With the advent of Battle Sprites, we will most likely be introduced with harder content. As difficulty and number of mobs increase, we may be relegated to just kiting enemies instead of fighting them head on. This suggestion is to make head-on attacks more inviting, and make a better use of our shields.
Basic Gremlin units know of a few counterattack measures: Thwackers ready a heavy blow when we leave an opening, and Demos will throw bombs to our face or dodge our attacks swiftly. Even Menders have that secret "wand-fu" technique that seems to have been lost recently. As we keep battling in Cradle, our skills should sharpen to fight our rivals.
What and how is the Shield Counterattack?
The Shield Counterattack would be a "desperation" move that could give us the upper hand on a high stress situation. It would sacrifice all minus 1 HP from the shield's current life to let us make an action depending on the type of weapon we use at the current time. Taking advantage of the situation would help the player come up victorious on such situation. The activation would be as followed:
- The player must be shielding already.
- When hit by any*(a) enemy attack, press the attack button at the same time the sound of the shield being hit is heard.*(b)
- Shield life will be reduced to 1 and the Shield Counterattack will trigger:
1. If Sword type weapon: Small dash towards the monster that made the attack + sword attack using the last attack from the combo.(*c) That means most heavy knockdown/knockback attacks.
2. If Gun type weapon: Backwards mid distance dash in reverse direction of what attacked you, increasing space against the enemy that made you trigger Shield Counterattack. It can be followed instantly with free movement, or shots from your gun. Also, if against a wall, you would move the according distance around it, cutting corners if one followed.
3. If Bomb type weapon: Very small dash/jump backwards independent of anything, followed with a bomb instantly planted in the ground - it still has to detonate with the ring timer, of course.
*a: Projectiles won't trigger Shield Counterattack.
*b: If Shield Break happens, you aren't able to Shield Counterattack to avoid Shield Break.
*c: Invincibility frames from Shield Counterattack would be really low, so you would have to mind that depending on the Sword.
Shield Counterattack and Guardians in Lockdown (optional added bit)
Shield Counterattack may also be triggered by Guardians in Lockdown, but instead of plummeting the Guardian Shield's HP to 1 directly, it would halve its current value until 25%, where it will then take it to 1 HP. That means up to three Shield Counterattacks chained, and would help against Striker class. *a and *b still would apply.
And that is it, hope you like this!
I love it.
This might inspire me to be a guardian more in Lockdown.