3-Rings added the "blink" animation to the knights eyes. So I was wondering, why not include other animation facial features to the eyes as well?
For example when you type in "/happy" Not only the description pops up, "[Insert name here] is feeling very happy." But also show a " ^_^ " expression in their eyes.
Or better yet, you can set what type of expression that you want your Spiral Knight to have. For example "/expression happy" = " ^_^ " or "/expression mad = " [shows mad eyes] " or "/expression sigh" = " -_- " or "/expression dizzy" = " @_@ " or "/expression dope" = " >_< " "/expression defult" = " [regular open eyed spiral knight expression] " ...the list could go on!
You know what I mean? Here are anime expressions that 3-Rings could add as facial eye expressions to the knights: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/080/9/8/Facial_expression_condens... You don't need mouth expressions, just eye expressions!
I think it would be pretty cool, because it defines a first impression of what type of player he or she is or what they are feeling at that moment. I mean you got the "blinking" eyes expression so why not "facial eye" expressions as well? Anime STYLE! Because it makes more sense! They are chibi anime btw believe it or not.
The most i can see is eyes getting bigger, smaller, and adjusting accordingly to human emotions, but then again we're robots.
We don't need ^^ to look happy. I mean do your eyes do that when you're happy? Mine sure don't.