I think it would be cool to have grenades. They are like bombs except with more damage and a smaller radius. The advantage to a grenade though would be it could bounce around. And the bounce would increase per version of the grenade. The disadvantage is if you hold it too long in charge mode.... it will explode and you will be damaged. The timer for explosion could be like 1.5x the charge time(explosion in hand). So, what do you think?
lol That would be cool too, but could you just throw it right when you click the attack button or would you have to charge it up a bit....XD and what about the recharge rate and when could you use it again? But that's a really cool idea. And since they are kinda different than bombs, they should also make some armor that would make your grenades better. Never thought of the grenade idea Lucal! Hopefully they look at your Grenades post and might put it in Spiral Knights! lol! Oh and here is another thing that you can think about too! x] You can roll it on the ground and as well, throw it too! Like for example: Throwing it over walls that pots might not be able to go over, or hitting switches that are far away. :D