Hey guys! I'm at my 5 star HoH test to become a champion. I currently have:
-Gigawatt Pulsar
-Levi Blade
-Ash Tail Cap/Vog Cub Coat
-4 star Defender
I do not know which path to choose: Vog, Snarby, or the Skolver set (pretty sure not goin' for Skolver, though)
I really need advice from all you guys out there,
I know all about the sets, Vog= ASI med Snarb= Dmg bonus+Poison resist and Skolver=Dmg bonus
If you guys would help, that would be nice
Also in the game my name is Vengance-Ichigo (i know i spelt vengeance wrong i spelt it like that on-purpose). PM me if you wanna know why. XD
Well, yea that's basically all. I would really like an answer though to my question. Also i know that Vog is more for vana and Skolver for LD. Snarb..I guess for some vana and SL. I know i am going to farm through vana. If you have the same question as me, just pm me and ill add you in. Or you could add yourself in to the disscussion. See ya in the game! (BTW I am in chawkthree's guild-if your a fan of him) Also, I'm looking for a decent sword to farm thru FSC.
Now, I already got a vog coat
Vog Cub.
Better for both PvE and PvP.
Skolver may seem better for LD, but Vog Cub is better if you don't have enough money to roll ASI UVs on your weapons, because all the tryhards in there will murder you before you can even hit them.