
123 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums

All applications have been reviewed.

Therealest application: http://i.imgur.com/YUjL32G.png

Logt application: http://i.imgur.com/6cgz2y1.png

Bild des Benutzers Secateur
Guild Application

1. Secateur
2. Years ago, When runescape was still runescape
3. Dark Guardians
4. When i play video games i play to win and it looks like this guild plays to win also
5. No
6. I enjoy everything about the game(Have yet to try PvP but i am serious when it comes to PvP)
7. 18 Turning 19 soon
8. Bogota, Colombia
9. Maybe

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums


Bild des Benutzers Rotten-Forums
Guild Application

1. In-Game Name
- Rotten-Tomato
2. When did you start playing SK?
- June 2011
3. What guilds have you been in?
- Immortal Life, Technique, Aeons, Twenty One/Aurum.
4. Why do you want to join Oracion?
- I want to settle down in a nice and stable guild and meet new friends as well as catch up with some old ones.
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?
- Contr, Redblades, Blueflood (While I'm not his friend, I'm fond of his gunning prowess).
6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights?
- Playing Lockdown and doing FSC runs with friends.
7. How old are you? (Optional)
- 15
8. Where are you from? (Optional)
- Bogota, Colombia
9. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub? (Optional)
- Are you kidding? That fool lives in the same city as me, of course he stalks me!

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums


Bild des Benutzers Talsam
want join

1. In-Game Name
2. When did you start playing SK?
amm 2-3 yerds
3. What guilds have you been in?
Aurum and impervius
4. Why do you want to join Oracion?
ammmmm my friends in guild very good player bleyu and contry amm fun guild xD
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?
yes Theirillusion amm bleyu and contry i see in LD goods player
6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights?
Playing Lockdown and doing FSC runs with friends.
7. How old are you? (Optional)
8. Where are you from? (Optional)
15.israel rezon le zion
9. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub? (Optional)

Bild des Benutzers Smokeykiller
Guild Application

1. In-Game Name : SmokeyKiller
2. When did you start playing SK? :It was if I remember right at 2011
3. What guilds have you been in? : White Angles,Aurum,Pokeys
4. Why do you want to join Oracion? : It seem to me like a fun guild of Pvp and Pve
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who? : Bleyu,Talsam
6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights? : Lockdown and FSC run with friends
7. How old are you? (Optional) : 15
8. Where are you from? (Optional) : Israel,Hifa
9. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub? (Optional) : Nope...

Bild des Benutzers Meep-The-Bank

:I Oracion is becoming stronger and stronger everyday.

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken

We already the strongest... We can't be stronger...

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums


Bild des Benutzers Lord-Jake

1. In-Game Name
Biohybrid (Used to be Lord-Jake, changing it back to that when i get the chance)

2. When did you start playing SK?
Since beta. Had some breaks in between but now i'm coming back.

3. What guilds have you been in?
The Jempire, Impervious like forever ago, and various others i cant remember or dont care to list.

4. Why do you want to join Oracion?
My bro Rotten-Tomato joined and I'm looking for a skilled guild to join up with.

5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?
Rotten-tomato, contri, blueflood, Lemonzaby, Theirillusion, Redblades, and Muffin-Top. (Sorry if i forgot anyone else)

6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights?
LD, SL's, and the occasional Vana run.

7. How old are you? (Optional)

8. Where are you from? (Optional)

9. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub? (Optional)
Yea, pretty sure he doesnt exist anymore.. should be at a dumpster by now.

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums


Btw, we are doing an officer vote! so don't forget to vote before next monday.

Bild des Benutzers Changonanak
Guild Application

**NOTE** I apologize greatly for the text monster I have birthed below. I attempted to explain myself fully and with as much clarity as possible. If you do not wish to read it, that is understandable, and I was likely not a good fit for the guild anyways. Thank you if you do choose to read it.

1. In-Game Name
My main account is Changonanak.

2. When did you start playing SK?
I began playing usually in the summer of 2012, but I played seriously during the Spring of 2013.

3. What guilds have you been in?
I used to be in The Wolver Clan and The Wolven Warriors, but I have mostly freelanced. I will explain where my issues with my former guilds arose in conjunction with a different question.

4. Why do you want to join Oracion?
I am looking for a mature environment. I welcome joking, because this is just a game after all (at least independent of the emotional investment one may have in this virtual realm), but relatively immature mindsets were the main conflict with my other guilds; I will elaborate upon this later.

5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?
No, but again, I do not want my taste of guilds to be jaded by my former experiences, and I am looking for a community that I will fit with, or not conflict with at the very least.

6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights?
I enjoy the thrill of PvE most, for the cooperation aspect if nothing else. I enjoy the thrill of crazy situations like dashing forward and tanking the hit for a friend, or the intensity of clearing a final battle arena when everyone else is dead and there are no sparks of life left, otherwise everyone loses hard earned loot and heat.

7. How old are you?

NOTE: The following wall of text is intended as an example of my general mindset about many things. It is unconventional attitudes/explanations like the following which caused friction with my former guilds. It is not that I was annoying about it or ranted when unprovoked, opinions such as the following made people in my former guilds generally uncomfortable for some reason. I want to have a guild where I can say things like the following and not be treated with passive hostility/uncomfortable attitudes afterwards. Here goes...

I actually think age is an insignificant and arbitrary measurement to define anything about a person. It is quite a fallacy to use it at all, because while age is often touted to be correlated with experience, there are multiple flaws in this logic. One, the human experience is anything but linear, and crises can and will occur regardless of one's age. Thus, the conception of age and experience as a relatively linear correlation is inherently false when applied to humanity or a large population. Secondly, interpenetration of experience, rather, what one learns from crises, is not the same for everyone. A multitude of factors color exactly how we perceive and interpret life, including prior paradigms and experiences which form our subjective form of reality. Two people undergoing the exact same situation, given that they have different past experience sets, have infinitesimally minute chances of learning the exact same lessons and reaching he exact same outcomes. Age can't measure anything definitely except how long one has been alive.

8. Where are you from? (Optional)
I am from matter, mostly Carbon, and I hope you can say the same, otherwise science has a major problem on it's hands.

9. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub?
I was once hit with several stalks of corn, so if Darkcub is secretly a plant, then perhaps.

Bild des Benutzers Aaronssd

1. In-Game Name

2. When did you start playing SK?
almost 3 years ago.. around when rose sets were first introduced in the game

3. What guilds have you been in?
Impervious, Knightmare, Twentyone now Aurum, Finesse, and more that i dont remember off

4. Why do you want to join Oracion?
Wanted to try out new and enduring guilds that are looking into LD and PvE

5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?
Lord-jake aka Biohybrid, Rotten-Tomato, blueflood, redblades, might have forgotten a few more

6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights?
Lockdown and merchanting

7. How old are you? (Optional)
8. Where are you from? (Optional)
Illinios, U.S.A

9. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub? (Optional)
dunno o.o.. i do have stalked him quite a bit though ;o

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums


Bild des Benutzers Ill-Fate-Ill


1. In-Game Name:

2. When did you start playing SK?:
-2 and a half years ago.

3. What guilds have you been in?:
-Infinite Stratos, The Exceeds, Dauntless/Twerk Team/Pwnographic and The Jempire.

4. Why do you want to join Oracion?:
-A short while after I joined The Jempire, it became a legacy guild. After pondering whether I should change guild, I decided to move on. I want to join a active guild that does both PvP (Mainly LD) and PvE.

5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?:

6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights?:
-LD and playing with friends, mainly stuffing around.

7. How old are you? (Optional):

8. Where are you from? (Optional):
-Hong Kong, currently in WA, Australia.

9. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub? (Optional):
-Ask him if he wants to get banned now, or tomorrow.

thnx ^^

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums

- Added new rule
- Theirillusion is the new officer. Grats!

Swaed's application: http://i.imgur.com/w9xp30T.png

Rikicasano's application: http://i.imgur.com/ZumKtej.png

Bluebloodxd's application: http://i.imgur.com/wXjaadL.png

Malemotry's application: http://i.imgur.com/wXjaadL.png

Sederts's application: http://i.imgur.com/Gxz9nrN.png

Hey Guildie's aka Risen

Hey Guildie's aka Risen

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums

Risen-Xd's application: http://i.imgur.com/Y7DefM5.png

Zapmichael's application: http://i.imgur.com/M2pHJfE.png

Bild des Benutzers Radexs
Here's my app^

1. My IGN: Radexs

2. Hmm recent days ago and goona play it 4ver.

3. Hmm Mabe all of 'em which have existed in SK

4. Well I'd love to join a humble, OP and a guild having mature mates . Where i can talk with Mature and decent people and take part in all the evens on guild^

5. I guess i don't know mcuh people here in Oracion.

6. Everything.

7. Hmm maybe i don't wanana tell here ^ geez.

8. I'm from Pakistan, but i really hate to live there. Hopefully after getting job i'll migrate to anyother Op Country.

9. :O not really.

Bild des Benutzers Orkwrath

1. In-Game Name: Jediel
2. When did you start playing SK?: Around maybe late 2012
3. What guilds have you been in?: All the guilds I have been in have gone into default or have died.
4. Why do you want to join Oracion?: You guys seem pretty strong and I want to be in a supportive and fun guild.
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?: The names Contri and Darkcub seem familiar but no...I don't know anyone from your guild
6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights?: Everything
7. How old are you? (Optional): 14
8. Where are you from? (Optional): Plane crash and plane disappearance country...
9. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub? (Optional): No

Bild des Benutzers Mupt
Feel the love

Bleyu noob <3 #BjIsLife

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums

Updated. Now we use a voice chat software (Raidcall)

Bild des Benutzers Ill-Fate-Ill

Contri put my Raidcall installation guide on our Steam group. If you have trouble, read it.


1. In-Game Name: Almapirlo
2. When did you start playing SK? : 2011
3. What guilds have you been in? : Avalon, Dominance, The Select Few, Impervious, Twenty One(Aurum), Rigorous, Promise
4. Why do you want to join Oracion? : Princessjustine
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who? : Yes, Princessjustine
6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights? : FSC, LD, chat with friends, see people rage at each other in LD(lol)
7. Can you download and use Raidcall? Listening is mandatory and a micro would be helpfull but not needed. : I dont know what that is but I cant see why not
8. How old are you? (Optional) : College
9. Where are you from? (Optional) : China
10. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub? (Optional) : Unfortunately, yes. I just hope he doesnt see this xD.

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums



1. In-Game Name: Kattasexy
2. When did you start playing SK? Dont Remember the date.
3. What guilds have you been in? Many.
4. Why do you want to join Oracion? Contri invites me.
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who? Contri, it is manco and scammer.
6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights? Help people and Trolling someones.
7. Can you download and use Raidcall? Listening is mandatory and a micro would be helpfull but not needed. Yes
8. How old are you? (Optional) 16
9. Where are you from? (Optional) Chile
10. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub? (Optional): Yes, he want date with me, but now it is not my friend anymore.

PD: Anddres Updatea luego que me aburro 77

Bild des Benutzers Ill-Fate-Ill


Raidcall download guide (MAC VERSION) on steam page here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/oracionsk/discussions/0/35219681775144826/

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums


Bild des Benutzers Darkcub
1. In-Game Name: Darkcub

1. In-Game Name: Darkcub OP
2. When did you start playing SK? 14/4/2011
3. What guilds have you been in? Aurum and Beware and 365 more
4. Why do you want to join Oracion? Cause contri love me and he need a TOP player in his guild
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who? Contri,Anddres and a lot of funny guys like Theirillusion MC
6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights? Kill peoples in LD and make JKs like scared videos and videos about Contris life
7. Can you download and use Raidcall? Listening is mandatory and a micro would be helpfull but not needed. Sure
8. How old are you? (Optional) 27
9. Where are you from? (Optional) Im from Cuba , that is Dark - Cub , but my family is from spain and im now in USA miami beach !
10. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub? (Optional): Yes he is a rly sexy guys , and he has a lot of girls in SK and in real <3 everybody love Darkie

Bild des Benutzers Bulby

1. What's your name son?
Well, my name is "Bulby".

2. How long have you been here?
My knight is as old as the Snarbolax.

3. Who've you been associated with?
I've been in a good many LD guilds; the most noteworthy of which being Aequitas.

4. Why do you want to join Oracion?
Being in a group is more fun than going it alone.

5. Do you know any of these folks?
I've known Contri for a while and I've swapped steel with him and Theirillusion. I recognize and have met a lot of the names in the guild too.

6. What brings you to Spiral Knights?
Heh, Lockdown. Plain and simple. Not really interested in anything else.

7. Can you download and use Raidcall?
We used Raidcall in Aequitas, so yeah. My mic may not work nowadays, but the ol' earbuds work fine.

8. How old are you? (Optional)
I'm one of the older players in SK. 18+

9. Where are you from? (Optional)
Southern USA.

10. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub? (Optional)
I've never actually caught him doing it, but it's possible...... ( >.>)

Bild des Benutzers Mupt
Feel the love

Gtfo dAArknoob, you are smelly!

Bild des Benutzers Clown-Nine
1. In-Game Name-

1. In-Game Name- Incognito-Clown
2. When did you start playing SK?- July 2011
3. What guilds have you been in? Intense Flame, Kage No Senshi, The Night's Watch, Aurum
4. Why do you want to join Oracion?- Because Contri says I do
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who? - I recognize 15+ names. I really don't want to write them out.
6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights? Killing hoards of people in LD
7. Can you download and use Raidcall? Listening is mandatory and a micro would be helpfull but not needed. Raid, skype, whatever.
8. How old are you? (Optional) 17
9. Where are you from? (Optional) NJ
10. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub? (Optional) Yes. Then I challenged him to a duel and wrote my name on the ground with his blood.

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums


Bild des Benutzers Galaxycrush

1. Kendiekins

2. When did you start playing SK? This is my alt account, so it started around 3 months ago?

3. What guilds have you been in? Celestial Vanguards

4. Why do you want to join Oracion? Every time I log on hoping to have some fun guild members to say hi to and do some PVE with me, but when I log on occationly a hi, but very few want to chat and help me out :(

5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who? I don't Know anybody, you just seem to be a great community

6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights? PVE mostly, but I sometimes play LD with friends :)

7. Can you download and use Raidcall? Listening is mandatory and a micro would be helpfull but not needed. No, my PC is somehow not letting me download much >.<

8. How old are you? (Optional)

9. Where are you from? (Optional) Canada

10. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub? (Optional) Whos Darkcub? :3

I'm sorry you don't look at much from me, I'm only a soldier, I just want a friendly guild to turn to, and lot of friends to hang with, I hope you understand :)

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums

Well, I have to ask you something.

''2. When did you start playing SK? This is my alt account, so it started around 3 months ago?.

Is that a new account in which you play, or is it just an alt?

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken
Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums


Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums

Shadowcookiez's application: http://i.imgur.com/gPqTdXu.png

Sacredfire's application: http://i.imgur.com/SGyEzGD.png

All the applications have been reviewed.

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums
In-game name:

In-game name: Mistermoray

Started playing: Mid-June 2014

Previous guild(s): Kingdom of Fiore

Reason for application: I want to get into Lockdown and be a beast

Member(s) I know: Sacredfires

I enjoy: PvE, BN, watching Lockdown matches

Have headset with mic, will Raidcall

Age: Pushing 30

From: The Maritimes, Canada

Darkcub stalking is unknown. Maybe he's good at it?


1. IGN: Whirlwhind

2. I think I started sometime around April of 2012, though around summer of 2013 I went inactive for some reason.

3. Before I went inactive a year ago, The last guild I was in was The Jempire

4. Reason for joining: I've been a solo player in this game for too long, I think. I want to be with a group.

5. I don't know anyone. I probably might have seen a few members in haven from time to time.

6. I'm more of a PVE person, but I get a kick out of LD every now and then, though I wouldn't say I'm great at it. >_>

7. I have Raidcall and a mic, so no problems there

8. As of this year I'm 21

9. Southern California

10. I don't belive I have, but I imagine it would be sonething.

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums


Inner-Wing application


So here I go :P

1. In-Game Name:


2. When did you start playing SK?

I think like almost 2 years ago but I left for more than 1 year and i just came back.

3. What guilds have you been in?

Now that i came back, Wizard.

4. Why do you want to join Oracion?

I got a friend in there and he asked me if i'd like to join the family =)

5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?

Yes, Sweetiejaws

6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights?

Hum, the gameplay its really awesome, its a Sega game and reminds me alot of when i used to play Sega :P

7. Can you download and use Raidcall? Listening is mandatory and a micro would be helpfull but not needed.

I can do that, and i got mic.

8. How old are you? (Optional)

i'm 21

9. Where are you from? (Optional)


I'll be waiting for an answer =)


Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums


Bild des Benutzers Bluesupernovah

1. In-Game Name

2. When did you start playing SK?
I started playing around 2 years ago.

3. What guilds have you been in?
I have only been in Aeternus Imortalitas.

4. Why do you want to join Oracion?
Oracion looks like a fun and active guild. My guild has been dead for a while so SK has been a little boring.

5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?
Sorry I don't.

6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights?
I enjoy Clockwork runs and playing Lock Down. (even though i'm not that good.) I also enjoy getting into bidding wars in the AH.

7. Can you download and use Raidcall? Listening is mandatory and a micro would be helpfull but not needed.
I can try to download it.

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums

Added our new webpage

Bild des Benutzers Aeonicle
My Application.

1. In-Game Name

2. When did you start playing SK?
Well,I played a few years ago,but this account is new.

3. What guilds have you been in?

4. Why do you want to join Oracion?
Because why not? This guild seems great.

5. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?

6. What do you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights?
Tearing everything into bits.

7. Can you download and use Raidcall? Listening is mandatory and a micro would be helpfull but not needed.
Sorry,I can't.

8. How old are you? (Optional)
Why is this a part in-oh wait it's optional.

9. Where are you from? (Optional)

10. Have you ever been stalked by Darkcub? (Optional)
Maybe,maybe not. If he does, I could stalk back.

Bild des Benutzers Bleyken-Forums

- Added the guild's story, by our forever recruit Demete
- Lemonzaby is our new ''Official flamer'', congrats!

itskino's application: http://i.imgur.com/q0e7aLn.png

1. lord-of-godzilla 2. last

1. lord-of-godzilla
2. last year
3.Promise, Impervious, The Jempire, Unity, The Exeeds,
4. bleyken their contri ans LD
5. yes contri youtube their LD and bleken friend on youtube
6. JK PvP and vana
7. 14 years old
8.UK england
9. nope

plz let me join