Battle Sprite Skill Details

Our future battle sprites update will introduce a host of new features, including powerful combat skills that all sprites can execute on your command. The three starter sprites; the drakon, seraphynx and maskeraith, each represent a different playstyle.
Outlined below are the three combat skills that each of these battle sprites will ultimately learn as they level up. But that's not all! Each of these skills also can become an 'ultimate skill' if the sprite achieves a very high level. We'll be detailing ultimate skills and other new sprite features in a future update.
For now, here are the details regarding how a sprite plays, what their skills do in combat and the augments available on each skill that enhance them. Augments can be increased via skill points that are gained while leveling a sprite.
The drakon is a battle sprite that embodies fiery destruction. Its skills focus on direct assault: firebolt creates an explosive projectile, flame barrier surrounds its knight with protective fireballs and firestorm creates a massive wave of flames.
Launches a searing ball of fire that explodes on impact.
- Focus - Reduces cooldown.
- Impact - Increases the damage of firebolt.
- Extra Crispy - Increases the potency of the fire and chance to set targets ablaze.
Flame Barrier
Surround yourself with a barrier of flames that enhances your defenses while burning nearby targets.
- Focus - Reduces cooldown
- High Heat - Increases the offensive power of the flame barrier.
- Heavy Smoke - Increases the defensive power and duration of the flame barrier.
Summon the power of true dragon fire to burn everything in your path.
- Focus - Reduces cooldown
- Five Alarm - Increases the duration and size of the firestorm.
- Extra Crispy - Increases the potency of the fire and chance to set targets ablaze.
The seraphynx is a battle sprite that embodies protection and restoration. Its skills focus on supporting knights in combat: ray of light creates a steady beam of holy light, heart attack increases the chance of hearts dropping from monsters and angelic aura creates a light shield that protects its knight and party members within.
Ray of Light
Continuously fires a concentrated beam of light that damages anything passing through it.
- Focus - Reduces cooldown.
- Magnify - Increases the reach and power of the ray of light.
- Enduring Light - Increases the duration of the ray of light.
Heart Attack
Enchants a group of targets. If destroyed while enchanted, targets have a higher chance of dropping restorative hearts.
- Focus - Reduces cooldown
- Extra Hearty - Increases the chance of hearts dropping and duration of the enchantment.
- Wide Embrace - Increases the area of effect.
Angelic Aura
Creates protective aura around you that also protects any party members within.
- Focus - Reduces cooldown
- Protection - Increases the defensive powers of the angelic aura.
- Cover - Increases the size and duration of the angelic aura.
The maskeraith is a battle sprite that embodies deception and debilitation. Its skills focus on subterfuge: caustic quills fire poisonous quills that explode when followed with an attack, shadow cloak allows a knight to become invisible to monsters and hexing haze allows the knight to inflict monsters with a timed damage blast.
Caustic Quills
Fires a series of quills that stick to targets and inflicts poison. For each hit a quilled target receives, they lose one quill and take additional damage.
- Focus - Reduces cooldown
- Venom - Increases the potency of poison.
- Bristle - Increases the number of quills fired and their duration.
Shadow Cloak
Grants you partial invisibility and a defensive boost for a limited time. Shadow Cloak is cancelled if you take damage, attack, or perform any other action.
- Focus - Reduces cooldown
- Dark Veil - Increases the defensive boost of the shadow cloak.
- Enduring Night - Increases duration of the shadow cloak.
Hexing Haze
Creates a miasma around you that hexes any target within. Each hex has a timer that deals heavy damage upon termination. For every target acquired by hexing haze, the duration of the miasma increases.
- Focus - Reduces cooldown.
- No Mercy - Increases the damage inflicted by hexing haze.
- Plentiful Pain - Increases the bonus duration of hexing haze as additional targets are acquired.