I'm not complaining about it and I know it's a huge part of the game but without it I feel a lot more skill would be involved instead of heavily relying on it which most players do. There's barely any misses to pvp which is a huge aspect of fighting. The people who will cry about it being removed are exactly the ones who rely on it lol
Remove Autoaim from PvP

I know auto aim seems lame and a cheat and people should aim for themselves and I do agree for the most part BUT there is a dreadful complication
I am a player that gets a lot of lag and often what I am aiming for is mostly only after images, If it were not for auto aim more or less correcting me a space to the left or right on the server end guessing what I was trying to swing for I could never sword anything as my screen is never really accurate.
Now granted I am by large a bomber or healer in lock down as even with auto aim lag interferes not to mention sometimes even as striker with twisted snarb at level 10 a recon with a level 1 regular snarb can sometimes hit and interrupt me 2 out of 3 times because their computer can get messages to the server faster then mine.
But if this was implemented I would pretty much be forced to become a strict bomber as it would provide the best cover and maybe healer rarely if all I need to do is heal since the sword bonus would now be useless and the bomb bonus reduced.
So for me it would mean no more swords or guns unless they either have tremendous range or I am point blank and face to face.
And even then friends like skybrandon can confirm that even when forced to go striker (all noob team except for me) he can sometimes literally zoom behind me, hit me, then go all the way back to the front before I can even fire my antigua.
Now if they ever figure out how to solve a lot of the lag issues we have on spiral then yes, we could do without auto aim BUT I don't even know how much spiral can do since there are so many stops information must make on the way to the spiral servers.
perhaps compression algorithms and stuff could work but that might take more processing power from the servers or even the gamer computers and still might not be practical.
So please, as it currently stands I beg you not to remove auto aim in the name of any with less then 4 bars on a regular basis. ( on a good day I get 3 )

Lag affects the people who get hit, too; nothin' worse than thinkin' you're at a safe distance then BAM gettin' hit by someone who miraculously skeeved to the side and hit you well out of range because of their auto-aim and you never expected it. You can't rely on your screens information entirely as it is becasue of lag, so autoaim means that whether your screen is accurate or not, you're likely to get hit by auto-aimers. Take it out and you may not be able to rely entirely on it, but at the same time you'll know that you're not just guaranteed to GET hit by auto-aim becasue of lag.

I agree that auto aim makes lockdown a whole lot less fun. This is especially the case when there's 2 strikers who just walk around randomly clicking with auto aim on getting easy damage. I suggest that there should be two seperate lockdowns, one for players using auto-aim, and one for players who don't. That way it'd be a win-win situation - people claiming they have too much lag will get to auto-aim still, and people wanting to compete without auto-aim will be able to.

I agree partialy. Autoaim should just be allot narrower. This would help both sides, becuase it would be easier to handle (so you don't swing at the wrong guy), but also easier to dodge (becuase they require more accuracy).

I think they should just remove Auto-aim altogether...in PvE it's annoying because it targets the wrong enemies, and it's just cheap in PvP since it targets cloaked Recons. You just swing randomly and you win, not to mention AP/Sent accuracy.
Auto-aim is a handicap setting...not sure why it's even in the game really. +1

I have idea. Imagine that you can lock or allow auto aim by click ESC and option. That would be much easier.

Mon, 02/20/2012 - 08:55 (new)
Auto Aim option.
To not sound like a total troll, you should know that that option already exists.

Autoaim is a crutch for noobs who refuse to learn, nuff said.
@Twindoms You can map autoaim to a key. It's currently on Left Shift by default.

1. Creators realized that AT is only a 15 degrees difference
2. Originally AT was removed, but almost everyone who tested LD on the test servers asked for it to be put back
3. Creators realized that they could use AT against those who also use it
4. A divine avenger covers the same area of 15 degrees (even more with AT on), so strikers with needle weapons use AT since it puts them even with it

I agree that Autoaim is a handi-cap for people who refuse to get skills (Won't mention any names) And can be very OP when people have ASI VH/max. (Thats "Over-powered" for the Acronym impared :). I think Fodow had a great idea with the "seperate" server thing, though I do see a major flaw with Server population. a quick estimate of the people who use Auto-aim is about 70% (Seeing as it's a default setting). meaning that the .. not to sound "Elitest" but the "Skills server" will be quite empty =0. Maybe if people could realize that "click spamming" a button isn't skill we could have an agreement.@ Liveice I know what you mean about Lag, and can see why you would use it, however there are people who use it just to handi-cap they're "lack of skill" (Hope that didn't offend anyone..and if it did suck it up). ~ Blueberrymuffin.

i HONESTLY. think that UV's should not be a feature in PVP! its seriously not fair for two people to have say... a Voltaic Tempest one guy's is USELESS. because the other has a uv max shock UV on his gear, and he isnt wearing mercurial gear >_> i seriously... think UVS should be disabled for pvp , so not to give certain players who can afford UVs an edge in PVP >_<

Not everyone pays for their UVs, diamond.
UVs are a random event, maybe Trinkets could be disabled due to their very high CE cost which most F2Pers can't afford, but UVs can happen to anyone.
I like this :3