Gunning Update Testing Feedback: Other - Round 2

Welcome testers!
Time for round 2 for the gunner update - see the details here:
Please post specific feedback you have about the changes that aren't specific to guns and gear in this thread. Using this thread makes it easier for a developer to see what you've posted. Please keep your feedback constructive and with as much detail as possible. Off topic posts will be removed so it's easier to see the feedback.
If you do run across a bug while testing, please file a bug report using F2. Please make sure you give it a short description that makes it clear what the issue is.

I think that the shard bombs feel a bit underwhelming in the face of 2 very potent new pulsars, improved magnus line weapons, improved movement speed while charging guns, additional antigua line guns, and elemental blasters.

I'm not really sure if this belongs here, but the Pulsars seem bugged for me, because whenever the shots should increase in size, they disappear and reappear slightly in the direction of the shooter, which decreases it's effective range. I don't know what causes it, because I have seen other players use the pulsars just fine, but for me this is consistent throughout all of them. This also means that when I hit a block with normal bullets, nothing happens for a short time until a big shot appers out of thin air, flies the small distance which it is delayed, and then destroys the block.

From what I can tell, they've increased the window after an attack where the next shot will count as a 'combo'. So when you shoot twice and wait for the animation to reset then shoot twice again without relaoding, the wait is a little longer now.
@IconKing that's called latency.

I definitely like the strategy of the new LD map. I sent a bug report ingame about the one-way gate on the map, but I am now reconsidering it because it forces players to commit to defending without camping health regen. There is a lot of pathway denial that can create interesting lock points.

The new lockdown map is pretty cool. It will be interesting to see how it works with the more prominent area denial bombs like the shock and stun bombs. Love the spikes as well.
Not sure if i'm okay with being in single lockdown games, all alone.

Cata bullets show the location of recon users in LD.

They always did - you just couldn't spam them before now. By the way, charges in LD are totally useless unless the person is silly enough to hold a charge, or you hit them with your own charge while they're spasming from shock.

Shield is lonely, Gunner Update has guns, armors, helms not shields! I thought gunner update is suppose to be guns only
"Tweaked the attack and chained attack timings across all guns"?
What does that mean?