Entry Thread - Make a Valentine for a Spiral Knights NPC! Category 1

This thread is to be used for entries for Category 1 of the Make a Valentine for a SK NPC event. All posts other than entries will be deleted. If you have a question, please post it in the event thread located here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/73758
Posts should include the information below:
Knight Name:
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: A 30 day elevator pass, a Love Aura, or specify which pocket monster you want (Chroma Whelp, Love Puppy, or Mewkat).
Deadline: February 13, 2013, 11:59 PM Game Time (Pacific timezone)

Knight name: Stoneth
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Lovepuppy

Knight name: Mr-Baldy
Links to entry image: Deviant Art and Tumblr
Prize preference: 30 day elevator pass.
- Although a book would be pretty awesome as well.

Knight Name: Miabot
Link to entry image:Click here
Prize preference: mewkat! <3
A hot date with Rhendon would be an awesome prize~
EDITED: added date and ign onto artwork in CRAYON and fixed broken link

Knight Name: Atomicblaster
Link to entry image: http://i.imgur.com/TKVwLmP.jpg
Prize preference: 30 day ep

Knight Name: Tails-tails
Link to entry image: http://tails-tails.deviantart.com/art/Spiral-Knights-BlackKat-D-pour-la-...
Prize preference: a Love Aura <3
-I love Black kat :DD (so beautifull!!)-

Oh god here goes an(other) idiot...
When I uploaded my pic, there were links that are specificly used to put on like forums, messaeg boards, yadadada.
So uh... copied da link, preview comment, and nothing. derpitty help
I CHOSE THE ONE < a thingy but no special awesome blue glow link.
Knight: AsianIcicle
Prize preferance:
...or a Lt. Vaelyn that follows me around.
Notes: My scanner kind of overpowered some light colors so it looks blank. I did this in colored pencil, is that okay?
Oh okay.

Knight name: Kyanashi
Link to Image: http://taintedperfection.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Snapsh...
Prize Preference: Love Aura! :D..
( I wish ecto dwops or pie was an option D:.. )

Knight name: Mrunleash
Link to Image: http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/8144/scan0005va.jpg
Prize Preference: Elevator Pass!
Dead guy: http://imageshack.us/a/img818/346/whatdarkritualcensor.png
GL to evreyone:)
Knight Name: Markone
Link to entry image: http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/9238/213nc.jpg
Prize preference: Love aura

Knight Name: Jluna
Link to entry image: http://lovelyluuna.deviantart.com/art/Impostocube-Valentine-353611644
Prize preference: Mewkat! ;3
Knight Name:Zephrite
Link to entry image: http://fav.me/d5uj9a9
Prize preference: pocket monster love puppy

Knight name: Amanzi
Link to entry images:
1. Valentine for Margrel and the Swarm for, without them, there would be nothing to fear.
2. Glorp means "I love you." All I did for this was melt a crayon before dabbing with it; Jellies don't speak so I didn't need to say anything. (My signature was made by me writing in the hot crayon with a fingernail.)
Prize preference: 30 day elevator pass.
Knight Name:
Link to entry images:
Prize Preference:
Love aura

Knight Name: Jyudie
Link to entry image: http://purplegem7.deviantart.com/art/Ain-t-no-stranger-to-love-353673398
Prize preference: Love Puppy
Knight: loszkripper
Link: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/213/86128043686726902432000.jpg/
prize preference: Mewkat

Knight Name: Quakeman
Link to entry image: http://quakeman00.tumblr.com/post/42846763802
Prize preference: Chroma Whelp
to Desna
Knight name = Rakozz
Link to entry image = http://s1323.beta.photobucket.com/user/rako008/media/IMG_02891_zpse6d989...
Prize preference =Love puppy pocket monster <3
Hope I win :D

Knight name: Tevokkia
Link to entry: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c265/Tevokkia/heartwrenching_zps80d3a3...
Prize preference: Love Puppy Pocket Monster (Because you guys haven't made a Pocket Knocker yet. XD)
Knight name: jishyhh
Link to entry: http://jishyhh.deviantart.com/#/art/Valentine-Day-Contest-353811714?_sid...
Prize preference: Elevator Pass

Best pun ever, Tevokkia. You know your fair share of the English language.
Knight Name: sakuraghurl
Link to entry: http://mephone9.deviantart.com/art/Contest-Entry-353464278
Prize reference : elevator pass :D

Knight Name: Kabraneel
Link to entry image: i) Tinypic : http://oi50.tinypic.com/307vr6s.jpg
Prize preference: 30 days Ele Pass ,Thanks.
Sorry could not write anything in my drawing , here is what i wanted to right -
Vanaduke u are the best , thanks for allowing me to kill u with love and giving me tons of HEAT and CROWNS , because of u only i am wearing this piece of cloth(Helm & amour) , because of u only i am able to protect myself with this dangerous world(with help of guns , swords , thanks a million. Please be my valentine.(Believing vanaduke is a girl).
<3 <3 <3
I've seen all of the pictures but some are really impossible to draw without a outline of pen,marker or pencil.
It says ONLY crayons but i wonder is those outlines allowed?

Knight Name: Dahkura
Link to entry image: http://winornera.deviantart.com/art/Spiral-Knights-Kozma-and-Dahkura-Val...
Prize preference: A Love Aura would be nice c:
Wow, I didn't have a reference in front of me or the right colors for any of this~ OTL

knight name: bozy
link: http://i620.photobucket.com/albums/tt285/shakerist/poem_zps1305a02c.jpg
Prize Preference: Love Aura (only if it is unbound, if not then a mewkat :) )
this poem is for kozma i got the spelling wrong and i cant take it off coz its crayon :P

Knight name: Jaikon
Entry link
Prize choice: Love puppy pocket monster

Knight name: Pipochee
Link to entry image: http://i.imgur.com/cpcGtOY.jpg
Prize preference: Mewkat

Knight name: Cerino
Link to entry image: http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x204/Cerino_bucket/SnipesInLove.jpg
Prize preference: Mewkat (Chapau of the Viotlet Rose would be even better...)
Sorry about the bad lighting I was in a rush to go to bed. Oh! This is dedicated to all the Snipes in Heaven!
Knight's name : Rakozz
Link to entry image : http://s1323.beta.photobucket.com/user/rako008/media/IMG_08961_zpsc1ebf3...
Prize preference : Love puppy pocket monster.
I also made another one, you can see it in the comments bellow!

Knight Name: Chicoy
Link to entry image: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/18/image0071t.jpg/
Prize preference: A Love Aura for my loved one. :P

Knight's Name: Duners
Link to entry image: http://i.imgur.com/GEEHZjM.jpg
Prize preference: Love Puppy pocket monster
Aside from the menders, I think these guys get the least amount of love.

Knight name: Pipochee
Link to entry image: http://i.imgur.com/YZzp1ui.png
Prize preference: Mewkat

Knight Name Adksa
Link to entry image: http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/5923/valentineatthelords.jpg
Prize preference: Chroma Whelp Monster Pocket

Knight Name: Ultimate-Deoxys
Link to entry image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/93182653@N03/8472352396/in/photostream/
Prize preference: 30 day elevator pass

Oh golly I've almost forgotten to build my entry! Good thing it came to my mind this night. I started working at 11PM, and finished now at 3:30AM, 7 hours before the deadline. I hope you'll enjoy the slightly different approach I took!
Knight Name: Kagisnad
Link to entry image: Scans: http://sta.sh/05gi4ombkrm [better quality]
Photos: http://sta.sh/02bbh2lba3nd [better presentation, although poor quality because it's 3 AM, my room is poorly lit :c ]
Link to a little about the creation of this entry, which helps you understand it A LOT better. I suggest reading it before looking at the entry, it makes it all better I think, and I must beg the judges to actually read this! : http://pastebin.com/iYJwSRmi
Prize preference: Book of dark rituals!... or a Chroma Monster Pocket will do. c:
I completely messed up with the dating/naming, I didn't re-check the rules before writing the date, instead I wrote the date of completion, and derped with month numbering. xD;; But ey, the date I got is much more eerie to fit the NPC I am gifting! Though, the multitude of pictures, both photographed and scanned, should be proof of the authenticity of my work... I hope? . _ .

Knight Name: Raptor-Zy
Link to entry image: http://i47.tinypic.com/2gue5vo.jpg
Prize preference: Love Puppy
It is believed that valentine gremlins plotted for this to happen so that they could attack the Haven with unending hearts on Valentines day. Whether or not this plan was ever discovered by Warmaster Seerus is questionable; as such an event has yet to happen.
--Back to the main theme,
I wonder how this valentine will be delivered.. Hmm.. It'll have to be explosion proof.
Knight Name: Shjpro
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: 30 day elevator pass
No photo edit or anything else.
A little bit dark sorry for that.