
22 replies [Last post]
Sweetsundere's picture

Welcome to the Cytisum thread.
A healthy dose of vitamin QQ

So what is a Cytisum?
Cytisum is a guild made by Contri and Scirio, the founders who you'll get to meet later on in this post. Former PvP rival guilds Halcyons and Oracion just sorta started chillin' one day, while wondering if it wouldn't be a cool idea to sail under one flag from now on (spoiler alert: it is!). Mainly because PvP wasn't very active lately, they decided to focus on building a community in stead. After that it was just a matter of moving the members of said guilds into one big guild. As mentioned above, Cytisum isn't particularly PvP based, while we do participate in regular GLD matches, it is not our focus. Our main objective is to expand our, already fun community by recruiting players whom with we share similar ideals. Our community is very important to us, and we will do as much as possible to expand and nurture it. Because at the end of the day, all we really want is a place where people are excited to log on to and chill. If you'd like to be a part of that, keep reading, there's place for everyone! (Disclaimer: unless your ideals don't sync with ours, in that case, forget I said anything)

Flowergirls (And Contri) Team:
Contri and Scirio = Guild Masters
Dottir, Il-Fate-Il, Jaloenow, Murderhaze, Silver-Soule, Sweetsu and Theirillusion = Officers

What are we looking for in members?
Loyal, mature enough, fun members that just know how to have fun. We don't really like: annoying people, killjoys, beggars, drama queens, members that are complaining/raging in our guild chat very often, people that spoils the end of a Show/Anime. (Seriously, don't be that guy!)

So how DO I join Cytisum?
Our recruitment process is fairly simple, fill out the application format down below by simply posting a reply with the answers to the questions. It will typically take a few days to get a reply so don't get impatient. You will get informed by in-game mail whether or not your application has been accepted. After that you will receive an interview invitation from Scirio to join him in either voice chat or in-game chat, up to you. If we think you're the right fit for us, you'll be free to enjoy your stay at Cytisum.

Application to join Cytisum

1. When did you start playing Spiral Knights?
2. What's your IGN? (List your previous names aswell if it's that you've changed name)
3. How old are you? (Optional)
4. Where are you from? (Optional)
5. What do you like to do in Spiral Knights? (Arcade, Lockdown, have fun with friends, etc)
6. What guilds have you been in?
7. Why do you want to join Cytisum?
8. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?
9. How would you describe yourself?
10. If there's one thing you could add to the game, what would it be?
11. It is mandatory to get Raidcall, just not mandatory to talk or use it often, you okay with that?
12. Favorite food and dessert?
13. Anything else you'd like to mention or share about yourself?

Thanks for reading and see ya around in Spiral Knights!

Hershey-Kiss's picture

seems like a really interesting guild. in the end of the icecream anime, the icecream is melted by rekole D:.

Cassiterite's picture

1)I started playing in 2012
4)United Kingdom (Edinburgh)
5)I like to mix it up a bit i like to have fun with friends in vanaduke, and i also like to chill and play some LD with pals
7)I have a couple of friends in the guild and i like the positive atmosphere of the guild
8) Yes i do indeed, Jimbosliced, Dyvr, Tactikal, Gr-Sav, Freddy-bad-add, Thoranhippo, surgikar, conicius
9)Hard working, when not working hard relaxing and going with the flow
10)The ability to remove Auto target
11)Yes i can
12)Spicy food from Nandos, Strawberry Gateau (Tasty :P)
13)The main reason why i find Cytisum interesting is because it has a nobel goal that i would like to help achieve, at the same time this reminds me to continue to strive for the best that i can be and achieve my dream of studying Dentistry or Law at university.

Thanks for reading my App!

Gun-Shots's picture

Good luck guys, I wish you the best.

Lost-Witness's picture
Application Via The Entrance Of Cytisum

1. When did you start playing Spiral Knights?
I've started playing spiral knights from the year 2011, I have in some cases had extensive breaks.

2. What's your IGN? (List your previous names aswell if it's that you've changed name)


3. How old are you? (Optional)

I am currently 15.

4. Where are you from? (Optional)

I am from the UK, to be precise England.

5. What do you like to do in Spiral Knights? (Arcade, Lockdown, have fun with friends, etc)

I enjoy pratically everything that Spiral Knights have in offer, Arcade when I'm in the desirable need to make some money

6. What guilds have you been in?

The Jempire, Avalon, Twenty One, Aurum & The Blacklisted. I am now currently guild-less, in search of a great guild.

7. Why do you want to join Cytisum?

I woud live to join Cytisum, from the constant communication and the relationships of which go in the guild, the talk, the fun all seem great to be involved in & how the guild has formed such a great system of friendship.

8. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?

I know quite a few infact, they're: Thoranhippo, Silver-Soule, Princesss-Justine, Twinmoons, Dottrina, Tempas, Tactikal, Mengh, Conicius & many more.

9. How would you describe yourself?

I am a male, who loves gaming, and at the same time enjoy, being educated at school.

10. If there's one thing you could add to the game, what would it be?

Mhm, that's a good one, I would love to implement constant updates. That don't just create fancy costumes, but create a stronger community. E.g. Newer depths/additions to shadow lairs.

11. Can you download and use Raidcall? (Not mandatory, but heavily recommended.)

Sure thing, not a problem at all.

12. Favorite food and dessert?

Ez question, Nandos, the chicken ^^, and of course cheesecake :3

13. Anything else you'd like to mention or share about yourself?

Theres many more things, I could share but i think I'd keep those points silent.
(& Share them in the guild) :p

Hershey-Kiss's picture
1. When did you start playing

1. When did you start playing Spiral Knights?
4 years ago. I transfered to a new school and my friend introduced me to the game :D
2. What's your IGN? (List your previous names aswell if it's that you've changed name)
Icecreamboy, Icecreamkingdom, Vanillaboy. I changed my name time to time because I had a extra pass lieing around.
3. How old are you? (Optional)
4. Where are you from? (Optional)
my time zone is USA eastern standard time. On weekends, I get on the morning so I can play wity EU people as well as US people.
5. What do you like to do in Spiral Knights? (Arcade, Lockdown, have fun with friends, etc)
I do anythig and everything. Im not the one to go solo on mission, not because im bad, because its not fun soloing and its way better to have people to talk to while u run a mission.
6. What guilds have you been in?
Aegis Team, Spring Break, Optimistic, TCW ( I follow bae)
7. Why do you want to join Cytisum?
This seems like a really fun guild, where there are conversation in the chat and I can talk to people. (Also bae is in it)
8. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who? Theirillusion ( i bought a skolver coat from him),Rekole(bae), Tempas (forgot how we came to be, but a friend nevertheless), sweetsu (I know her darkest secrets)
9. How would you describe yourself? sometimes I feel lile talking. But if I feel really tired, I wouldnt talk a whole lot.
10. If there's one thing you could add to the game, what would it be? ICECREAM, and myself, I would have a lot of good times in the guild and hopefully be able to make a good time for everyone else.
11. Can you download and use Raidcall? (Not mandatory, but heavily recommended.) sry, laptop is crap. I can try though. Never used raid call before so I gotta learn.
12. Favorite food and dessert? sushi( my dad makes sushi as a job, so that's how i started luvin) and icecream( icecream is obvious due to my previous names)
13. Anything else you'd like to mention or share about yourself? I have plans for summer, so i may be inactive up to 5 weeks at a time, BUT I WILL BE BACK!!! I also merch as a side business to make money for the guilds I am in and to buy new stuff, like gear, costumes, gifts (I do raffle events in guilds sometimes.)

My app ~~

1. When did you start playing Spiral Knights? I started playing around 3-4 years ago <3

2. What's your IGN? (List your previous names aswell if it's that you've changed name) Therealest > Rosetta-Xa > Serazia
3. How old are you? (Optional)
4. Where are you from? (Optional) Im from Dominican Republic , Pero was raised in New York
5. What do you like to do in Spiral Knights? (Arcade, Lockdown, have fun with friends, etc) I do all of the above , PvE when I need to heat , PvP when I need to get better :D
6. What guilds have you been in? Promise , Brmc , Cydonian knights and EoS ( Left because I was getting a bit of the cold shoulder from them :/ )
7. Why do you want to join Cytisum? Well I was here once last year , its a great guild , I have a lot of friends here and all , seems like a very chill guild ^.^
8. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who? Freddy , sweetsu , contri , tempas , moons , cass , jimbo , PJ , Dott, conicius , Thoran , Gr-sav , tactical , etc etc !
9. How would you describe yourself? Well the most easy going person I know :D
10. If there's one thing you could add to the game, what would it be? New maps for Lockdown , the current ones are really boring :c
11. Can you download and use Raidcall? (Not mandatory, but heavily recommended.) I have no mic , but I can listen in , I plan to buy a mic soon so I can talk to friends !
12. Favorite food and dessert? Mangu con salami , and cookie dough ice cream ! <3
13. Anything else you'd like to mention or share about yourself? Not much , you guys will know me as much , if I get in :D

Njthug's picture

Serazia didn't leave for getting a cold shoulder just left to rebuild her old guild then asked to re-join Eos, but we decided not to let her back in due to loyalty issues best of luck with them! Hard to get to know your guild mates if all you wish to do is sub every 5mins for GvG. Figure I add the clarification <69 She will be a great addition to your guild tho!

Elliel's picture
*passive aggressive salt*

*passive aggressive salt*

Maybe I didn't wanna tell the

Maybe I didn't wanna tell the truth lol

Mostly the cold shoulder ^.^

Mostly the cold shoulder ^.^

Sweetsundere's picture

This thread is for Cytisum guild application. Please refrain from going off-topic, thank you.

Sweetsundere's picture
Gonna be doing this often maybe~

All apps so far have been processed. Welcome to all those that got accepted!


1. When did you start playing

1. When did you start playing Spiral Knights?

2. What's your IGN? (List your previous names aswell if it's that you've changed name)
Rebel-Ex, Jim-Bean, El-Trasero, Twinmoons

3. How old are you? (Optional)
Old enough

4. Where are you from? (Optional)
Planet Earth

5. What do you like to do in Spiral Knights? (Arcade, Lockdown, have fun with friends, etc)
Pretend I have friends

6. What guilds have you been in?

7. Why do you want to join Cytisum?
Maiden Sweetsu and a stronger bond with Jesus

8. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?

9. How would you describe yourself?

10. If there's one thing you could add to the game, what would it be?
Women / Britney Spears

11. Can you download and use Raidcall? (Not mandatory, but heavily recommended.)
I have no experience in bombing

12. Favorite food and dessert?
Booty, I eat it like groceries

13. Anything else you'd like to mention or share about yourself?
White supremacy

Fericirea-Senpai's picture
My App :3

1. When did you start playing Spiral Knights?
I started playing at 2013, took a long break, came back, and realized my account wasn't working anymore. So I decided to remake a Spiral Knights account :D
2. What's your IGN? (List your previous names as well if it's that you've changed name)
3. How old are you? (Optional)
16 :D
4. Where are you from? (Optional)
I'm from a lot of different places. My family is HUGE. But, my father is from Europe, my mother from Sudan, and I was born in Bluefield West Virginia :D
5. What do you like to do in Spiral Knights? (Arcade, Lockdown, have fun with friends, etc)
I love to help guildies, include myself in random contests, sometimes will do the occasional LD run, troll around with my friends, but most of all, I'm trying to learn how to play LD with skill. I'm a defender elite, becoming a champion, but I decided to slow down and got a lot of gear for LD, core exploration, and just general uses.
6. What guilds have you been in?
I have been in Is A Vampire and Anime. I left Is A Vampire because they were very idle and Anime because of pretty much the same reason :D
7. Why do you want to join Cytisum?
I'd like to join Cytisum because first, you gotta admit it has a cool name. Second, it has many people who are quite skilled in LD, and I'm hoping some of them could teach me their strats :D. Also, Cytisum seems to be very active, which is just the type of guild I like. (Hell, I've even left guilds because of their inactivity!) Also, this seems like the type of guild where you can chill and troll around, which I love, because you know, I have infinite trolls from 9gag XD.
8. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?
No, unfortunately I do not know anyone from your guild. I'd love to though :3
9.How would you describe yourself?
Very easygoing, chill, happy (I mean, I'm so happy I decided to name my username happiness in roman xD), and most of all, trollacious!
10. If there's one thing you could add to the game, what would it be?
One thing...please spare me the hundred things and I still wouldn't be done xD. I'd probably like more, different, unique items, because the items that we have are very general and boring, in my honest opinion.
11. Can you download and use Raidcall? (Not mandatory, but heavily recommended.)
Yeah sure, why not xD. Just remember, my voice is high pitched due to a birth defect :( (If you ask me, I have NO idea how you could get a birth defect in your throat, but hey, don't ask me xD)
12. Favorite food and dessert?
My favorite dessert would be apple pie with Vanilla ice cream, and my favorite food would be......whatever I'm craving which is a nice, juicy hot dog :D.
13. Anything else you'd like to mention or share about yourself?
Not much honestly, other than what I mentioned above. XD

I miss the forum post xD I am

I miss the forum post xD I am sorry ;(

Red-Galaxy's picture
1. When did you start playing

1. When did you start playing Spiral Knights? 2012
2. What's your IGN? (List your previous names aswell if it's that you've changed name) Red-Galaxy
3. How old are you? (Optional) a decade and five years
4. Where are you from? (Optional) California
5. What do you like to do in Spiral Knights? (Arcade, Lockdown, have fun with friends, etc) anything
6. What guilds have you been in? Eternal Legacy, Lionheart, Promise
7. Why do you want to join Cytisum? I don't want to join. Just feel like I should fill this out
8. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who? Serazia
9. How would you describe yourself? Fun guy ;)
10. If there's one thing you could add to the game, what would it be? A second head right next to the other
11. It is mandatory to get Raidcall, just not mandatory to talk or use it often, you okay with that? Eh whatevs
12. Favorite food and dessert? CHEESECAKE
13. Anything else you'd like to mention or share about yourself? I have this itch in the back of my leg and I can't tell if it's a bug bite or dry skin can you help me out?

Elunicofgh's picture



1. When did you start playing Spiral Knights?
- I started playing on August 2013
2. What's your IGN?
- Panteri
3. How old are you?
- Im 17
4. Where are you from?
- Im Greek. And yes, I don't pay debts :D
5. What do you like to do in Spiral Knights?
- I usually do vana runs!
6. What guilds have you been in?
- An ancient guild named bombheads and a trolly guild that I own Darude Panteristorm.(Alt is GM atm)
7. Why do you want to join Cytisum?
- Cause many of my friends are already here and since im guildless for months now.. thought i could give it a try C:
8. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?
- Im friends with Juju, Mengh, Fate and almost the rest of the bad boys ..
9. How would you describe yourself?
10. If there's one thing you could add to the game, what would it be?
- I would definitely add night/day in haven and seasons!
11. It is mandatory to get Raidcall, just not mandatory to talk or use it often, you okay with that?
- Im fine with that but unfortunately I have no headphones right now so I just use skype from the phone app :p
12. Favorite food and dessert?
- Mushrooms and Mushrooms ;D
13. Anything else you'd like to mention or share about yourself?
- My nickname Panteri stands for panther :P

Peace ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Guild application for Fakultet-Man( my main account).

1. When did you start playing Spiral Knights? I started playing SK 5 years ago( since beta).
2. What's your IGN? Fakultet-Man
3. How old are you? I am 22 years old.
4. Where are you from? Croatia.
5. What do you like to do in Spiral Knights? i loke to do vana runs, PVE, arcade, Shadow Lairs and to have fun and good talk with people.
6. What guilds have you been in? SKY-Impervious, Sky Temple, Is a Vampire.
7. Why do you want to join Cytisum? I want to join Cytisum to meet players and i hope that this guild is polite and is not insulting others like my previous guilds.
8. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who? No i do not.
9. How would you describe yourself? I am student at maritime faculty in Croatia. I am big gamer. I have a job and i love to play games. i am polite man and happy a bit. I am programmer in Java and C++
10. If there's one thing you could add to the game, what would it be? Use of minerals again for crowns, more bosses and smoother gameplay, more game levels.
11. It is mandatory to get Raidcall, just not mandatory to talk or use it often, you okay with that? Yes i am okay with that.
12. Favorite food and dessert? Dont have favorites,all is good.
13. Anything else you'd like to mention or share about yourself? More in guild chat maybe.

Julaiwnl's picture

1. When did you start playing Spiral Knights?
I've started playing when the Beta came out, but i left the game and came back in 2012. Wasnt active then, but i play a lot now.
2. What's your IGN? (List your previous names aswell if it's that you've changed name)
I've had multiple names.
-Princesitaa (CURRENT IGN)
3. How old are you? (Optional)
Im 18 years old
4. Where are you from? (Optional)
Im from Argentina
5. What do you like to do in Spiral Knights? (Arcade, Lockdown, have fun with friends, etc)
Love PvP, and Vana runs to help people out. Im also a trader from various games (CSGO, SK, TF2)
6. What guilds have you been in?
Not much. Just 2 latin guilds. One is called Alondra and Almire Crew the other one
7. Why do you want to join Cytisum?
Because i know Aretii and she invited me to the guild, and want t know friendly people.
8. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?
I know Aretii, and seen many of their members arround.
9. How would you describe yourself?
Im a friendly girl. Just love playing and hanging arround with everyone. Im also a bit loonely when im kinda sad or something. But i can consider myself a happy person.
10. If there's one thing you could add to the game, what would it be?
I would like to buy virtual Skittles ;__;
11. It is mandatory to get Raidcall, just not mandatory to talk or use it often, you okay with that?
Dont know what that is. Supposing that has to do with mic maybe, i have no problem with that, but i currently have no mic.
12. Favorite food and dessert?
I love Sushi and Lemon Pie :)
13. Anything else you'd like to mention or share about yourself?
Well, i get trolled 24/7 because people call me man names, becuase they now im a girl and that makes me mad. Im a trader, and like to help people out who doesnt know much about prices. Im always trying to help out people so they can grow ingame.


1. When did you start playing Spiral Knights?
[1] I started playing Spiral Knights probably 3-3.5 years ago, throughout the years Ive been on and off, but now I am back on with my third account and im gonna stay for a while :D>.
2. What's your IGN? (List your previous names aswell if it's that you've changed name)
[2] My IGN(s) are Meeblo(current) and my previous accounts were Ex-Sniper and Zippkid, thinking of changing it back to Ex-Sniper cause I miss the name.
3. How old are you? (Optional)
[3] I am 16 years old(actual age not internet) and that dosent mean I am not mature.
4. Where are you from? (Optional)
[4] I am from Washington in the United of States.
5. What do you like to do in Spiral Knights? (Arcade, Lockdown, have fun with friends, etc)
[5] In Spiral Knights I mostly just like to have fun with my friends/guildemates but I also love lockdown, im trying to get back into it but I need to get some of my weapons back and heated, overall thought I just strive to have a great time in Spiral Knights.
6. What guilds have you been in?
[6] The guilds that I have been in are Unity,Halycon,League of Assassins
7. Why do you want to join Cytisum?
[7] I want to join Cytisum because I am returning to Spiral Knights and I know that you guys are a fun kindly bunch so to have a place to call home as I am returning would be great.
8. Do you know anyone from our guild? If yes, who?
[8] I know Sweetsu and Shadowcookiez and Cookiezrulez, possibly more that I dont know about.
9. How would you describe yourself?
[9] I would describe myself as a funny guy who is just trying to make everyone else have fun but can also be very mature if needed to.
10. If there's one thing you could add to the game, what would it be?
[10] If I could add a single thing to the game I would probably add more levels to the game and more bosses to the game considering I can only think of Jelly King, the Twins and Ofc Vana.
11. It is mandatory to get Raidcall, just not mandatory to talk or use it often, you okay with that?
[11] I am perfectly okay with that, I also could talk too if you wanted me too.
12. Favorite food and dessert?
[12] Shrimp Pasta and Pie(pumpkin)
13. Anything else you'd like to mention or share about yourself?
[13] I would like to add that my nicknames are Ry Ry, Ryanthelion, and yes my real name is Ryan.
Thank you!

Not-Brendan's picture
