The Incinerator: A Fire Catalyzer instead of the Fire Pulsar

10 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Ratik-The-Warrior

In the gunner update they will make Fire Pulsar. Unbalanced as all hell. Gamebreaking if you will. Why? People will spam that ♥♥♥♥ and aiming isnt even nessecary, people will die anways from afterburn before they even get to the locker room unless they got Vog set. Polaris at least allows a few seconds of running away to safety despite people spazzing from the shock status, its merciful in that sense.


What if they had a fire Catalyzer? After all, the stickybomb launchers currently only have a selection that deal normal (Neutralizer) and shadow (Biohazard). This could be the first elemental selection. Since the catalyzer are underutilized, this would allow more people to use the weapon instead of aimless pulsar spam. Perhaps lockdown would be more fun.

Okay lets pretend this exists: the gun would be a good counterpart with the shadow ice pulsar that is currently in development. The weapon would be balanced, as it would be less spammy and it won't take adantage of the burn status. Lay a couple of stickybombs on monsters or enemies in pvp and explode them in a big inferno that deals strong burn. Picture a dominant team in lockdown harrassing a team outside spawn. Instead of spamming a fire pulsar everywhere and hope it hits and burns, you can try and deal with one target by putting stickybombs on one, and detonating them so that any other players around the target may be caught in the explosion. That could allow your team to push forward.

Calling it the Incinerator; sounds like a good catalyzer gun since they have that similar sounding prefix as the Neutralizer.

Feel free to support or criticize my idea. I may edit this if i want to develope more on this.

Imagen de Krakob

I don't see how a Fire Pulsar would be any more OP than Polaris in Lockdown.

Imagen de Holy-Nightmare
@ Krakob

Considering the Catalyzer mechanic changes in the update I would say it will become even less used as a LD gun than the Autogun lines.

Imagen de Holy-Nightmare
dbl post

dbl post

Imagen de Chaolin-Drake
I made this idea once but someone told me to remove it. >_>

I made this idea about this once in one of the What if Threads I made but Sandwich-Potato told me to delete the info and graveyard it because it was spoilers at the time it was posted. >_>

This is what the thread originally, thankfully I saved it on a notepad just in case. :D

I think they should turn that fire elemental pulsar into a catalyzer line instead, because the pulsar line has Polaris, Supernova, and that upcoming Shadow/freeze one, I think by making the fire pulsar into a catalyzer will make both catalyzer and pulsar line more balance to each other because it will be like this, Biohazard/Shadow Pulsar/Shadow, Neutralizer/Supernova/Normal, and Fire Catalyzer/Polaris/Elemental, therefore they will have one of each damage type and have it own status except the Neutralizer & Supernova.

Imagine red, blue, and green, Catalyzer orb firing everywhere in a beautiful and destructive style and it will be RULES OF NATURE!!


Oh and calling it the Incinerator will be amazing and I will most likely craft it if it ever become real.

Imagen de Toa-Of-Gallifrey

Wait... There's a Fire Pulsar in the Gunner Update?
We're doomed.

Imagen de Fehzor

A fire+elemental catalyzer would be interesting. Compared to neutralizer it would be far far stronger no matter how you roll the dice.

With current mechanics, each normal shot would deal less damage but then more damage from being specialized against its target, and then even more damage from the fire. Since the normal shots don't do much damage, it would ramp up relatively quickly and become a sizeable difference.

With current charge mechanics, the charge would be better for crowds than neutralizer's charge. If I shot out 2 charges and then blew them up, I would deal 2x to the charged enemy, and then maybe 6 single charge damages to surrounding enemies. But the fire would remain the same across the board, so I would deal 2x + fire, and 1x + fire, which would make it ramp up faster against a ton of enemies, but slower against larger enemies. This would benefit the gun, which is already mediocre against large enemies. It wouldn't be the greatest of all benefits, but it would be something for sure.

If the testing server changes were to happen, which I will not describe, then I could see the difference being similar to a combination of the above for all explosions. It would however, add incentive to explode enemies more frequently than with biohazard and neutralizer.

Imagen de Topogaming
Fire Pulsar?

Woah there. Calm down, OOO. I thought you would make new guns, as in new mechanics, not encourage people to spam Pulsars in LD.....

Imagen de Welux

Time out.
Not allowed to talk about the stuff from the preview servers. Even if it was leaked a while back.

Second, you do realize that shock status is worse than fire status, right? You take the same ticks around the same time(I don't have the exact numbers on if that's entirely correct for that so all you data collectors out there correct me if i'm wrong with some rad science and math.), and shock locks you in place for a second or two while fire lets you run freely, only interrupting charges.

Imagen de Thunder-The-Bright
gods ain't gonna help you, son.

welux, this is the test server subforum, the only place where spoilers are allowed.
now look at this chart for fire vs shock.

and a new catalyzer is always welcomed, especially as that fire pulsar will have a very high damage output even with the pulsar nerf.

Imagen de Sir-Shadow-Striker

Thunder, you got it right on the dot. A new catalyzer would be great, so I suggest to the OP that they make a suggestion for a fire catalyzer.