Royal Jelly feedback thread

Please discuss the Royal Jelly Palace and the Royal Jelly in this thread. We want your feedback!
Judging from what we've observed so far, the poor guy is a bit too weak to fire...

I mostly liked the new levels, though this boss doesn't yet have quite the extensive fight or level of personality to compare to vanaduke. Then again, he's a gelatinous blob, so maybe I'm overanalyzing. ;)
One small gripe: The pink microjellies are cute, but they do pile up quite a lot- it eventually got to the point where I couldn't even charge a bomb or walk due to being completely trapped. Being pinned against a wall against dozens of inevitable killing machines isn't ideal. Changing their spawn to discrete waves with some warning animation/event would make this a bit more manageable.
In particular, they seem to spawn more or less continuously, meaning that at one point I got killed when I walked up to attack, and suddenly found jellies attacking me out of nowhere. However, I had trouble seeing their tiny reddish forms against the fiery background of my ash of agni cloud, so they might have been there the whole time.
As for boss tokens: a very cool idea!!! We got 4 tokens for our mighty victory in a party of 4, but some other parties (in groups of 3 or 4) are reporting receiving only 3 tokens. That seems odd. The new prizes look well worth it, though part of me does hope that the pricing will be revisited soon- 8 tokens (2-3 battles) for a brute core is just not worth it. Especially considering that in that scheme, 3 brute cores = 1 antigua. (Nick, find me in game. We will arrange the trade of a lifetime)
Likewise, Lord Van's tokens can be exchanged for the ancient plate set , which has not struck me as the most popular 5* option due to huge penalties and not much in the way of benefits. (much less to charge 50 tokens for such an item; that's a lot of battles against a very hard boss).
As an alternate prize suggestion, perhaps this would be a good time to introduce the blackened plate shield into the game, and beef up the crest of almire?
Everyone has an ash of agni bomb but me lol. From what I can tell it's like the best all-purpose bomb in the game because it has a huge radius and the effect stays on the field.
Anyways though I'd say overall it was pretty good. The main thing that I think could use tweaking is to make the boss tougher. I realize he's not supposed to be as hard as Vanaduke but the fight didn't last long at all. When I first fought him I was like "omigosh there are slimes everywhere what do I do ahh run this is gonna be epic! Wait.. he's dead already? Well then..."
The jello shots (yes those are baby jellys), are absolutely adorable. Big Jelly Dude seems like he's a grumpy old dude to me, lotsa cane shaking but not much in the way of attack strength.. or even movement. The two times we fought him we were able to just slice him to death w/o taking any damage. No fire necessary.

OMG. i love the courses and all but the last boss is a tad unfair to soloers, i mean as soon as you get stuck in a corner your doomed. i was so close to killing him to! Royal jellies are manicbtw what are these token prizes? and how much tokens do you get for killing one boss?
Weak to fire?
I have fire weapons.
Yes, a bit easy but that's his fault, he's squishy <3
Regarding the tokens: I was hoping I could buy more things with tokens but the selection right now is limited, especially since the 2 token types are exclusive?
For example, I wanted to buy a flame soul with my jelly tokens but discovered that you can only buy them with Vanaduke ones, which is reasonable, except that the only thing that drops flame souls are the burning skeletons from Firestorm Citadel. So in the process of collecting Vanaduke tokens, you're likely to get a flame soul anyway, but not possible if you obsessively (and exclusively?) hunt jellies like me :P
Anyway, besides that example, it would be neat if tokens were universal. Or at least one can be converted to the other (at a cost, if you want to be evil :P). So if I just play heaps of one gate, I can still eventually buy any token shop item. Maybe there is a rationale for them being separate.. but I was kind of disappointed after finding out.

I've done 4 jelly runs now. Two gave me 4 tokens, and two gave me 3 tokens. All runs were in parties of 4.
A friend has also claimed that he received 3 tokens soloing. So party size does not seem to be a variable. Any idea why token payouts might vary?
The last Royal Jelly fight I was in had both an Ash of Agni and a Venom Veiler. He was dead in 30 seconds.
I think it would be lot more interesting if the Royal Jelly had a number of varied attacks, a la the Tortodrone, and less like trying to fight off the zerg rush baby jellies that it spawns. Or even some sort of jelly shield to have to break apart first before being able to harm the Royal Jelly.
I think I'm just echoing Pauling's comment that it needs more personality, and I'd like to see that personality come out into a variety of boss attacks.
The levels leading up to the Royal Jelly are quite nice, and a good bout of difficulty even for a party of four. Lovely job!

To add to the token data collection, I got 4 tokens from soloing Royal Jelly.
First: I love the new levels. Congrats to Boswick (I think it's him who makes the level art, correct me if I'm wrong)
Second: Why doesn't the boss level have a boss symbol like Vanaduke?
Third: The boss is too easy. While I'm probably overequipped to fight it, after Vanaduke who takes forever to die, this was just too easy, it took less than a minute.
Would be cool if the jelly "dissolved" and slided away from you to another one of the "rooms" after you deal some damage to it.

I'm thinking maybe it is so much easier because its on the 2nd tier not the last like vana. I like it. Not all of us has every awsome item out there yet D:
I agree with having a universal token system where there is only 1 kind of token. Then make harder bosses like Vanaduke drop more tokens than bosses like the royal jelly guy. Having each token tie to a specific boss encourages farming the same boss over and over and over again.

I don't think farming bosses is a bad thing, per se. Also, I would actually say having a universal token system would encourage farming of a single boss even more so than having them separate. People would just find the easiest boss, and continuously kill him for the tokens. With a separate system, it requires people to have to fight a different boss for the rewards they want.
Of course, I'm not opposed to a universal token, but I don't think it would somehow discourage farming a specific boss.

I think boss tokens should be individual, but also treated as a by tier universal currency for non-boss specific token rewards.
Hmmmm..... I would suggest that making the token trader's goods a bit more random, maybe make it so that you would pay a certain amount of token for a random chance of receiving a item from a tier list.
Paying more token would give you a better chance at getting higher rank/tier item.
This way it'll add more longevity and collection value to this system.
Just did the whole Palace (Didn't beat the boss as I was soloing with sub-par weapons). Here's my thoughts:
1) The mini jellies that don't respawn should drop heat/items. There are plenty of rooms that are half mini-jellies and I kill them and get nothing, it's more annoying then anything else. Not that they are hard, but when there's a ton of them and they potentially trap you, you should get something for it.
2) The boss's spawns should be scaled based on the size of your party. Soloing it is way too difficult right now for a Tier 2 boss, especially when people doing it won't have 4-5 star items like most of us do, and even if you were in 3 star all around with a group might still be difficult. It's all due to the massive spawns that the boss has. It spins, and something like 15-20 jellies spawn on all sides. It's way too much for the amount of health they have. Lowering their health would make them pointless, so spawning less would be better. I went through the entire Palace solo with no problems, never used a Healing item at all, then I hit the boss and use all 3 healing capsules in the first minute, and die a minute later. Maybe I'm just not taking the correct approach, but it wasn't really possible to take any other. The second you even cut down on the amount of Jellies, it spawns more, there's no actual opportunity to attack the boss himself. I have a feeling that even if I revived, it wouldn't have done anything.
3) I think the boss area itself is too difficult for a person who is normally in Tier 2. Someone who does an entire run in 2-3* equipment, even in a full group, has very low odds of actually coming out alive without wasting an insane amount of Energy in revives.
You would make the amount of tokens you get proportional to the difficulty of the boss. An example would be have the royal king drop something like 2 tokens, and have vanaduke drop 6. The point isn't necessarily to stop someone from killing the same boss over and over but to make it so you don't HAVE to. People could still farm an easy boss over and over but it would be a choice instead of a requirement.

Give the boss a mustache and eyebrows like the impostocube.
But really, its rather anticlimatic. I was barely surviving some levels, and then the boss comes and goes in less than a minute. Maybe the boss needs to either have more attacks, more health, or something to make it more of a boss fight.

So from here on in this thread please comment on the Royal Jelly experience after today's update.
From my most recent experience with the Royal Jelly (Just a little after the latest update), it seems not much has been changed. He's still very easy to rush - Two players with a Vile Striker and a Hunting Blade managed to kill him in under a minute without even really dying.
It seemed to be slightly harder than the previous experiences, however it is still a bit too easy.
In my opinion, the Royal Jelly haves a bit too many summons, and that together with his HP regeneration makes it very hard for players to take strategic approaches on him. Less experienced/less equipped players specifically will have a lot of problem because that they won't really know "rushing" him is the "best strategy", currently, and some won't even have the appropiate equipment. (One of my friends, for example, doens't use any swords - This makes it incredibly difficult for him to simply hit the Royal Jelly, considering all the summons he haves)
I'd like if the Royal Jelly had more HP, but a bit less summons, and maybe some more attacks or the such. Would prove to be more of a challenge then, and would certainly be more fun.

Please keep in mind that this is a Tier 2 boss. Yes my Ash of Agni kills him in less than a minute, but it's a 5* weapon. Tier 2 is intended to be done by players with 2-3* gear, so we really need people to test it out on that equipment. Yes I'd love for it to be more of a challenge with all my 5* gear, but that wouldn't really be fair to the people who are playing Tier 2 because they don't yet have access to Tier 3.
I've got all 4* equipment and some 5* equipment and I still found him pretty easy. He got me down to low health but I still killed him quickly before dying. However, as the above poster said, since he is tier 2 I suppose he is meant for players with 2*-3* gear, and I could certainly see him being more challenging in that sense. I don't know if he still spawns mini jellies absolutely everywhere, but if he does, I'd just say that that was the one aspect of fighting him that was pretty unfair.
Making a universal token would defeat the purpose of actually having other bosses other than the easiest one to kill. Sure you could go and kill the hard one but whats the point if you can get a full set of 5* outa something that takes 30 seconds to slay?
No, the system is good how it is. Separate tokens are better. Trust me when i say this, you wouldn't want to be handed everything for free just for killing a slime that can hardly defend itself.
I was suggesting the universal token system based on the assumption that both bosses were meant to be equal difficulty, appearing in Tier 2 or Tier 3 randomly in each new gate with difficulty (and also token payout) proportional to the depth. I am not actually sure if this is the case or if difficulty of the boss is fixed (i.e. Royal Jelly being the "easy boss" and Vanaduke being the "hard boss" forever).
I have a feeling that the latter is the case. Please clarify this, devs?
Hm, but aren't weapons supposed to get their damage depending on where you're using them? So a 5* should be only slightly better than a 3* in Tier 2.
I thought the idea was for veteran players to still face challenges if they want to kill a Tier 2 boss or something.

I think the problem with the scaling is that bonuses from gear aren't calculated.
If you have an ultra damage bonus on your 5 star gear, it's still going to be an ultra bonus in Tier 2, so your damage is still going to much greater than that of somebody who has 2~3 star gear.
The only way they could really remedy this is to have variants scale in relation to the item you're using or the tier you're using them in, instead of having them fixed from the start.
Items in Tier 1 items would have a bonus of low.
Items in Tier 2 items would have a bonus of moderate.
And Tier 3 items would be high/ultra.
These would be caps to all positive bonuses so that gear scaling is actually effective.

The amount of heat that can be earned during the three levels before the showdown is pretty amazing considering the depth. I was a little disappointed by how little heat there was on the final stage though. In ways it makes sense, but it seems a bit odd.
@Pupu, Sure, your actual damage gets scaled, but that doesn't affect anything other than damage itself. Have you seen the range on the Ash of Agni? People are saying it makes the RJ a joke. Sure, but it's also a 5 star item. The 3 star version of the AoA doesn't have that range at all. So while the AoA might be scaled to meet the damage output of the 3 star version, it's range alone makes the weapon FAR more powerful.
That's the problem. Sure, we're all in 5 star gear, and so we slaughter the boss. If you really want to see how it is, either equip 3 star, or make a new character and try it from scratch. I don't think it will be as easy, especially if you solo.
I still hold with my suggestion that the boss spawns are scaled to the party size. 1 player in 2-3 star gear will have a very hard time handling the spawns and still being able to even touch the boss at all. We can do it because we have 5 star mob control weapons, most 3 star bombs don't even have the range to hit half the spawns if the entire blast radius was taken up by summons.
He was able to heal up the damage i was doing solo on him very quickly. when i'm running from the very large horde of small minions the jelly gets alot of time to just sit there and heal. Since this was my first time fighting him i quickly made and discarded several plans as the fight went on
1. kill minions then focus on the boss- he can pump out minions faster than i can kill and only stops when he reaches a certain number(i.e. infinite if i keep trying to kill them)
2. get the minions stuck in the level then fight the boss - takes too much time(he heals) and the boss can get rid of all the walls with the ghost block
3. hit with poison and fire vials - not enough damage in the time they affect him- by this time i had spent 20 energy to revive and it was not worth all my remaining crystal energy to come back
i got nothing- i could eventually deal with this boss if it didn't regenerate hp. boss battles are usually long and drawn out, so having a boss that regains hp during the long drawn part of the fight hurts.
i would like to be able to trade or sell my tokens. unless there is always going to be a boss up to get tokens from, we need a way to redistribute.
also, 2 nights ago, king jelly dropped a sun shards bomb. anyone else get a gear drop?
I fought him a few more times. If you have some way to kill the jelly mobs (a bomb) and rush the boss, he's quite easy.
Otherwise it gets harder.

Fought him solo with all 4 star gear, and it took a revive due to the large numbers of jelly mobs. I'd say the difficulty is fitting of a boss, although the jelly mobs could be toned down a bit so that if you get surrounded you're not going to be guaranteed to die.
Yeah, I've given this boss a few runs, and the mob spawning is simply impossible to deal with if you want to fight him like you would Vanaduke - they keep you moving too much to outdamage the jelly king's healing rate and, as they don't provide health like skeletons can, they WILL eventually take you down.
I pretty much just have to rush up, soak the damage from the mobs, and spam every vial and slash as fast and hard as I can to take the Jelly King out.
So, in my opinion, less mobs, more health, less regeneration, and perhaps the jelly king's spin attack should have knockback.
In well oiled parties with full tier 3 on all members with full suites of poison and curse vials, this boss is barely possible. Honestly, the boss just doesn't reward coordination or skill, it's a gear check boss. That isn't interesting from any standpoint. I don't want to kill the boss simply because of vile striker and good bombs, I'd rather spend much more time artfully staying alive and slowly wearing down a very difficult foe.
To that end, I say remove the healing completely but multiply the health. The number of spawns are fine, that's the challenge of the fight after all.
I want the spikes back in the bottom right of Red Carpet Runaround. It's too easy now. Also add the giant green jelly somewhere.
Jelly King himself is fine. The new attack keeps him from being an instant kill, and makes players collect poison. So that's good.
Lessen the mini jelly spawn rate, its just insane, theres way too many mini jellies at a time
This makes it easier to get to the boss soooo
Increase the health more, as to compensate for jellies being gone
And another idea, instead of making him completely dissappear, Id like it if the king had his own stages
As you kill one stage, he gets smaller, and has less health, but not that much less
Only do this if theres less mini jellies, itd be more insane if they were kept in and this was implemented
The problem with a boss that works around attrition (constant enemy spawns, constant regen) is that either you can't keep up and you have an insanely hard (and frustrating time), or it can't keep up and you steamroll it.
That said, I like it just because the Antigua is incredibly badass.
"In well oiled parties with full tier 3 on all members with full suites of poison and curse vials, this boss is barely possible. Honestly, the boss just doesn't reward coordination or skill, it's a gear check boss. That isn't interesting from any standpoint. I don't want to kill the boss simply because of vile striker and good bombs, I'd rather spend much more time artfully staying alive and slowly wearing down a very difficult foe. " - Ouros
I'm going to come off as egotistical, but you are wrong, dead wrong in all ways imaginable. I killed Jelly King with all 2 star gear on all party members back when Health pots were broken and didn't work. You need to play better, or play with better people. Do NOT say this is a gear-check boss; that's a straight up falsehood. Maybe it's a gear check in that everyone needs 2 star equipment, but that's the equipment required for tier 2 anyway.
"And another idea, instead of making him completely dissappear, Id like it if the king had his own stages " - Kymroi
He already has two stages; they're just subtle. He starts turning from violet to pink after you deal quite a bit of damage to him. I'd say it's a soft enrage, at around 25-33% health left. So he's easy to get down for the majority of the fight, until he starts to go pink/ragespins every 1 or 2 attacks.
At first I thought it was a bit unfair but I think its fine now, considering its one of the only bosses in the game the difficulty should stay as it is, or maybe even a tad harder(all though making new bosses would be best).I dont think it should be easy for "solo players" hell I almost want to say it shouldn't be even possible we need more content that requires team work and party members this is an MMO afterall.
That being said I love the jelly king and I hope we get to see more fun bosses like him soon
The difficulty level is just right in my opinion.
As seen by the posts above me, some people find it fairly easy and others may find it a bit difficult.
This boss will most likely require you to revive once or twice, but is definitely doable (by a party OR solo)
The only part that irks me a bit is that guns have absolutely no role on that stage.
Jelly boss is way too easy if you know what you're doing, and way too hard for those who have no clue what they're doing. With 2-3* gear, you just need 2 people to constantly wack at him and it's over. His spin attacks and his minions can pretty much be ignored. It's a very straightforward boss that is completely no challenge to beat. However if you are in a party which doesn't just spam click him, it may be quite difficult.
On the other hand, vanaduke is now apparently a handgun only boss.
Jelly king seems to be rough unless you bring someone with a vile striker or rotate poison vials. With that and some gear, its not too hard to zerg him down before anyone needs a revive.

A Queen Bee. There should be another floor with a harder bee-like boss to make the Royal Jelly Path even more interesting. A harder boss that requires more teamwork strategy like a flank of gunners to stun, heavy damage dealers, and bombers and tossers to help enfeeble, damage and control the queen's guards.
Royal Jelly is an absolute blitzfest that relies purely on gear and whether or not you've got poison on hand.
There's no skill involved, you either have the DPS to bring him down or you don't.

funny someone randomly bumps this thread today and then Jelly King gets an update a few hours later lol

Royal Jelly is an absolute blitzfest that relies purely on gear and whether or not you've got poison on hand.
There's no skill involved, you either have the DPS to bring him down or you don't.
There is some strategy in spending the earlier levels collecting poison, curse, fire, and heal, and restraining yourself from using them up. But... the fight itself... the less you think about it the better. Walk up into his face so your potion can't miss and then start smacking.
Tumble hit the head on the nail, really.

All u really have to do is throw poison vials or have a poison weapon to stop
it from healing itself.
Everything is too weak to fire.