~The Phantom Clan~ a skype based guild (now recruiting)
~The Phantom Clan ~
About Us: The Phantom Clan has been around for over 5 years. We started up on a site called Gaia Online. I, Zeeden, as a leader have been running it for a very long time. I never expected my clan to grow to this game and we have made a lot of new friends on the way. The clan has people from the beginning who have joined this game just to get the game and guild running on Spiral Knights. I have been playing Spiral Knights since early beta, which hints the reason why my in-game name is Zeedenn, and not Zeeden. But as the guild started on December 3rd of 2014 on Spiral Knights, we had very few players from the old Gaia Online guild that started to come over to Spiral Knights. We've pretty much started from scratch. But with the help of the officers, we got the guild up and running by recruiting players. This is where the fun part happened - we did the same as we did for Gaia Online and made a Skype group for the guild on Spiral Knights and all of the people flowed in. So now, as a Spiral Knights guild, we are one of the only guilds that offer a Skype clan call that is frequently active (whenever I'm online, at least). To sum it up, The Phantom Clan has been around for some time.
1. Follow the Spiral Knights TOS
2. Must be Knight rank or higher
3. Members and up should donate at least one or two times a week
4. No scamming
5. Try and keep the community friendly, and try and help other guild members when you can.
6. Have fun!
7. Real life comes first
8. If you're going on a leave please inform Vets, Officers, or GM's
Strikes are generally used in guilds to keep their members following the rules, it works and a 3 strike basis. 1 strike: Warning, 2 strikes: Demotion, 3 strikes: You are kicked from the guild. If you're only a recruit your second strike is another warning.
Rules of the Skype Group:
The Phantom Clan
Rules and Tradition
Rules of the chat
* Do not what so ever change the topic for the clan chat (if it is changed, change it back to " © The Phantom Clan™ (main chat) " to save the mods truble of having to change it back.)
*Respecting your Clan leader and fellow clan-mates
- The clan leader Zeeden and those he has chosen to impliment as chat moderators must be shown the up-most respect from all members at all times with no exeptions or excuses.
- Respect between the clan members is also a vitual mechanic of a thriveing clan and will ensure a positive enviroment
- Putting Respect above ones own emotions and wants in situations of personal interest is a good exercise of dicipline and self-control. An attribute that is of great importace.
- Repecting ones personal space and preferences (Do not bother a Clan member if they do not wish to be bothered, do not attempt to make Fellow clan members purposefully uneasy. Do not persue a Clan memeber if it is not wanted.)
*Please remember this is a Rated T for Teen Skype group if you have Higher rating based content simply put [Click at your own risk] after the link. And Please do not flood the skype with links
*Being aware that some members of this chat are below the age of 18
- Not all of us within Phantom Clan's Skype chat are above the age of 18, for their sake and your own be aware of this factor. This means watching the nature of conversation while they're present.
*A Drama free enviroment
- This clan strives to be a mature community, Maturity and common sense are a must between each other.
- Do not seek to create drama for the pure sake of Drama itself
- When an issuse has been resolved within the clan and amongst it's members, Do not bring the old troubles back from the dead
- If you have an on-going issuse with a fellow member of the Clan and the issuse cannot come to a conclusion or resolve, take it outside of the Clan chat and keep it there
- Keep personal problems outside the chat, for example relationship matters
-Avoid conflicts and fighting fellow clan members
*Resolving issuses within the Clan
- All matters of inner Clan troubles will be dealt with by Zeeden and the sub-leaders he has implimented
- As said above, if a problem cannot be resolved within the clan. Take it out of the clan chat and keep it there. Without excuse.
- do not post pictures in the chat unless they are links (if you post a picture in the chat please delete it after)
- Adding people to the Clan.
You must consult Zeeden himself before adding someone to the clan.
Feeling Bored ask us to play games with you here are some links:
1. YUGIOH: http://www.duelingnetwork.com/
2. Chess: http://www.chess.com/echess/
3. Hangman: http://www.hangman.no/
4. Spiral Knights: http://www.spiralknights.com/
5. Gaia Onlline: http://www.gaiaonline.com/
When Zeeden is away the mods/High ranking Officials are to take votes on everything. And Cat is the face of the Phantom Clan until Zeedens' return.
Conduct outside of the chat
-Remember, in gaia towns or spiral knights anywhere else you openly represent the Clan you reflect all of us. Your disrespect to others or Poor behavour may reflect back to the Clan as a whole Be aware of this! and do not let your personal behavour Stain the Phantom Clan name
Explanation of banning.
Time outs - Are for a limited period of time set by the mod who carried out the banning although these kind of bannings can be resolved by the higher ranking moderators within the clan.
Banned - This is if you have abused the rules set in place - This can be resolved by either Zeeden or his people set in place to deal with this situation
Promotion Requirements:
Member: There are 2 different routes you can take to be promoted...
A: donate 1k crowns to the guild treasury , and be in the guild for more then three days.
B: donate 1k crowns to the guild treasury , and join the clan chat on Skype for spiral knights.
Veteran: You have to be a long-time member of The Phantom Clan
Officer: I hand-select them, there is no solid requirement to be promoted
Guild Master: There will only be 3 Guild Masters
Donating: Every time you donate to the guild treasury, we can add more stuff to the guild. It also keeps the guild upkeep paid, preventing the guild hall from defaulting. There is no required donation - but please donate whenever you're able so we won't have to make it mandatory!
Renting a Room: to rent a room, all you have to do is donate 10k to the guild. To keep the room, you must donate 10k to the guild treasury once a week as rent (or 40k monthly).
Joining the Skype group: Please add me on Skype, but before you do, send your contact request to me by telling me who you are and your reason for adding me.
My Skype name is: zeeden.anbu
We are always looking for recruits, so please fill out the application to join and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. The quickest way to be added to the guild is to contact me on Skype, but you may also send me a message in-game at "Zeedenn".
Application Sheet (Please fill this out if you wish to join)
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
What guilds have you been a part of?
What is your in-game name?
Why do you want to join The Phantom Clan?
How old are you? (Optional)
We have a Skype feature - would you be willing to use it? (yes or no)
If yes, what is your Skype name?
Tell us a little bit about yourself.

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? : 3 years.
What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? : Being used.
Do you know anyone from our guild? : Nah.
What guilds have you been a part of? : Almost every guild,because they have been using me to get crowns for their furniture.
What is your in-game name? : Epicskunk,just like here.
Why do you want to join The Phantom Clan? : Because I really want a caring and helping group of people for me.
How old are you? : First age of being a man
We have a Skype feature - would you be willing to use it? : Sure,why not?But I won't be able to talk there because 1)My family hates me when I talk with anyone and 2)Skype usually makes my game lag
If yes, what is your Skype name? : epicmanfa
Tell us a little bit about yourself :
I'm just someone that is cared by no one.I usually get kicked out of teams and guilds when I don't do what they ask,mainly "Give me all of your stuff.".Also,no one really helps me out for real.I have seen Super Vanguards (Vanguards with 5* equipment with ultra powerful combinations,and great UVs) that answers me back with "How about we do Snarbolax?That must be really hard for you to do." when I ask for Vana.Yesterday was my birthday,and the guild members forced me to buy my own gift,and even curse at me,swear at me,and tell fake stuff about me.More about me here : http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/106736
For the 2 of you that signed up. i have sent one of you a skype add and i am sending a guild join request so it is on the way. ^,..,^
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? umm im actually pretty new to the game i tried the game along time ago when they still had the mist system and i played for a couple weeks on a different account but just felt limited and sorta passed on to something else and saw that they took it out so decided to give it a try and now it feels alot better.
What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc) at this current moment im doing pve not sure what vana runs are xD and never done lockdown although heard it was pvp so i might get into that.
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) sadly i do not know much of any one on this game yet thats why i was hoping to join a guild.
What guilds have you been a part of? none at all.
What is your in-game name? Grephix is my in game name.
Why do you want to join The Phantom Clan? ive been playing this game solo since i started back up a week ago and sorta want people to talk to while i play and have fun doing it.
How old are you? (Optional) 20 years of age.
We have a Skype feature - would you be willing to use it? (yes or no) umm now this is a little issue i can use skype with out a doubt and i would love to join the skype feature but how are u guys on having more then 1 person ( Ex. if my gf is sitting next to me on a laptop doing homework for college or something) in the room talking to each other while im on there nothing loud or anything or the sorts just chitter chatter.
If yes, what is your Skype name? my skype name is Grephix. if theres more then one i would gladly add some one in game and work out trying to find one another over skype if thats no biggy know skype can be kinda weird when trying to find a specific person xD.
other then the above im pretty laid back prankster type of person that just likes to laugh and have fun. im respectful all the same if im told im being to crude or anything. Im online and ingame most of the time when im not busy with the gf or studying. i just want to join a guild that i can thrive in and have fun being in while making some awesome laid back friends to play games with and i think your guild can provide that.
added you to the guild i hope you enjoy your stay, we may be updating our recruitment page here soon. we will be have a new feature here soon..
Hi my name is Kizzuyo my my current account is Tyunis i would love for you to invite me i am a knight elite using a flamberge with jelly armor and wolver cap
hopefully if this guild is active enough i shall then donate the 1000 and stay for 3 days if you are cool with that
as to rooms i actually sell advanced Evo catalysts endlessly no hacks no glitch just simple economics but i shall teach you maybe =p we could work out a deal
anyways i would love to join this guild please respond asap
-Sincerely Tyunis
P.s. i shall include my skype later
Heyo Kizzuyo
I add ya to our guild my friend just contact Zeeden to join our skype

mind if I give my app sheet stuff on skype chat?
Skype name: Shiro-chain (Shiro-chan was taken lol) or [S_A_D] (can't distinguish between full name and skype nickname)
The Phantom Clan is back up and running on Spiral Knights are we are taking in Guild requests as we speak.
Please reply to the guild forum on here or add me on Skype directly from the information listed in the guild application sheet and please be sure to notify me who you are, where you are otherwise you may or may not be added.
Thanks have a good day. ^,..,^

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I dont remember I think maybe since February this year.
What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
Vana runs, mostly other Pve, nowadays I'm doing Rank missions, dont play PvP(yet).
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
I No Know Nobody
What guilds have you been a part of?
Retribution Council, Altosk, The Dope Knights
What is your in-game name?
Why do you want to join The Phantom Clan?
Because I want people to chat with while playing SK
How old are you? (Optional)
We have a Skype feature - would you be willing to use it? (yes or no)
I'll think 'bout it
If yes, what is your Skype name?
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I live in India. I like pizza and Coke and ice-cream. I play soccer (not professional but with my friends).
I live in SK. I want an Alienware 17 but my parents wont get it.
Thats all
PS: How many people are there in your guild?

How long has't thee been playing Spiral Knights?
I dont recall methinks maybe since February this year.
What doth thee mostly doth on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runneth? Lockdown? etc)
Vana runneth, mostly other Pve, nowadays lest I doing enseamed missions, dont playeth PvP(yet).
doth thee knoweth anyone from our guild? (If aye, who? )
I No knoweth Nobody
What guilds has't thee been a part of?
Retribution Council, Altosk, The Dope Knights
What is thy in-game name?
wherefore doth thee wanteth to join The Phantom Clan?
Because I wanteth people to chat with while playing SK
How fusty art thee? (Optional)
We has't a Skype feature - would thee beest willing to useth t? (yes or no)
I'll bethink 'bout t
if 't be true aye, what is thy Skype name?
telleth us a little bit about yourself.
I liveth in India. I like 'zza and Coke and ice-cream. I playeth soccer (not professional but with mine friends).
I liveth in SK. I wanteth an Alienware 17 but mine parents wont receiveth t.
Thats all
PS: How many people art thither in thy guild?
i sent you a add in game, i'll see you when you accept

Thou has't the wits. At first I bethought thee hath spent hours doing the application in this language.
are you interested?
if so just add me in game my user zeeden-phantom

Howdy Zeeden! Long time no see. Want my help with the guild?
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
About 2 years
What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
Right now I'm doing story missions.
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
What guilds have you been a part of?
I don't remember
What is your in-game name?
Why do you want to join The Phantom Clan?
So I can have a better reason to play.
How old are you? (Optional)
We have a Skype feature - would you be willing to use it? (yes or no)
If yes, what is your Skype name?
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I play a lot of video games (yay) I live in the mystical frozen wasteland called Canada. I also play SK (Oh wow I didn't know.)
Heya! I'm sorta intrested, so.......
Btw, I'm quite old too (Not from early beta, but just when it came out.)
How long I've been playing: 2 years. Quit for half a year, came back when Gunner Update went live.
What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights: Urm. I chat?
Do you know anyone from our guild: NUUUU
What guilds have you been part of: Urm. I dont remember the names. I created a few, left them to rust when I left. I remember Aegis Team..... Great guild.
What is your in game name: Gotta check.
Why do you want to join Phantom Clan: I'm bored.
How old am I? Old enough
Skype: YUSH
Skype name: Ill add you.
About moi:
^^^ pretty much sums it up