World of Chaos
World of a Chaos was formed on 7/29/2015, the aim was to create a fun and friendly community for PvP and PvE players alike, we're new here, so we have very few members at the moment, but that will change =D!
We enjoy doing activities such as:
Killing Jleung in Lockdown!
Calling Lord Vanaduke mean names!
Reporting the Snarbolax as a hacker!
Staring at each other awkwardly for extended periods of time!
Scaring away Snipes in the Haven Garden!
If you would just so happen to be interested in joining our delightful community, answer the questions below. They will give us a sense of what you enjoy doing in Spiral Knights, what time you enjoy doing this things, and how often you do these things. ;)
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
2. What class do you play as? (Gunner, Bomber, Hybrid, etc)
3. Do you mainly play PvE or PvP?
4. Where do you live and what is your timezone?
5. What is your age? (Not Required)
6. How often do you play?
7. Pewpew or Bangbang?
8. Do you have more than 1,500 Ecto Drops in your Spiral Knights Inventory?
9. Cookies or cakes?
Please post your replies to your questions below or mail them to Criticaster in game!
P.S: Our ranking system is as follows:
Recruit: Highest rank currently available in the game, this is the rank you want to strive for.
Member: Just be in the guild for a week or longer.
Veteran: Show dedication towards the guild and its members. (Have at least 2,500 donated in the Guild Treasury)
Officer: Show at least a certain degree of maturity and gain the trust of WoC GMs and be willing to aid in the guild's recruiting of new members.
Guild Master: Show extreme dedication to the guild and its members. Alongside an extended period of time in the guild. (3+ months)
We take a vote with Officers and Guild Masters to decide who gets to be among those ranks.
Ima just leave this here.