Atalanta came by to say welcome on Haven 25 and chatted with us for about 40 minutes to one hour.
We got to talk about everything and ask a lot of useless question. Apparently the colour for the snipe outfit (labeled: M.(dev)_snipe) is prismatic o.O what'd you know ^ ^
She did not answer anything directly related to the game and in-game situation (like most CM/dev/GM does) but she let us know that they intend to do something about Radiant drops... soon-ish-er-later... She did not mention for the better or worst, just that the drop will change and that it is part of "management" (she said "Entretien", translate that from french, not 100% sure of it) of Spiral Knights...
All in all, I had a blast talking to her again. It's lovely to see a CM or GM drop by just to say hi and answer some random questions ^ ^
Here are some cool one of a kind snapshot from my video
We played hide and seek too! (and I found her! XD)
P.S. It lighten up the mood of SK, you should do this more often (maybe once every other week? catch us by surprise, no need to answer all questions and stay for too long XD)
Edit: Side note: I pointed out to Atalanta that they could switch Fire Crystal recipe to 100 4* to make 40-50 5* along with some cr or ce and she liked the idea. Although she is a CM and not a dev, she can't do it but she can talk about it in the next meeting XD
Edit 2: Linky link to the video in question. It's 13 minutes long and I don't speak much, sorry (I feel like I have a trucker voice >.<).
Translation: "No I don't know where she is"
*crack a laugh* "I just found Atalanta" <--- I said she was playing with her alt and she popped up next to me saying "what did you say?" that's why I laughed like that XD
"where is she? Ah there she is!"
"I just threw a snowball at Atalanta"
*reactions* "Did you see her costume?"
"Ban stick CTR VH ASI VH" <--- made a silly joke on how useful CTR VH is and my friend commented that a charged ban stick would ban multiple people, that's why I wrote multiban and took it off XD
All the chat you see at this point is memories of what Atalanta did as a CM (she also pointed out how bad she was at LD, we were talking about anything, what can a GM do, spawning boss in Haven would require a reset to take it off apparently)
OH MY VOG, After rewatching the video (for translation) you can see someone hitting Atalanta at 2:18 with a snowball while she is invisible (to your right) o.O
Fastforward to 11 min if you wanna see snipe outfit. The screen I took from the snipe outfit (the helm) is so short in the video, you might have to freeze frame to see it or check my screenie for easier access to that part
Snipe with hammer, that so cool.