Well Forge system is O.K but its no the very best personally i liked to orginal system BUT it can be made a ton better if there were heat capsules so that you can at least lvl a weapon around half a heat bar or even one whole level. Because heating weapons was much easier befour forge now its a bit more time comsuing knowing you have to stop.Use forge.and if theres no arsenal area you cannot use forge for example (boss rooms) SO this can be annoying at times so heat capsules ? A go or no?
So Forge can be made a bit better. (I suggest you read)
I understand what you mean but the point is i personally thing the go to place for heat is boss's but either way heat capsules still could be a good thing for those who dont have the time to heat normally

If you want to heat something effectively, then you shouldn't be doing boss runs. People can't rely on ol' Vanaduke or Jelly King to carry them along anymore.
I think you still dont understand the time it takes to heat...

the time it takes to heat is the same. if the forge is your only problem, go when you can forge on every level. that is, not in bosses and treasure vaults.
I have heated some weapons since the forge system was implemented. it's a bit tedious to go up and down to heat a weapon, but the choice is do something that isn't bosses, or do it. since I ain't be caring about profit, I did the latter. you could also get some party members, so that you can forge and join them back.
to me, the forge system is good right now, it doesn't need to be any faster.

Pretty much what Thunder said. The only problem with the forge system is the radiant drought, but that is another problem entirely.
again people do not seem to see the fact that heat still does take time one way or another for people who dont have TIME they can use HEAT capsules

Heating takes the exact same time as before assuming you have enough crystals, and with the current way the arcade works, you should have obtained just enough crystals when your weapon is ready to level up due to drop rates (the exception to this is Radiants). I don't know what you're going on about, but again, try doing something other than boss runs.

Dibsville, he means that forging forces players to stop heating a piece of gear to advance it to the next level. This means that you may only go up 1 heat level per floor, which does in-fact slow the heating process.
However, Pataponex, you have to realize that OOO did this on purpose, to stop people from crafting items so quickly that the can essentially "complete" the game in a much quicker fashion, since elevators are now free. The forge serves a purpose, and making heating go faster would void that purpose. So no, we don't need any way to make heating go faster. Be glad that you have free elevators now.

if your problem is heat and not the forge, then say it.
what do you mean you don't have time? are you about to die? if not, there's no hurry in getting everything. this is a game, in games some things can wait (more than IRL).
Ok again would it not be better to be able to heat much faster also these heat capsules dont have to be cheap if they are created yes OOO made it so people cannot beat the game quickly but older players like to craft fast and possibly try to get every slice of gear they can carry heat capsules would solve there problems.

I agree that heating does take a while now since now even when your heat bar is full, you have to get an appropriate amount of a specific fire cystals for you to heat your gear to the next level. Then you also have to keep in mind that forging can fail which leaves the third option as the 'go to' option which means that you'll need crystals.
You also have to keep in mind that not all knights can get crystals without much effort and can go on arcade runs without any problems. I don't heat my 3* weapons past level 5 as I find there no need to honestly, but that might not be the case for tier 2 players.
As for the suggestion, the main reason I disagree people would start racing through the game again if this was implemented. The other reason is because I don't completely understand what the heat capsule are supposed going to do as you didn't explain it well. I'd suggest adding more information.
If heatcapsules wont even be considerd then at least possibly maybe being able to heat multiple levels insted of getting a small chance of skipping a heat level and make it the orginal way but you would have to use the forge crystals to actually officaly lvl it FOR EXAMPLE (Your going through a boss run you heat the weapons or armour piece to lvl 4 but it was orginally level 2 WHEN you go back to haven or arsenal you can use forge crystals to level it to 3 and use it again to level it to 4 because you had (GHOST) Heat Get it?

So let me get this straight. Your weapon is at lvl 2. Use a heat capsule, it's at lvl 4. When you get back, it's back at lvl 2. Use the forge twice in a row to get lvl 4. Is that right? So you're saying the heat capsule only has it leveled up for that one depth? Wouldn't it make more sense to increase the crystal drop rates in general? Or maybe fix the chance of leveling?
Nononono read the main source of this fourm but if what i began with is heat capsules will disregard forge and will skip your weapon one item WHAT i just recomended is basically what you just said weapon = lvl 2 use heat capsules its lvl 4 use forge 2 times

Pataponex, you seem to be missing the main point. The ENTIRE PURPOSE of the forge is to slow heating and crafting ever since elevators became free. OOO made a sound decision there (although they did it in a crappy way) so that people couldn't craft all the gear in the game in a month or so. So please do not suggest anything that makes heating faster, we don't need heating to be faster. The only thing we need is either an overhaul on the entire forge system to make it more reasonable while still keeping the same relative speed of crafting, or just give us back our Radiant Crystals. The former would require way too much work on OOO's part and probably will never happen (at least not any time soon) and OOO already stated that they are working something out with the Radiants that is linked to the Arcade Redux.

If I want i can craft all gear in month and is even easyer than it was. The main problem is that when i get 5* weapon i can't heat it because i can't find any radiants! I sent mail to them but they told me to buy them. That is unfair. Some time ago they were all over strata 6.

dr charizard, that is a problem we are addressing since a while, and it's not related to the forge but to the drops of radiant fire crystals. stay in topic please.

Gods will have to help me, dad, because If radiants aren't related to the forge...well then i must be the new god here

consider that radiants are related to the forge since you use it to make it work, but the problem of the forge isn't that it needs too many radiants, but that radiants don't drop.
that being said, if you have many radiants, and no weapons to heat, that's good for you, since they most probably can't be traded.

im not trying to rub it in but every time I do a vana run I always get crystals no orbs very rarely a spark but always a radiant crystal so in a way im not effected by this sudden drop in radiant.
And plus on the upside these can keep some 5* veterans to keep playing and level up there gear you should be glad its not shining or your never gonna get a 5*

:O Thunder! When did you change your profile pic?
/e attempts to derail thread

This is another one of those dang threads where some lazy fool demands that the devs magically get rid off the inconvenience.
We scrape by, are you incompetent?
Well, I personally have never had a problem with not being able to find an Arsenal to heat my stuff.
But that's probably because I don't sit there and farm the same exact thing over and over again.
Get it, because the arcade is different each time? Ah, nevermind.