Vote for Spiral Brigandine/Helmet and Name color change!

86 replies [Last post]
Legacy Username

Even though my last thread didn't change 000 mind on bound bombheads I got many good suggestions/opinions from other players. Because of this I decided to make another poll.

The basic idea is simple: We need an option to change colors of our names and Spiral Brigandine/Tailed Helm. I even contacted a GM about to help me out with it. He suggested me then to ask you guys about your opinions. So I hope there will be a high enough demand for 000 to ad such an option.

"We do not currently have a way to change armor colors. This has been suggested
before and passed on to our developers. Please feel free to post any
suggestions you have for improving the game in the suggestions section of our
forum. The GMs and developers do read these suggestions. Thank you for your

Imo color changes are common in many online mmorpgs and there is no excuse we shouldnt have this feature as well.

Let alone in my friends list like 10 people complain about their initial name color choices. And I can feel with them! It has a major impact on how you look with certain gear.

Let's just take dragon scale helmet as example. With the name color yellow it looks like you have bananas sticking out of your head instad of horns... (No offense yellows!). But if you choose a light red instead it looks awesome.
Same goes for the Spiral Armor Set. Its useless in fights after the tutorial, but looks good with many things -if the color is right.

Would you people pay energy/crowns to change your name and/or armor color? :)

Legacy Username
in the suggestions section of

in the suggestions section of our forum

You seem to lack reading comprehension.
I don't think we should be able to change our name colors, but I do believe we should be able to change the color of our armors.

Axelslicer's picture

i certainley would, as long as it was only say 10-50CE

Legacy Username
Sorry, my mistake. Please

Sorry, my mistake. Please move the thread to the suggestion forum.

And Dirt, thanks for correcting me, but next time try not to be insulting in the same sentence.

Legacy Username
Better idea. Make starter

Better idea. Make starter armors and helms purchaseable/collectible/TRADEABLE.

Legacy Username
Nice idea GamerTB. However my

Nice idea GamerTB. However my guess is it's easier to simply implement a merchant that allows us to revisit the char creation screen. The armor itself is simply not valuable enough to trade around.

Legacy Username
I'd love to change my

I'd love to change my personal color. I was under the impression that all my future armors and helmets would be red as well. I don't care much for being orange anymore. :/

Sawkush's picture
I would..

Very much like to change the color of my knight, also possibly name too? But like makethem cost like 10 ce per switch or whatever so people dont change it all the time.I chose a color I thought was purple but it actually was an indigo, Im okay with it but yeah color changing would be great

Legacy Username
I guess we should go for a

I guess we should aim for a fixed price to simply revisit the creation screen. It's a simple addition and shouldnt take up too much work.

As for preventing people to change their name color all the time, I guess 10ce is nothing. Some players might find this wrong, but I would suggest something around 2kce. Thats not a fortune and if someone cannot afford it but REALLY wants a change, why not buy energy from 000? Win - win situation if you ask me.

Mafiaso's picture
Yes i have been wanting to

Yes i have been wanting to change my beginners gears for costume.
Most of us play this game mostly because of the cute looks and costumes,

Please at least consider these options:

Allow us to purchase starter gears in venodr
Allow us to change color through purchase from an npc

My name is Mafiaso, and i approve of this message.

Legacy Username
It's a good idea to have the

It's a good idea to have the option to change names/colors, but simply having a high cost to change them won't prevent people from changing all the time. Those who have trouble scrounging up the cost (whatever it may be) will complain about the price being to high, and those who are able to afford it all the time will confuse everyone they know if their name changes every other day.

Perhaps a system like the Runescape ign changing process might work? Instead of a cost, only allow one name/color change per month, as to prevent overuse. A small energy cost could also accompany this, but this would make it so 10ce to change a name will be affordable to all, but not spammable by the more wealthy.

Legacy Username
chartreuse clashes with my volcanic demo

Yes, I'd love to be able to change my starting armor and colour.

No, I think 2000ce is unbelievably steep.

I don't see a problem with people changing their colour incessantly; strangers doing it won't bother me and I recognize my friends by their names, not colour. 2000ce to change it is absurd for something that has no real need to be regulated. I know I'm not alone when I say if I could, I'd be changing my colour regularly to suit my armor :) I'd suggest something in the 50-200ce range (but preferably in crowns, perhaps some kind of token).

Going back to the colour selection screen sounds like an awkward and by no means simple solution. Perhaps selling "Paint" or something as a usable item (like Mist Tanks) from a specialized vendor would be more in keeping with the style. Similarly 0* Spiral gear could be bought/traded/whatever... but I'm not so sure how that would work.

But yes, more +1s to the idea.

Legacy Username
I like that idea with

I like that idea with limiting the amounts of one can change his name/brigandine color. Not sure though if that's the ideal way to go. I mean if somebody wants to change his color right away why not? He might even buy energy from 000. I doubt it gets out of hand if the price is just high enough.

In my eyes its not really a problem if beginners can't afford it. After all it is a "premium services", and in this case merely a cosmetical one, so they should pay accordingly. Besides you won't bother too much about looks before you get 5* gear anyway.

But in the other hand I doubt people will change armor/name colors too often, even if the price is relatively cheap. So I guess 1kce would be perfect for everyone except new arriving players.

Legacy Username

It would only be a "premium service" if it was implemented as a "premium service"; there's nothing "premium" about changing colour. I don't see a legitimate reason for preventing new players from colour changing (unless you want to stratify the player base further). If somebody wants to blow all their crowns changing their colour every day of the week, let them.

Anecdotal but regardless, I had always been concerned with costume armor and looking cool well before 5*... it really depends on the player. In a game where your armor choice is reflected in your character model, it's hard not to notice how you look.

Legacy Username


Legacy Username

It would be a nice option to have, I myself am happy with my player colour but I've met more than a handful of people that would no doubt spend CE or Crowns for the option to change their player colour.

I support this idea and hope that 000 will at-least consider it and if they do implement it, it would be a furthering of awesomeness in this game. =]


Legacy Username
Thanks for moving the topic.

Thanks for moving the topic. It's cool seeing so many people are interested in changing their colors already. Keep the votes coming!

Legacy Username
I agree

I just agree with the armor color changing, nothing else.

Frizz's picture

I would very much like to be able to change my armor color!

Facejuances's picture

Also why not a color picker instead of default colors?

Dashiepie's picture

Yes! Sojuuuu agrees.

I support the idea, but not

I support the idea, but not the price behind it.

Why not make it 100 energy, with the premise that it will drain your mist energy first, then subtract from your CE to complete the transaction like how it is for crafting items? This way, if a player really wants to change their color without being pushed farther towards buying energy, they can just not play for the day in exchange for changing their color?

Sure, some people would set it up so that they change their colors using CE every day of the week. In which case, let them - who are we to stop them? However, anything above that would be limiting the general non-paying populace from having everything available to them, when the entire idea behind Spiral Knights is that every feature is unlocked for free if you so desire. Offering a color change for anything more than 100 energy would be a contradiction to that idea in itself, and that's something I don't think the developers want to do, especially for something so trivial as this.

i support this idea~

i support this idea~

Legacy Username
Hope to get around 50 posts

Hope to get around 50 posts here to reach the devs attention. I'll report back in the evening to discuss some of your ideas!

Legacy Username
I have been waiting for a

I have been waiting for a color change option for quite a few updates. I really hope this gets implemented.
(Also, it'd be cool to change the starting armor choices as well, as said.)

Don't really care about the price, due to the fact that the option would be a nice enough thing to at least be able to work toward if needed.
Many people I know wish they had a different color at this time, but simply have too much invested in their current characters to bother to restart for the sake of it. Surprisingly, it seems to really bother quite a few people. Personally, I like my color, but I'd reeeeallly like to have the option to change it as well.

Legacy Username
Yes, I'd like this.

Yes, I'd like this.

Legacy Username
I Agree, Support, +1

Bonjour Je Suis Sungear !!!

I Support and I Agree your idea ;) We want to change our colors =D

Legacy Username
I was kinda disappointed that

I was kinda disappointed that this wasn't implimented from the beginning.
+1 support from me.

Legacy Username

I agree.

Mafiaso's picture
+1 !!!!

+1 !!!!

Mafiaso's picture
+1 !!!!

+1 !!!!

Legacy Username
+1 for Color Change.

+1 for Color Change.

Teide's picture

I would DEFINITELY pay crowns or CE to change my Spiral tailed helm and armor color. Not my personal color, I'm happy with that, and have no desire to change it. But just the fact that I am a girl and the ONLY girlish helmets in the game are Spiral tailed helm, Emberbreak, and Firebreak... I wish every day that I could pay to change the color of my Spiral tailed helm to match other girly armors better.

For example, one of my favorite armors in the game is Azure Guardian (the armor, not the helm). But for some reason, NOT ONE SINGLE HELM IN THE GAME QUITE MATCHES IT. Not even the one that "goes" with it, not to mention that annoying white ponytail (at least make it be the user's personal color, come on). I have found that the #4 selection starting gear metal color, the lavender/red, matches it better than any other helm in the game. However, I have nearly fifty 4 and 5 star items so a restart SHOULD be out of the question, BUT I STILL CONSIDER IT just to have a helm that matches my favorite armor and still have pigtails.

Just saying is all. The ability to pay to change your Spiral gear color scheme (and perhaps design as well -- I often wish I had chosen the Emberbreak armor-style Spiral Culet) would be lovely. You could even make one cost crowns and one cost energy, (color scheme = crowns, design = energy?) as you so obviously love to do with everything else.

For the record, I am against name changes and personal color changes. Those should remain permanent. A revisit to the creation screen seems like the best idea here, only "lock" the name and personal color option and only allow for design/color scheme change.

Legacy Username
I agree with Deneb about the

I agree with Deneb about the lack of female helmets. Here's what I tend to use occasionally:

Crown of the Fallen / Grey Feather Mantle
Firebreak Helmet / Grey Feather Mantle, Dragon Scale Mail, Shadowsun Slicker
Spiral Tailed Helmet / Literally anything with the MATCHING ARMOR AND NAME COLOR
For example Fencer Coat, Elemental Cloak,Radiant Silvermail, Nameless Poncho...

The Azure Guardian Armor is a problem of it's own as it has a weird bulky shape. Doesn't really
fit any other helmets.

Abathur's picture
+1 for this / +1 for sticky (exist?)

YEA!!! Wanna colour change and so !! WANT TO HAVE THAT RIGHT NOW!W!!! wohoooooooooo!!

Legacy Username

We need color change. How could I ever know that my favorite color (red) would clash so much with the light blue of my divine veil?! Put a costume over the veil you say??? NO! i want the halo.

While red looked cool at the beginning with proto gear, its looks bad on me now.

Gospel's picture
always wanted this so

+1 for me as well..

AlfaOmega1 is right...
for the new players who wanted their initial colors, they never had the idea that their preferred equips would look bad...
who would be afraid at my green eyed dread skelly helm? when red would be more badass...

even if some troll out there says "well you should have looked at the wiki"
sorry, but where is the idea of 'casual gaming' then?

Legacy Username
It should be a crown cost,

It should be a crown cost, because limiting how much you go down in clockworks just because you changed colour isn't much fair at all, but as someone above suggested, a max of 1 change per week/month/whatever.

It should also show the preview, like the current char creation screen, but with whatever armour you have equipped. I'd like to change to a light blue to match my Might Cobalt armour.

Teide's picture

I know there are more people out there that want this... Speak up!

Bigfootm's picture
Green looked so cool with

Green looked so cool with proto. Me want red Ot blue now.

Heimdallr's picture

I support the idea of changing colors. My green color doesn't really sit well with some of my favorite armor choices.

Legacy Username

This thread is important and needs to be looked at so everyone let's get OOO's attention!

Legacy Username
I support!

Just thought I'd throw words of support behind this movement. Guilds who want to unify behind colors would probably need this idea.

Ewbte's picture


Alice-In-Pyroland's picture
+1 Even if it costs a small


Even if it costs a small fee (100-1k crowns) it should be avaliable to players. It's astonishing that it isn't already really.

Zeroblast's picture


Lyresha's picture
I just started a new char and

I just started a new char and gave him some receipts just to see how my current gear would look with a different color. Yeah it's just a small visual change, but I don't wear the same colored t-shirt every day in real life either.

So please 000, on behalf of your playing (and paying) community do us a favor and implement this feature with the next update.

Danizpsycho's picture

+1 for the expansion of my wardrobe!

Sawkush's picture

My color is inbetween blue and purple and I wanted it to be purple.. but I think red would look better. I really want this to happen...hopefully we will be able to see the colors on our gear before we switch. :D

Vanillateddy's picture
Color Boss for tokens, tokens for color change!!

Okay so i read somones comments and maby its going alittle off topic but what if there was some type of boss (stealing from epic mickey) that was stealing all the color from clockworks and this bosses tokens lets say 10, got or gave you the ability to change your armor color?? some one thats good at makeing boss levels could expand on this but i kind of like the token idea!!

Tell me what you think
keep it nice
keep it clean

Teddy aproves!

Triplescrew's picture
Read this

There must be 2 colors for choosing in cc screen(not counting brigandine color). For shiny parts and for non shiny parts(for example while eyes r red the strip on helmet is blue). ALSO!!! I need a full ingame inventory previev npc( with no recipes for sale). So i can be sure that armor/weapons i wtg fits my color. Thats all.