not only tier 3 players, but also tier 2 and 1s, is the best line. Now, sure us T3ers want more content, but what about the slightly weaker guys? surrre, they have a whole game of content to get through, but still: this would help alot.

Also, a late point: They are adding new missions.

Bamzalot's picture
Heres a neat little story of my SK life. (+1)

One day I was a happy recruit in a giant ship called the Skylark. Then it crashed! A friendly Recon Knight named Rhendon got me up on my feet and set me on the path of Vanguard. After months of training and hard work, a Vanguard I did become. Now I'm just doing prestige missions or arcade runs all day long. It's nice and all but, every time I do something I get this MASSIVE feeling of déjà vu! Oh wait, everything here actually is the exact same as last time. Not déjà vu, just insanity...

Moral of the story: I came into SK with a bunch of stuff. I finished SK with the same stuff. I don't care if it's new levels, grand supply of fascinating new weapons, new game mechanics, better options for party play, or of course new monsters. Anything that can expand this game far beyond what it is now will be fine with me. I like this idea of new monsters. Now that you put the thought in my mind, you're right! We need some more things to kill! Lots and LOTS of things to kill! How much time it would take to do so is beyond me. But I can wait if it's some day promised to happen.

Ardent-Light's picture
I agree.

This game has to live up to the chaotic labrynth it claims to be. It has to have danger and excitement around every corner. It should make you excited every second of it. More levels might help too. Maybe fused levels?(The clockworks malfunction and some of the mobile biomes collide creating a double habitat with large variety of enemies. However, the AI will take forever to make if they are using a different AI for monsters.

Feline-Grenadier's picture

Now that this is bumped up, I WOULD like to see a higher diversity in enemies as far as combat and content goes...

...like bringing back a few old enemies and plenty of subtypes. Of course, that would have to thrash Malakym / Cherub around pretty hard to come up with concepts for the subtypes...

Mushy-Bucket's picture

Add way more situation rooms, following that up with making them far more common.

Hexzyle's picture

The clockworks malfunction and some of the mobile biomes collide creating a double habitat with large variety of enemies

That's what Compounds are. I enjoy both the scenery and enemy variation in those.

Skayeth's picture

This is what SK just needs. OOO is going to take an eternity to make this, though. And we will be seeing more player complaints.

Xtweeterx's picture
3 words

Worth the weig- I mean wait.

Theirillusion's picture

"What this game ACTUALLY needs, compared to what people THINK it needs."

We are all people, you too. If you say something this game really needs, that's your opinion and it counts to what people THINK it needs.

Skayeth's picture
Support art

I made concept art in support:

Just a few doodles.

Fehzor's picture

While I am inclined to agree- what I think the game really really really needs is faster content, where content is new monsters, abilities, levels, and gear.

Basically, a level editor and steam workshop type deal to free up the development team (who should be tweaking player made content while developing new mechanics) to speed things up.