[Shadow Overlords] Current status: Recruiting!

First of all, I wan't to talk about some things before starting talking about more important guild aspects.
One of that important things is that I'm not the guild master, the guild master is: Contri.
(Nice picture of him by Stvn-Mchknight: http://stvnqb.deviantart.com/art/Contri-291806371).
Another of that things is that Shadow Overlords is a Spanish guild, so most of the people are Spanish
On Shadow Overlords, we usually talk on Spanish and also on the guild chat but we can talk English with any new english recruit.
What we want:
On Shadow Overlords we wan't serious and active recruits.
Recruits who don't leave the guild without reason.
We recruit 1*, 2*, 3*, 4* and 5* persons.
We want persons who can help other ones.
How to be...
Recruit: Joining the guild (contact Contri)
Member: 3-4* Participation on guild and helping other recruits.
(You can only be member after 7 days beeing recruit)
Veteran: 4-5* Being part of the guild long time ago.
Lot of participation and helping.
Oficial: 5* Being part of the guild long long time ago.
Guild master decision.
Guild master: Only Contri.
What we usually do:
On Shadow Overlords, we usually go Vana runs and misions.
We help any recruit who is on danger.
We also sometimes do lockdown games.
We do guild wars on lockdown, usually vs Beware, our biggest ennemy :D
Our current Lockdown group: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/265/spiral20120502194229.png/
(It can change)
Our best Beware war: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/717/spiral20120502193221.png/
Last things to say:
A little Spanish Guild pub: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/708/sinttulo1cacacopia.jpg/
Bye, bye, and be sure, if you join Shadow Overlords you are going to enjoy it and have a good time!
Hi, I'm Contri.