After playing quite a bit of Lockdown I've noticed one important thing, anyone who uses auto-aim gots no skills. I don't know how many times I've could have owned, killed, or out wit a player only to fall victim to auto-aim. The worst is the auto-aim dashers. You know what i'm talking about. Those players who dash clear past you only to kill you cause they didn't target you with their swipe, the auto-aim did.
Now before you start saying "getting rid of auto-aim will make it harder" or "render gunslingers useless," let me just remind you these are not legitimate arguments. In fact you're just proving my point, YOU GOT NO SKILLS. I don't use auto aim and I got no problem shooting people, or dash killing.
So join me in shaming the auto-aimers into changing their ways by starting every match by saying:
Auto-aimers gots no skills!
This is harassment and can get you into trouble.