Entry Thread - Make a Valentine for a Spiral Knights NPC! Category 2

This thread is to be used for entries for Category 2 of the Make a Valentine for a SK NPC event. All posts other than entries will be deleted. If you have a question, please post it in the event thread located here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/73758
Posts should include the information below:
Knight Name:
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: A 30 day elevator pass, a Love Aura, or specify which pocket monster you want (Chroma Whelp, Love Puppy, or Mewkat).
Deadline: February 13, 2013, 11:59 PM Game Time (Pacific timezone)

That's far too scientific!
I saw you and thought instantly,
"Geckie," reminiscent
Of a far away land where candy bursts
From those who are happiest and
Ne'er a cruel intent wanders;
Only a food chain!
But you've nothing to fear,
For I'm no Badgesicle-
Oh... am I badgering you?
I hope I'm not! I only want
To be your friend!
Knight name: Vifig
Prize preference: Chroma Whelp

Knight name: Doctahwahwee
Entry: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-Vc3QLuQa8
Prize: Elevator Pass
You shall always be remembered.

Knight Name: SirLancer
Kozma, oh Kozma, whatever shall I do?
With your Ribbon in your Hair and your Eyes so Fair,
I feel like I am in Love, do you?
Oh your items of Glory,
Sold all, to yours Truly,
I wish you could sell me some more!
Slots, Boosters, Amplifiers, and Keys!
Swords, Guns and Shields to please!
Lovingly special for a true heart's nature,
Oh how I wish you would talk to me later.
For Valentines, a wish!
Just one lonely kiss!
So just one day, on a lovely moonlit night.
Will you be my Valentine?
Oh Sweet, Little Knight.
Prize preference: I wish for Love Aura,
For it to be mine, oh my!
Oh, just how I wish. ~(Haiku Form of an Answer) (Can the Love Aura be unbound? I want to send it to a Friend for Valentines Day!)
Knight Name : Steviepie
Prize : Elevator Pass
Entry :
I remember the first time we met,
You came to my aid faster than a jet.
I was losing faith and hearts,
When you appeared with your magical arts.
You are kinder than a dove,
And I loved how you show your love.
I love your dazzling pink look,
As you shot hearts that I took.
You are uncorrupted and friendly,
Not like your friends that treats us badly.
Oh I shall never forget your powers,
And you shall always be my favorite love puppy tower.

For Desna
Roses are red, but why are violets blue?
Anyway Desna, I still love you,
Since I saw you in battle that very fist day.
I knew when i saw you, you stole my heart away.
From helm to greaves you are a beautiful and true
I just don't know if you love me as I love you.
I knew it, I knew it was love at first sight,
But i was still young then, not even a knight.
I am stronger now, stately and proud.
But still i cannot speak to you aloud.
I gather my courage, like gathering crowns
Hoping hoping smiles, avoiding the frowns.
Now I ask you Desna, my Goddess Divine,
Will you be my Valentine?
~Lezly <3
Knight name: Lezlyblaze
Prize pref: Love puppie monster pocket.

Knight Name: Ezio-of-almere
Poem about snarbolax ,my favourite NPC
Oh snarby .........
When I saw you first , you were scary ......
your fangs were sharby..........
And your hair was pointy..........
You were soo tough .....
And your hair was rough ......
But now I have 5* stuff..........
All you need is a buff........
When we played you gave me a sword.....
And the shield was like a board.......
After a shadow lair there is a coat........
It made my damage numbers float .........
But there must be 800ce bought..........
To craft something better than a boat..........
The sword makes me bite...........
It will make me win in any fight........
As the red color is bright.........
My aiming is always right............
Hope to see you always in tier 3..........
And see you next to a tree.........
But this time I wont flee........
And I hope I wont need a shadow key.....
And I will make your soul free.........
Prize preference : Mewkat...................<3

Knight name: Hadn
Entry: 'Cus Cobalt helms looks so darned weird without them. You can't play as accessories!
Prize: Mewwwkat (No I'm not sick of the sight of Kats yet)
Edit: Forgot to add ign & date woops, fixed link.

Another entry about love puppies
Knight Name: Ezio-of-almere
Poem about love puppy ......he is sooo cute ..<3
Ohhh my lovy puppy .......
You are soo cute and lovely......
But you are rare unfortunately.......
So I cant find you even monthly......
Except if I became lucky......
I know you are rare......
But I think thats fair.......
And if I tried to kill you, I wont dare........
And I want something with you to share.........
And I hope about it you will care...........
Its love that I want with you to share.......
So is it okay ?
Think fast please because I dont have the whole day ........
But for you everything I will pay........
Because I love you not the one that is grey...........
Come dance with me and lets sway !!
With you I will try to stay.........
We can dance, we can laugh , We can paint and spray !!
With this poem I will try to keep you......
And by the way do you like the color blue ?
If you do we will be the best team of two.....
We love each other and thats true.......
I have to go so bie.....
I will tell you a secret and its not a lie.......
And I will tell you with out shie.......
When I leave you I cry......
But I will try to make my tears dry.........
But remember that I said try.........
Because your love always makes me fly.....
Away from haven, Away from the sky........
Why I cant see you always puppy ? WHY ?
If there was something you want, for you I would buy..........
Prize preference : Love puppy...................<3

Knight Name: Cobalt
Link to entry image: http://mamamisho.deviantart.com/art/Spiral-Knights-Basil-and-Cobalt-3528...
Prize preference: Love Aura
Poor Basil, gets vials thrown at him all the time.
It's okay, my vials are filled with hotly shocking frigid love for you.

Oh, my lovely, frosty Queen of the Ice!
When I first laid eyes on you,
I found love.
But alas! Twas not the right time! The rest of my party was preparing to fight!
They did not see your beauty,
But I did, and it forever changed me.
To myself I thought "Would she like me?"
For I had fallen for Queen of Ice
In all her finery and beauty.
My comrades asked "What's wrong with you?
Are you ready to fight?"
But I did not respond, for I was in love.
Yes, that wonderful feeling of love
Simply consumed me
As my party prepared to fight
My lovely Queen of Ice.
"Come on man, we need you!"
Shouted my comrades. But I was so entranced by your beauty.
It overwhelmed me, your beauty.
My true love
For you
Made me
Slip on the floor of your palace, for it is covered in ice.
Though only an accident, I landed on the button that would call your minions to fight.
My friends were happy because they could begin the fight.
They saw you as only a monster and could not recognize your beauty.
"Goddamn Minis and Polyps!" they shouted, "I'm covered with ice!"
I, however, was spared, for I was warmed by love.
The Minis and Polyps then advanced upon me
And I cried out to you:
"Why do you
make your minions fight
us? Why don't you love me?"
And you, my Queen, in all your beauty,
Responded with a jiggle, and more Minis attacked. And then I knew you felt no love.
As I return defeated, just know you will always be my Queen of Ice.
Knight's name: Golgomath
Prize: Love Puppy monster pocket

Knight Name: Xxpapaya
Prize: 30 day elevator pass
Date of original completion: 12/10/2012 (I wrote one for Tev's contest)
Date of modification: 7/02/2013 (Slightly edited it to be suitable for this contest)
All He Needs Is Love
Beneath some fallen crowns;
On our Haven's floor,
Lies a Snipe; silent.
Flying no more...
His once flawless beauty
Of his purple feathers,
Are now torn away,
By the knights and awful wolvers,
His beak is bent and broken;
He can barely sing,
The modest & kind heart he once had,
Is now beginning to die.
No knights looks up to this Snipe anymore.
He is just another fallen object,
Lying on the Wolver dens floor...
The little Snipe, as he dies,
Looks up at the blue skies,
And no knight even stops to cry,
Or to feel any emotions inside,
As his heart beats its last song,
No knight wonders if they have done wrong.
As it was, the Snipe just needed love;
Love, all along.
But there was no one there,
To mend his broken wings,
There was no one there,
To listen to the song he would sing.
The knights were too busy,
And too controlled by crystal energy,
To care at all about nursing a Snipe,
Back to proper health.
They could not feel emotions,
To the broken, sad, and lonely;
And spot a little Snipe,
Lying there,
On our Haven's floor,
They could not kneel down,
And carry him in their palm.
They could not heal him,
And make his frigid heart calm.
But there was some-papaya,
Up in the sky,
I watched sadly,
As the little Snipe slowly died,
I reached my hand down,
From the calm in the sky,
And carried the thy Snipe
Way up high.
Now the Snipe is home,
Free again.
Free to fly, free to sing,
A flight of no end,
But, down there,
Where the Snipe once lay;
On the Haven's floor,
Things get more difficult;
Worse than ever before,
More things die,
And drop to the core.
Things fade away,
Without leaving a trace,
And while they are now jolly,
We can not forget,
The Snipe we left there to die,
On our own Haven's floor.

at vana's chamber
vana : "What's this? More wolves hungry for the blood of Almire? Our great kingdom shall never fall to the likes of beasts!"
vana : wait!!.... im sick of this, go ahead, take my token. pls let me alone...
violet : no...
violet : what?you want to kill me? just do it. kill me. i tired live as a vanaduke. tired to take that pierce damage. why i born to death...? just kill me.
violet : i don't
violet : what again? you want to take some screeny about my ugly face, so your friend can laugh at my face?
violet : LOL, no
violet :*sigh*, so what will you do?
Future : vana, please forgive me to being rude to you everytime i come here. this is your home, but i come to destroy it. im being greedy, take your token and crown, just to have a cool mighty stuff. now its valentine day, why dont we become a friend? hehe also i made some chocolate cake for you, hope you like it (:D)
vana :/sad
violet : vana you do not forgive?
Vana : i was touch. and yes, thats okay knight. you bring my spirit back. and lets we eat this cake together.
violet : okay, i know now... you have a kindly heart
One day, violet has given a information that vana became weird and lost in shadow lair. and now known as UFSC. once again, after a long way to find vana,violet found vana. but sadly vana doesn't remember her, because a curse
violet: vana, what happened to you?
vana: grr, how brave you are to face me, prepare for your death
violet: vana its me violet..
vana: *slam*
violet: arghh
when violet felt to the floor, her cake is dropped from her bag, then suddenly, UFSC floor fallen to the core because of unknown curse from shadow lair
violet : vana... you remember that day right, this cake... *huff* i want to give it to you again... can we eat... eat this cake like before? when we became a friend, vana can you forgive me once more?
vana: violet.... yea, i remember now. violet thank you for all this time. but, maybe now. its the last chance we can see each other.
suddenly vana jump into the swarm, and let the swarm it him for save violet life...
vana : thank you..
vana disappear with no trace, the swarm is gone. only remains chocolate cake on the floor.
"Forgive me"
Knight Name: Futurefrost
Prize preference: mewkat monster pocket
name: underknight
prize 30 day elevator pass
entry: http://dragonrider79.deviantart.com/art/Kora-And-Present-352915677?ga_su...

Name: Creativitie
Prize Preference: Love Puppy Monster Pocket
Entry: http://knowingunexpected.deviantart.com/art/Love-is-in-the-Air-352963933...

Name: Sciger
Prize Preference: Mewkat Monster Pocket
Entry: http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o737/Sciger/SpiralKnightsValentineFi...
Blurb to go with image:
Sciger always adored spookats, despite their aggressive tendencies to sinking their fangs deep into her armor and firing bullets from deep within their bellies. She wanted a pet mewkat for a very long time until her chroma whelp, Clyde, stole her heart the second time Nonna arrived in Haven. But she still adored the spookats and, approximately one week before Valentine's Day in 2013, she got an idea.
Heading down deep into the Scarlet Fortress, she gripped her bag of valentines, hoping they would appreciate her gift. Peeking around the corner to see a large group of spookats harassing an innocent mewkat. Growing angry, she tossed aside the bag and unsheathed her trusty dread venom striker, launching her attack. She stopped just in time to remember her intentions. Taking the mewkat off to the side while glaring at the spookats with shield up, she led him to where she left her valentines. She picked it up and handed one to the little kat. The mewkat squealed loudly then rushed over to the spookats, showing off what he just got. The spookats gaped with their jaws held open wide then stared over to her. Sciger turned to find other spookats that might appreciate her valentines. Then, she heard a loud yowl and turned back with shield up and sword at the ready. Instead, she saw sad spookats watching after her. Sighing deeply, she found forgiveness in her heart and walked over to them, sitting down and fetching out valentines.
Within only minutes, love and happiness was glowing in the small room. Her dread venom striker laid against the wall, shield on her back. She was comfortable and trusting.
The kats were happy. Sciger was happy.
Valentine's Day was complete.

Knight Name: Inklings
Entry Link: http://seven-ink.deviantart.com/art/Made-with-Love-353167872
Prize Preference: Mewkat Monster Pocket
Knight name: Rock-Gear
Prize preference: 30 day elevator pass
Knight: AsianIcicle
Prize preferance:
...or a Lt. Vaelyn that follows me around.
Notes: My scanner kind of overpowered some light colors so it looks blank. This was moved from Entry 1 because it wasn't elligable for that category.

Knight Name
Link to entry image (drawing)
Prize preferance
a love aura......................................................
but i think a pet battle piglet would be the best...
(>'-')> ^('-'^)(^'-')^ <('-'<)

Knight Name:Miabot
Link to entry image: It was a "wide" project so here are lots of photos :3
Full Version (little blurry)
Close up
Close up on Love puppy <3
Close up on Miabot
Squished full version :D
Prize preference: mewkat!
EDIT: fixed links (was broken D:)
I would like to put this in for the Contest
Knight Name: Donquiote
Prize Preference: Mewkat Pocket Monster Accessory

Knight Name: Voltata
Link to entry image: http://voltata.tumblr.com/image/42658104392
Prize preference: 30 day elevator pass

Entry: (kinda a joke one so I will be in, Even if I can't get any others done)
Haiku for a jelly cube (in the language of jelly)
Glorp Glorp Glorp Glorp Glorp
Glorp Glorp Glorp Glorp Glorp Glorp Glorp
Glorp Glorp Glorp Glorp Glorp
Prize: ele Pass

Knight Name: Dirathiar
I Wish You Were There
Here we are again
A monster and a knight
My enemy, but a friend
For I can see your plight
Your eyes, they are so dull;
They glow with stark coldness
With compassion, my heart is full
For only I can see your distress
Oh zombies, how I pity you
As I watch your empty stare
With every battle it still holds true;
I wish you were there
Whenever you come near
I shudder with fear
From the moans that I hear
But I just cannot tell:
Do you have any emotion?
Are you pained with every motion?
Do you even have a notion
Or are you just an empty shell?
Are there thoughts in your head
Or just malice instead?
Would you believe me if I said
That I actually care?
I just do not know;
You have no signs to show
But with each day the thought grows:
I wish you were there
So on this Valentine’s Day
The time is right, I say
To tell you how I feel
With this love note surreal
I’m in your graveyard right now
Watching you all somehow;
But do not dare come near me
Or I’ll start to shoot freely
Yet I’ll leave you this note
That I woefully wrote
And happen upon it you might;
Perhaps it will free you tonight
…Can you even read?
Could I possibly plant a seed?
Could love start to grow
And a friend really come from a foe?
As I watch you from this tombstone
You all look so very alone
And once more I swear
I wish you were there
So remember, my enemies
In this dandy love filled season
When I hesitate to shoot you
I really do have a reason
Yes remember, my friends
Though feelings you lack
My dear hope when you’re near
Is that you’d love me back
…Just remember if you can
While I dance through your lair:
The fact of the matter is
I just wish you were there
Prize Preference: Love Puppy Pocket Monster
Knights name: Rock-Gear
"Silly Valentine"
It’s Valentine’s day,
And it’s really quite silly;
My feelings are switching around
I’m happy, SO happy!
Then I’m feeling SO sad;
I’m gloomy, I’m joyful
Oh man, this is bad!
My body is clammy,
Then I’m in a deep sweat;
Sometimes I’m giddy,
Sometimes I fret.
I’m looking for comfort food
Deep in the frig;
Often I think
I could jump off a bridge.
What is the reason
For all the above?
It’s Valentine’s Day,
And I’m SO in love!
Prize Preference: 30 elevator pass

Knight Name: Rinzi
Link to Entry Image: http://fav.me/d5udc8g
Prize preference: A 30 day elevator pass

Knight Name: Shuichi
Link to entry image: http://shuie.deviantart.com/art/I-ll-be-Your-Dark-Ritual-353458006
Prize preference: Pocket Monster: Chroma Whelp.

Knight Name: Little-Mage
Link to entry image: http://fav.me/d5ugh7y
Prize Preference: Pocket Monster: Mewkat
(Just gonna point out that those are cookies ^^)

Knight Name: Junecat
You, Me, and Crowns
Every day I buy from recipes you,
Only to sell it for more.
Every day I take one or two
And make a profit from the store.
A journey to you costs at least 40ce
And I never get enough crowns on the way.
But it doesn’t matter as much to me
Cause in the end I get a huge pay.
Basil you are the only NPC I love.
Because of you I have reach 100k cr.
Prize preference: Mewkat Pocket Monster

Knight Name: Skye-Lightning
A Kiss
"I love you,"These are the words that made Feron queasy, if told by or to his friends. But saying it to a girl often made him feel comfortable.
Feron sat by the stairs on the town square, petting his Love Puppy, Bunny. The puppy barked hearts at him, and he giggled, feeling well when hit by the red hearts. And beside them was Alice, Feron's best friend, enjoying the two's playful fight. The puppy turned to Alice, and started to shoot hearts at her, then hitting Feron with hearts too. Simultaneously, in fact, but what could it mean?
*A Week Later*
Bunny had been ill for almost 3 days. It had contracted a viral infection from one stun bug. And this wasn't the Sudaruska Stun Bug, no, it is just a normal stun bug that some Love Puppies contract when exposed to sun too much. But the bug that the puppy had contracted was a concentrated form and the puppy died, just like that.
Feron didn't eat for days, maybe weeks. He won't talk to anyone, except for Alice though. He shared everything with her. And she stood by him at his every downfall.
The day before Valentines Day, Feron wrote Alice a card and put it in her mailbox.
Valentine's Day and Alice had opened her mailbox. One letter was there, and it was from Feron. She read every word, Feron's voice racing through her mind.
"Dear Alice, thanks for standing by me every time. I feel great. Better. When you listen to my feelings... I... I don't know... Just, I feel great. I just wanna be with you every second of my life, now and then... You comforted me when Bunny died. Thank you..."
The letter had extended to more quotes and sentences, but Alice had stopped at the italicized words. She looked at the bottom, where Feron signed, "See you later, Alice. Feron. I love you."
She had closed up the letter, eyes full of tears, and ran to Feron's.
She banged open the door and ran to his room, where she cried, "I love you too."
Felix turned around from his window and to Alice, and ran to greet her. Feron hugged her, and their eyes met, their faces leaning over. Their mouths meet and part for a second, as the barks of Bunny had reached their ears.
Yes, they had been meant for each other.
The End
Prize preference: A 30 day elevator pass
Nice Poem, Rock-Gear.

Knight: Abyssal-Flamberge
To Monomi
Oh how I wanted the pocket
It's so cute how it barked
Little heart orb that looked like a locket
Plenty of these in the Love Puppies stomach, I assure you
And In the Great Escape, I had found one
A lost soul, indeed
But accursed NPCs had it done
And it's life had ended
Oh So Quickly
Oh Monomi,
Why is destiny so wretched?
A born L.P.
Destroyed and dead
Game over you puppies
Lets get into that shed
Where I can cuddle you greatly
And I tuck you to bed...
Prize Preference: 30-day elevator pass

Knight Name: Noblax
Be My Valentines, Desna
Desna, Oh Desna
How i love your oval eyes.
So yellow, so bright.
So beautiful, that's no lie
Desna, Oh Desna
Your deeds oh so good.
Those Danger Missions,
they put me in the mood
Desna, Oh Desna
You lead with leadership
Your squad you train well
How elite, oh la la!
Desna, Oh Desna
How I love your oval eyes
I wish you could be mine
So would you be my Valentines?
Prize Preference: 30-day elevator pass

Snarbolax oh snarby,
Doth no one ever tell you how beautiful your eyes glow?
Hath no one ever complimented your beautiful pelt?
Thou may keep defenses up to prevent cupids arrow piercing your heart
But mine has been struck and for that is enough.
I want no prize other than a Snarbolax hug.
I want no praise more than just being by your side.
I want no tokens unless they are of your affection.
I want no more than to be with you, snarbolax,
Thou can let your defenses down with me.
Will thou be mine?
I'm Bella-Donna... and I only want snarbolax hugs... :c

si tan solo todos conocieran tu nombre...
si tan solo todos te conocieran...
a ti monomi
a ti quien nos acompañas e inspiras
a ti quien nos guardas bajo el siempre azul cielo de cradle
¡oh pobre de ti!
cuyos unicos amigos fieles son los snipes
cuya procedencia nadie conoce
cuyos hermanos estan dispersos por todo cradle
tu que conoces a todos;¿no mereces ser recordado?
¿¡por que no habrias de ser recordado,fiel amigo!?
tu ,que siempre observas caballeros ir y venir
caballeros que inician una aventura y otros que la culminan
oh gran guardian de piedra
cuyo erocionado cuerpo no te permite realizar tus sueños
sueños de embarcarte en grandes aventuras
sueños que son aventuras
aventuras que se convierten en sueños
si de tu boca pudieran salir palabras
estoy convencido de que tendrias mil y un historias que contar
recuerda esto;podras tener un cuerpo de piedra pero dentro de este siempre habra un alma de platino

autor: caracharo
premio:pase al elevador y un homenaje a monomi como una placa con su nombre en frente de el

us siting around the model integrated was a little boring so i added music and effects
Knight Name: Quakeman
Link to entry: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZiHOiiR6sk
Prize preference: chroma whelp
Knight name: sakuraghurl
Link to entry :http://mephone9.deviantart.com/art/Entry-353847476?ga_submit_new=10%253A1360656567
Prize preference: elevator pass
iF you can't read it... message me :)
Knight name: sakuraghurl
Link to entry :http://mephone9.deviantart.com/art/Entry-353847476?ga_submit_new=10%253A1360656567
Prize preference: elevator pass
iF you can't read it... message me :)

Knight name: Tevokkia
Link to entry: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c265/Tevokkia/snipevalentine_zpsa6bbda...
Prize Preference: Love Puppy Monster Pocket, please! <3
The snipes and background were needle-felted, while the text was (poorly) embroidered. I ... don't actually know how to embroider. ^.^; The whole thing is a little over 4" wide, so I couldn't get much detail in there ... the snipes are each about the size of a nickel.

Knight name : Lavielle
Link to entry image : Heart to Puppy~
Prize Preference : Love aura! :D
Win or not,I've tried my best ^^

Knight Name: Planet-Devastation
Link to entry image: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa8EmsgMnEk
Prize preference:
Planet-Devastation: Love aura
Completed 2,12,13
Knight name: Rock-Gear
"Superhero Valentine"
Valentine, you’re in my dreams,
Both daytime and at night;
I dream of how you’d feel to touch,
How I’d fill you with delight.
So far my dreams have not come true;
You scarcely know I’m there.
But if I were a super hero,
Then I could make you care.
As Spiderman I’d weave a web,
Lure you and catch you in it,
So you couldn’t just smile and walk away,
After talking less than a minute.
As Plastic Man my parts could stretch,
I’d form them as you desire.
We could play till we got it right;
Now that should light your fire.
As Batman I’d show you sweet mysteries
In my secret underground lair.
I’d kiss and caress you to ecstasy;
Say yes; just take my dare.
I might be the superhero you’ve dreamed;
Don’t automatically deny me.
Just put yourself in my loving hands;
You won’t be sorry; try me.
You’re my personal Wonder Woman;
Be my heroine, Valentine.
Let me show you why you should choose me,
And why you’ll love being mine.
Prize Preference: 30 day elevator pass
Knight name: Rock-Gear
"Superhero Valentine"
Valentine, you’re in my dreams,
Both daytime and at night;
I dream of how you’d feel to touch,
How I’d fill you with delight.
So far my dreams have not come true;
You scarcely know I’m there.
But if I were a super hero,
Then I could make you care.
As Spiderman I’d weave a web,
Lure you and catch you in it,
So you couldn’t just smile and walk away,
After talking less than a minute.
As Plastic Man my parts could stretch,
I’d form them as you desire.
We could play till we got it right;
Now that should light your fire.
As Batman I’d show you sweet mysteries
In my secret underground lair.
I’d kiss and caress you to ecstasy;
Say yes; just take my dare.
I might be the superhero you’ve dreamed;
Don’t automatically deny me.
Just put yourself in my loving hands;
You won’t be sorry; try me.
You’re my personal Wonder Woman;
Be my heroine, Valentine.
Let me show you why you should choose me,
And why you’ll love being mine.
Prize Preference: 30 day elevator pass
Knight name: Rock-Gear
"Superhero Valentine"
Valentine, you’re in my dreams,
Both daytime and at night;
I dream of how you’d feel to touch,
How I’d fill you with delight.
So far my dreams have not come true;
You scarcely know I’m there.
But if I were a super hero,
Then I could make you care.
As Spiderman I’d weave a web,
Lure you and catch you in it,
So you couldn’t just smile and walk away,
After talking less than a minute.
As Plastic Man my parts could stretch,
I’d form them as you desire.
We could play till we got it right;
Now that should light your fire.
As Batman I’d show you sweet mysteries
In my secret underground lair.
I’d kiss and caress you to ecstasy;
Say yes; just take my dare.
I might be the superhero you’ve dreamed;
Don’t automatically deny me.
Just put yourself in my loving hands;
You won’t be sorry; try me.
You’re my personal Wonder Woman;
Be my heroine, Valentine.
Let me show you why you should choose me,
And why you’ll love being mine.
Prize Preference: 30 day elevator pass
Knight name: Rock-Gear
"Superhero Valentine"
Valentine, you’re in my dreams,
Both daytime and at night;
I dream of how you’d feel to touch,
How I’d fill you with delight.
So far my dreams have not come true;
You scarcely know I’m there.
But if I were a super hero,
Then I could make you care.
As Spiderman I’d weave a web,
Lure you and catch you in it,
So you couldn’t just smile and walk away,
After talking less than a minute.
As Plastic Man my parts could stretch,
I’d form them as you desire.
We could play till we got it right;
Now that should light your fire.
As Batman I’d show you sweet mysteries
In my secret underground lair.
I’d kiss and caress you to ecstasy;
Say yes; just take my dare.
I might be the superhero you’ve dreamed;
Don’t automatically deny me.
Just put yourself in my loving hands;
You won’t be sorry; try me.
You’re my personal Wonder Woman;
Be my heroine, Valentine.
Let me show you why you should choose me,
And why you’ll love being mine.
Prize Preference: 30 day elevator pass
Knight name: Rock-Gear
"Superhero Valentine"
Valentine, you’re in my dreams,
Both daytime and at night;
I dream of how you’d feel to touch,
How I’d fill you with delight.
So far my dreams have not come true;
You scarcely know I’m there.
But if I were a super hero,
Then I could make you care.
As Spiderman I’d weave a web,
Lure you and catch you in it,
So you couldn’t just smile and walk away,
After talking less than a minute.
As Plastic Man my parts could stretch,
I’d form them as you desire.
We could play till we got it right;
Now that should light your fire.
As Batman I’d show you sweet mysteries
In my secret underground lair.
I’d kiss and caress you to ecstasy;
Say yes; just take my dare.
I might be the superhero you’ve dreamed;
Don’t automatically deny me.
Just put yourself in my loving hands;
You won’t be sorry; try me.
You’re my personal Wonder Woman;
Be my heroine, Valentine.
Let me show you why you should choose me,
And why you’ll love being mine.
Prize Preference: 30 day elevator pass
Knight name: Rock-Gear
"Superhero Valentine"
Valentine, you’re in my dreams,
Both daytime and at night;
I dream of how you’d feel to touch,
How I’d fill you with delight.
So far my dreams have not come true;
You scarcely know I’m there.
But if I were a super hero,
Then I could make you care.
As Spiderman I’d weave a web,
Lure you and catch you in it,
So you couldn’t just smile and walk away,
After talking less than a minute.
As Plastic Man my parts could stretch,
I’d form them as you desire.
We could play till we got it right;
Now that should light your fire.
As Batman I’d show you sweet mysteries
In my secret underground lair.
I’d kiss and caress you to ecstasy;
Say yes; just take my dare.
I might be the superhero you’ve dreamed;
Don’t automatically deny me.
Just put yourself in my loving hands;
You won’t be sorry; try me.
You’re my personal Wonder Woman;
Be my heroine, Valentine.
Let me show you why you should choose me,
And why you’ll love being mine.
Prize Preference: 30 day elevator pass

Knight Name: Uuni
Link to entry image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/6e23ac801e1c25b20d425a2b2750b5c2/tumblr_mi5ad...
Prize preference: a Love Aura
Depth 27, Orange Clover Gate Instance #541
Dear Fiend (with employee ID 47483656),
I am that knight, Lanieu, that you threw an electrified floppy disk at just yesterday. It kind of hurt and singed some of my armor, just so you know. I left you alive with an act of kindness because killing you was not required to proceed.
Now that you know that, I do believe we can get along one day and a very special day is coming up in just a few Cradle-rotations. It is Valentine’s Day. I’m not sure if the Devilite culture allows the celebration of devotion and love but I think you, 47483656, and I can make it work.
Furthermore, I am unaware of any Devilite gender classifications. Being a Spiral Knight, I too am unaware of my gender. It confuses me daily. And that my fiend, is where we can find common ground. After all, you can’t spell friend without fiend, sort of. I want to escort you out of those clammy depths and show you the bright sun that hovers over the surface of Cradle.
So, my fiend, will you be my Valentine on this February 14th?
With hopeful love,
P.S.: I got your employee number from the floppy disk. I’m not a stalker or anything.
Knight Name: Lanieu
Prize Preference: Elevator Pass