New World Record Fast Lord Vanaduke 1:48 min

45 replies [Last post]
Mereke-Chile's picture

ok guys
We guild Old school


Camera Camoxd :
Camera Alguienx :
Camera Kurtiz:


Varja's picture


This is better than curing cancer.

Hova's picture
@Varja That joke wasn't in


That joke wasn't in bad taste at all.

Mereke-Chile's picture

is good performance :D
ty for the post :D

Njthug's picture
...I always thought the

...I always thought the longer you last the better....I guess I was wrong =0

Nitez's picture

The way I see this run is that it's actually totally do-able by other players... as long as you all have 3 blitz needles and shiv buster. lol oh and a well coordinated team

Hova's picture
@Njthug/Thread I now want to


I now want to see who can last the longest in the last bullet phase of Vanaduke solo.

Tontontat's picture
K that video was

K that video was impressive...unlike those show off solo ones some people do...

Camoxp's picture

ey guys!!!.... look at the second stage, a good teamwork. All coordinated.

I know there are people envious and malicious. just say that I pity their souls xD!

this is just practice and nothing else


Eldibs's picture
That's a good run. Well

That's a good run. Well coordinated, well equipped players. Someone clearly planned ahead. Whether it's the record or not, I don't know, but it's still good. That said, I'd like to see a run with Shivermist Buster, two Blitz Needles, and a Plague Needle. There's a hypothesis one of my guildmates had that it would make the fight go faster. Plague Needle does less damage, but with the Poison being regularly applied, it will increase the DPS of the two Blitz Needle users. As long as the Poison damage boost is higher than the loss of damage from using Plague Needle over Blitz Needle, it should work better.

Biznasty's picture
I love how everyone comments

I love how everyone comments about Magnus being an egomaniacal show-off jerk, and then we just have little gems like these:

Magnus, you are history.... you are a boy jealous :P. ¡U LOSER!

Nice run. Can still be improved a bit, I'd say. But what I said in the previous thread about this still stands; This doesn't take actual skill, just good teamwork and coordination.

^ Uh... isn't teamwork and

^ Uh... isn't teamwork and coordination a skill for this game? One that people don't respect enough, apparently...

Geekfox's picture
Nice video...

I had to mute the audio and it was hard to watch the video because it's distorted (16:9 resized to 4:3?)

The second video presentation is a bit better though.

Schwarze's picture
Welp I'm an old fashionned

Welp I'm an old fashionned guy who feels that Shivermist spam undermines the spirit of the bossfight that is Vanaduke, but eh, whatever floats your boat.
That said, I can applaud the speed that you did it in, but I cannot in anyway say the same of your own personal skill, which I have had no proof of in that video, for all party members.

Alice-In-Pyroland's picture
Why do people continually

Why do people continually emphasize the concept of 'real skill' as though such a thing exists, can be properly defined or more importantly is relevent in anyway to such an easy game? I can understand it in games with a genuinely relevent competetive metagame but in something like Spiral Knights? Really? More importantly the implication that co-ordination and teamwork aren't actual skills in a game based around its co-operative play is a laughable notion. The shivermist argument is at least reasonable since it does actually take a great deal of what little difficulty there is out of the game, even if I don't personally think it devalues the video in anyway.

Anyhow the run itself was great you chould probably shave a few more seconds off but I'd say we're starting to get somewhat close to the fastest possible times vanaduke is realistically possible in, well with three needles anyhow. That being said I'm really puzzled as to why it's in 4:3 since you really shouldn't be uploading anything that isn't 16:9 to Youtube, the player simply doesn't accomodate it properly and the video ends up looking pretty bad. Throwing pointless imflammatory remarks in the description is also pretty dumb, but given the nature of the last 10 video-related threads in the forum I suppose asking for otherwise would be expecting too much.

I agree with Echoez. The only

I agree with Echoez. The only thing that can be called skill in this game is acquiring maximum uvs, rose sets and annihilating AI - Artificial Incompetences.

Plus soloing vanaduke in 11mins.

Leafxc's picture
wow good work .

wow good work . congratulation !

p/s .I would never criticize anyone for doing something that better than I do . I congrats them instead : )

Cairne-Bloodhoof's picture

another epeen thread?

Schwarze's picture
I don't intend to turn this

I don't intend to turn this into an argument so I won't reply more than this once.
What I imply as "personal" skill has no regards to teamwork.

Additonally, I measure it in this sense:
I have no UVs on my gear. I commonly beat down people with massive UVs in lockdown. That's just one example of it, really, where skill is of more value than the UV or gear.

Tennis's picture


Alice-In-Pyroland's picture
"I don't intend to turn this

"I don't intend to turn this into an argument so I won't reply more than this once.
What I imply as "personal" skill has no regards to teamwork."

Which is completely fine provided you realize that "skill" isn't a universal thing applied to one trait and that even if they haven't displayed any 'personal' skill as you put it (Which I will assume refers to their ability to play on their own merits in a solo circumstance without minimizing difficulty with gear, or something along the lines for the sake of simplicity) that doesn't devalue the skill demonstrated in teamwork, proper co-ordination and functioning correctly in a group, even if they are different skills it is still 'skill' all the same and to devalue one demonstration of a skill in favour of another is just silly.

@Sunken: More or less. The PvE component of the game is simply pattern recognition, and the only other 'skillful' components to the game in their own right are market manipulation and teamwork. Well I suppose Blast Network could arguably require a different set of skills to be good at it but I wouldn't really consider it a significant enough part of the game to care.

nice one.

nice one.

Unfortunately cannot watch 2nd view video though, as stupid Youtube Germany refuses playback due to song copyrights..

Kurtiz's picture


Mereke-Chile's picture

biznasty, really the comments from magnus on youtube is with angry..., Becouse I add he in the video :P, and here.
and thx guys for ur comments. hope to be defeated

Zikey's picture
Very nice video and very well

Very nice video and very well coordinated, gratz !

And yes Eldibs is right you can improve it using one plague needle instead of one blitz needle in the team.

And of course all gunners using ctr vh blitz/plague with two gun dmg+ trinkets. (if this is not already the case, but I think it is from the video)

Gunners can even wear a Shadowsun Slicker and a Shadowsun Stetson (for the gun dmg+ medium) to achieve gun dmg+ max with the trinkets...

Shivermist ctr vh bomber can also wear some bomb dmg+ trinkets/armor to still gather some more damages...

So someone will have to challenge this record :)

Zinqf's picture
@ Mereke

Great video. Great team.

@ Biznasty Teamwork and Coordination is only possible when ALL members of your group have skill. Even if the kill seems trivialized by speed, the speed would not be possible if just 1 of those 4 players weren't doing their job.

Khamsin's picture
No, biz is right. It is cute

No, biz is right. It is cute that you think Vanaduke means anything. Come to the test server, we have things to show you.

Reulogh's picture
Actually, you can't get

Actually, you can't get faster by using a plague needle, the poison effect is slightly weaker than vial and vials are used all the time. They already have a gunner with max damage bonus and lastly the bomb damage is trivial comparatively to the damage output by blitz. You count by the number of blitz charges you need, the slight bonus damage from shiver is negligible.

Biznasty's picture
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear

Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear enough; I didn't mean that coordination and teamwork isn't skill, just rather, there is not much of it to perform something like this in particular, specially when it's been done by dozens of other people before. Being the first to think up this strategy and perform it well is sure admirable, but when you can watch people executing it, you'll know what to do and it won't be nearly as "difficult" to pull this off.

@Mereke - ...but you provoked him first, which makes you much more of a jerk than he supposedly is? Besides, it's just a witty remark. Don't go around pulling off a Chris and calling everyone who criticizes you or just plays around with you to be "mad and jealous".

Blitz vs Plague: Perhaps it'd be worth taking one Plague needle if the rest of the party was using Blitz, without any Shivermist; Otherwise, poison vials from the Shivermist bomber work better.

Benb's picture
This video is impressive, but

This video is impressive, but now it seems it's just a contest to shave off a few seconds off an already incredibly quick time. We already know that with 3 Blitz Needles and a Shivermist Buster, one can kill Vanaduke in a small amount of time. This isn't really anything that we haven't already seen on youtube before. But hey, if you want to count seconds, go ahead...

On a more positive note, the making of this video did seem to involve a bit more teamwork than other ones.

Thuq's picture
I think you guys could do

I think you guys could do better by being more careful, and not getting hit by things that are easy to avoid.
Other then that, congratulations.

Katmint's picture
If you want to compare it to

If you want to compare it to the other Vanaduke time attacks, the time is actually more around 2:05-ish. You guys started the timer when the fire went away while all the other videos started the timer when the gate went down.

Mereke-Chile's picture

Katmint, yeah thx for the point :)

Khamsin's picture
1:65 = 2:05 = not the

1:65 = 2:05 = not the fastest. There was a 2:04 earlier.

Richy's picture
Too soon Varja, too soon. Try

Too soon Varja, too soon. Try again in 20 years.

Mereke-Chile's picture

no man...
2:01 is the same...
with botton
00:03-2:21 = 2:18

with fire

we have the fast vana of the world now...

Geekfox's picture
Another unnecessary music

Can you stop replacing the game audio with music in the video? It's distasteful, unfitting, and could get you in trouble. The third video in the link got blocked from YouTube due to copyright issues.

Tgyoshi's picture
Hah, looks impressive. Nice

Hah, looks impressive. Nice teamwork.

I still prefer doing it the hard way tho, much more fun with fire spread all around while you're in actual danger :).

Katmint's picture
Yeah, I meant 2:05, not 1:65.

Yeah, I meant 2:05, not 1:65. Sorry, had a derp moment there. >_<

Khamsin's picture
"Lag and glitches are the

"Lag and glitches are the main things that make anything even mildly difficult in this game"

On current live servers.

You forfeit your right to talk. As I said, come to the test server. You will see why no one takes vanaduke seriously anymore.

Richy's picture
I like the music.

I like the music.

Mereke-Chile's picture

yeah Richy, i like it too :D

Evilduck's picture
I'm at a loss as to how

I'm at a loss as to how anyone can dislike the song on Camo's video, even if the attitude of the guys in this group is annoying.

Nice run, but when it comes to speed runs being better than other speed runs, it really does just take coordination.

Next time, please drop the AHAHA IN UR FACEEEEEE! attitude, it's intensely obnoxious.

Mereke-Chile's picture

It is unpleasant when they say that I use trap, when ia a lie....

Eclecticmessiah's picture
Congrats guys! I bet with

Congrats guys! I bet with that strategy and a better layout/luck you could be down to about 1:20.

Mereke-Chile's picture

ty for ur post
really is possible
maybe we could have improved, but we have withdrawn the game :)
will work for other players


Good luck