I have been in many matches where most of the opponents were using auto-target. This requires no skill to use and even locks on to cloaked recons. When using this all you have to do is run up and blindly attack, and you will almost never miss. I feel it removes a lot of the skill from Lockdown, and it needs to go. I know many others feel this way too.
Auto targeting in Lockdown has to go.

I've played tons of match without even aknowledging the existence of auto target until I crossed another similar thread. So I started using it, of course. And its TRUE, it's waaaaay easier to play with auto target. I wouldn't say its just about running and striking, but for example used with weapons such as Argent Peacemaker (or any Antigua line gun consequently) its quite dangerous. Same goes with greatswords. Now I don't know if it should be disabled or not..honestly its an helper that should only be used by beginners in the Clockworks. So despite the fact that it helps me a lot, I think auto target feature shouldn't be able to lock players.
I sincerely wish you Mistelli to be left in peace by the tremendeous amount of trolls crowding these forums. Though it would seem one already got there, you didn't had to wait long.

We've done gone through this with a similar try-hard. Not many people seemed to have cared about his opinion at all.

I have no idea if weapons auto-target invisible players, if it does, it should be changed. After all, the point of being invisible is not to be felt or seen or noticed. But otherwise, I don't think it that bad.
Auto targetting is easy to doge as a striker (against all weapons)
I can see how it's annoying as a recon and guardian...
Auto-targetting locks on to cloaked recons? In that case, it has to go.
Overall though, I'd want it gone anyway. Auto-targetting, like stated, doesn't take skill, and lets the computer aim for you. Therefore, this should be removed from PvP.
but more importantly than that, why are you letting yourself get hit in the first place?
The good thing about auto-aiming is that it teaches you to assume that someone within striking distance of you and isn't already mid-swing, stunned, shocked, frozen etc. can hit you. So move out of the way, and after they finish their 2 or 3-swing comob into the air, hit them back.
Auto-targeting has one easily correctable glitch? Let's toss it out the window! Hey, there's a glitch with Vanaduke where he sometimes completely vanishes during the fight. Let's get rid of Vanaduke too. Oh, and going solo allows you to keep keys and statues you're carrying, let's get rid of that option too.
Or, you know, they could just fix the glitch.
Auto target is not an issue.
>and even locks on to cloaked recons.
This however should be reported as a bug.

Not sure it actually locks to cloaked recons. TBH today I played like 40 games with that auto-target mode on, such thing never occured. When I manage to unstealth a recon, its mainly pure luck, unless the recon is stuck in a corner.
I find it amusing that people look for excuses as to why they were killed - if its not lag it surely was those pesky autoaimers BAWWWWWWWW

I'm quite a fan of the auto-targeting quite honestly. It's quite rudimentary to use [as a gunner,] as your target can be on someone but most of your attacks can miss if your opponent is moving perpendicular (NOT PARALLEL) to your movement. Swords? Even still, sometimes your sword swings can miss if your sword has little range. Bombs? Hahahahaa.
However auto-targetting cloaked recons should definitely be looked at, if not fixed.
I'm all for the auto-targeting, quite honestly. In the current situation, it's rudimentary since your attacks have a chance of missing. If anything, it should be improved upon to allow better accuracy [for gunners, that is]. Suggestion? Try making it so the auto-target code predicts where the player is moving to.
And you guys know there's a button to disable auto-targetting, right?
Here's the thing about locking on to cloaked recons- That's a result of lag. On your screen, you may have cloaked, but to the server, you haven't yet. Thus, an enemy can lock onto you while "cloaked." There are also similar happenings where an enemy guardian will shield, but this won't display to you. (They'll move slowly as if they've been stunned, but in reality they have their shield up.) Same thing happens when you have "Fast walking" strikers. I imagine a "Fake Cloak" wouldn't be too far off from this as well.
Given the very nature of recons, though... wouldn't it make sense if *only* they had auto-aim, and auto aim didn't work on them? (Target assist machinery, scrambler, etc.) As striker, because of lag (and I don't see Three Rings adding in lag comp anytime soon) auto-aim can get a little unbalanced, especially due to the wide arc of the DA or GF (though that might be a gear balance issue).
EDIT: Addendum, opinion on auto aim
Also note that most multiplayer games, in their online mode, either make auto-targeting/auto-aim unavailable to the player for a good reason- it fills in a gap for skill that it shouldn't. Some people don't use it because it's "an unfair advantage," and it is! And in multiplayer games that do allow it, the games still reward those who play without it, provided they have enough skill (IE, an FPS game- auto-aim makes you aim for the body, but if it's off, you can aim for the head for more damage, etc. Just an easy example). But in this? There's no reason to not have it on. Rather than aiming *at* someone, you aim in their *general direction* which, combined with something like a DA, GF Barbarous Thorn Blade, or anything with a wide hit area... well, it can make things quite silly. Personally, in PvE, auto-aim annoyed me, but I turn it on in PvP because it's such a good advantage, and, hey, people are gonna be dodging more actively and using it against me, so it's best to use it myself just to level the playing field.
I understand that auto-aim is there for players who rely on it, but then the really good players can learn to abuse it. Many gamers will use anything to their advantage as long as it doesn't get them banned (and some will still use things to their advantage that WOULD get them banned). I would also vote for removing it.
Another idea is that auto-aim can be added in T1, and maybe even T2 PvP, to help out new players- but if you're in T3, you should have enough practice at the game to not need auto-aim, methinks, especially when a single hit can decide the tide of battle.

I hadn't even thought about auto target but if it's being used, that's stupid. What's the skill in rapidly clicking whilst the computer aims for you?
There is a reason to have auto-target off: fighting against groups. It's more difficult (for me at least) to pick a single target out of a group with auto-target on.
Which is why I usually have auto-targeting off as a recon. As for striker... you have Gran Faust Strikers that can just aim towards the center and kill everything, which is made a little easier with auto aim- not too much easier, but it simplifies it slightly, and with a twitch class like the striker, that one less thing to worry about is a huge advantage, and absolute hell for other classes with any amount of lag. While a single target assassination with a recon can be quite strategic and skillful, that often pales in comparison the efficiency and damage output of a good striker that swoops in, hits everything, then swoops out. Auto aim doesn't replace that raw skill- but it certainly helps, and it might help the striker too much. This is only made worse by lag and unbalanced gear. Another thing is if a player panics and starts spam clicking, auto-aim certainly helps them land hits. That isn't skill, that's button mashing and hoping for the best. People using auto-aim aren't going for precision kills- they're going for mass damage, and auto-aim helps with that, maybe too much.
In the end, it's often more of a combination of things that cause a problem... Striker+Wide hitting sword+auto aim+high raw skill = Ow! For some reason, I doubt that the gear is going to be balanced, so let's take an easier thing out of the equation- auto-aim.
You can be like me and not even bother with Lockdown and just play Blast Network.

This can even happen when I've been cloaked for ~15 seconds-ish or more. So it's not lag.
ha ha oh wow, flourish/barb is so shameless with auto-aim
Normally the second two strikes are pretty hard to land, but not when the game is aiming for you.
I mean at least with the Sealed line you're immobile and are fairly vulnerable if you miss, even with the first strike. lol, not so with the flourish/barb
Callahan is also pretty good with auto-shame "what's that? not moving very fast or toward me in a straight line? **** YOU EAT NOSKILL CALLAHAN"
only really lost to other flourish users or when I got too zealous with the sword myself, have almost completely forsaken my guns for flourish spam
plz remove this crap OOO
/e Yes! Hova agrees!