Seeing no answer from my community, I decide to make a short translation of a topic I posted in the French forum.
Here is the link : http://forums.spiralknights.com/fr/node/15189
Following the F2P
(Free2Play, even if i'm under the impression that the 'L' of play goes away...)
steam campain about Spiral Knights, I started to play that game from arround 3 weeks now.
Watching everyday energy's cost growing, it's harder and harder to play (or just begining to).
Due to that fact, to find a solution to that issue and continuing spending time into dungeons, (with a free account, i specify), for me it's necessary to become a trader (buying and selling items in the market without necessarly getting the items from dungeons).
Altought, this is a java game,
(Java is the evil, heavy as hell, even with a recent computer this may be not enough.. For example : jDownloader, Alliance F2F, YourFreedom, Mercury Messenger, and some others )
When I'm at the Auction House, doing some bids, after a few time, game becomes unplayable given the fact my Auction list is too long.
In the « My offers » « My sells » (I guess that's how it's called in the US version of the game) sections freeze is realy annoying, it happens at every refresh of prices. This may be 5 secs and grows as much as my list of active and past events grow. At the end i reach a 15 secs freeze... :/
I'm not asking developpers to code the game in python or C ( Even if... ), I just would like a fonction to clear the list from past events to make the reload of the list quicker.
Respectfully and hoping for an evolution,