While the unofficial classes of knight (striker, gunner, and defender) each have a 5star armor selection that allow you to choose a defense type to best help you on your mission the Demo lines does not.
Suppose your party reaches a Lichenous Lair, the gunner will choose the Justifier set, the defender will choose Ironmight, and the striker will choose Skolver. However, you as the bomber have nothing but sets with normal and elemental defense to choose from, this means that every monster you encounter on this level can do a large chunk of damage to you. This lack of selection among resistances is what actually scared me away from playing bomber when I was a lower ranked knight.
Bombers have very little choices when it comes to defense; you either choose elemental or elemental with shadow (kat helm). This narrow selection means that piercing damage is the number one threat to a dedicated bomber, followed closely by shadow damage.
In order to balance this I would suggest:
Change the Mad Bomber set from elemental to shadow resist.
Change the Bombastic set from elemental to piercing resist.
Leave the volcanic and mercurial demo set alone.
What are your thoughts? Are these viable changes or should SK plan on releasing a new set or two to fill these gaps?
I can totally understand what you are saying. I believe that after the Gunner Update, the devs on th SK team should work on a bomber update. There are plenty of swordsman sers out there and more gunner sets with the GU so whynot a bomber update? In my opinion bomb are one of the most underused weapons ingame