5* Help

13 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Halapenoz

What is the best gear that gives increased damage. And what is the most reliable weapons for doing bosses and missions? It doesn't matter if it's sword, gun or bomb. I've been looking into getting the Chaos set because of the damage bonus but I'm not sure if that's the right gear and if it's any good.

Imagen de Bopp
too big of a question

It's too big of a question. You're basically asking "What's the best equipment?" The equipment in this game is far from balanced, but it's not so unbalanced that there is a single answer to that question. Even the more specific problem of "the most reliable weapons for doing bosses" is too big.

Consider reading my detailed sword guide, the Gunslinger Guide, or the Bombing Guide.

You might also read my armor guide. Yes, Chaos is great, but it's not quite the best, and it has drawbacks. Yes, damage bonus on all weapons against all enemies is a great feature to have on armor.

Once you've read some stuff, you might be able to come back here with more specific questions.

Imagen de Krakob

Chaos is terrific. With any level 10 weapon, you get Damage Bonus VH in addition to Charge Time Reduction Max. That said, if you aren't good at avoiding damage it's very dangerous to use in status heavy areas, especially fire and shock ones. As such it's definitely not what I'd recommend a complete beginner for Firestorm Citadel, which they'll inevitably farming a lot. A mix of Chaos and Vog Cub can work out quite well, though.

All in all there are only two sets that give damage bonuses to all weapon types: Chaos and Black Kat. Black Kat is very high end and getting just a 3* BK set will take I believe 130 Ancient Pages and paying someone 4-5k Energy to come along to a Margrel fight. There's also Set of the Fallen, which gives Attack Speed Increase Low to all weapons, but it's hardly worth a mention if you're looking for power - its primary use lies in the resistance combined with a small bonus making it better than Dragon Scale very frequently.

To you, I recommend one piece of Chaos and one piece of Vog Cub or Volcanic Demo depending on your preferred weapons. You should tell us more, though. The solution might not be in universal bonus gear at all.

Edit: whoa Bopp has an armour guide now? Awesome!

Imagen de Halapenoz
What about having Chaos Set,

What about having Chaos Set, Swiftstrike buckler, Archeon, Warmaster Hammer, Shivermist and Blitz Needle? From my little experience of playing I have found that I don't get hit very often nor affected by statuses. And after reading your guides, the DPS on most of these weapons are among the highest if not the highest

Imagen de Holy-Nightmare

Sounds like you'll end up a cookie cutter player just like most everyone in the game..... have fun blending in....

Imagen de Traevelliath

Don't make your first 5* set be Chaos. Trust me, Tier 3 is harder than it seems. You'll look like an idiot if you die constantly with chaos.

Also, as Holy-Nightmare pointed out, that loadout is so common it's almost cliche.

Imagen de Bopp

Chaos Set, Swiftstrike buckler, Archeon, Warmaster Hammer, Shivermist and Blitz Needle

As Holy-Nightmare says, these are some of the most popular items in the game.

Shivermist Buster is by far the weakest among them. I don't know any expert players who use it regularly. The problem with it is that freeze hinders knockback, kiting, shield-bumping, and some other tactics used by skilled players. But it is very helpful for novice players who need to pause combat a little bit to figure out what's going on.

Warmaster Rocket Hammer is the most interesting of those weapons. It takes a lot of practice to use well. Try using the first two strokes and then shield-cancelling the combo. By doing this, you can inflict high DPS while moving quickly.

Acheron and Blitz Needle are powerful but not as interesting.

Imagen de Fehzor

I'd personally have you focus on using the normal blaster for everything, and then craft whatever you feel like with a focus on guns to back it up. For armor you would get a couple of the padded gunner armors and seerus, and then chaos and then black kat.

The rationale behind this is that guns are by far the strongest weapon type, with bombs requiring CTR and swords being pointlessly dangerous but still usable. Your stats along the way will look like this-

2*: Gun damage low x2 = medium
3*/4*: Gun damage low + Gun ASI low x2 = dual mediums, for enhanced DPS on your normal gun
5*: Gun damage low + Gun ASI low + Gun CTR low x2 = tripple mediums, to allow you to expand and utilize gun charges

And you'd also be able to tailor it into shock + shadow resistance, or fire + shadow resistance for FSC if you'd prefer one of those or really any status/type resistance since all of them exist- just choose 2 combos that will probably include fire and shock and stick with it. When you get to 5*, you'd have lots of offensive stats to offend other players and Vanadukes with, and you'd be able to pull off most handguns incredibly well with the CTR: med sprite perk.

For shields, most would work although I'd recommend getting swiftstrike asap and then crafting your way up to Omega shell, which would provide you with an offensive and all around defensive option, giving you a place to branch out from. For weapons, you could try out just about any that you can afford to get and most non-piercing guns, such as the dark blitz needle, would work very well for tier 2 bosses. You'd just need to practice a bit to get the hang of them which is fun and not a problem.

Eventually you'd transition into chaos/black kat/seerus meta, keeping your old resistant armors around to mix and match. Chaos would let you expand more into bombs and swords, as well as cooler sprite perks, like MSI and HP since all of the other sprite perks are useless except status resistances rarely.

Imagen de Wqkipedia
Cookie cutter...

Chaos was my first 5* armor and it works great for everything. I am too spoiled by it and will always use that or a BK set. Beware it's like a drug... I can get one shotted by a slag swipe if I catch on fire and have no health bonuses.

Imagen de Neometal

DO make your chaos set as your first 5* set!

There's no point in making a defensive type of set, you'll have to learn to dodge sometime anyway. And if you can just annihilate basically everything w/ that set, you don't even have to dodge, well, since the monsters are dead.

Imagen de Jenovasforumchar
about Shivermist and chaos

I recommend each new Player to make chaos set as their first set. Why? Very simply:
Aside it has drawbacks on its 5 star Version, its previous parts are offering a relieable defense - exspecially when it Comes to elemental damage sources. And usually a Player did learn at least the Basic dodging after doing all the missions and farmings untill he can use 5 star stuff.

I know it is hard to ask, but I recommend to somehow save Money for a med fire UV on a magical Hood or a magical cloak in the auction house (or higher, but this will probably cost too much). A medium unique variant does completely nullify the Status malus of a certain Status (I myselfe waited with crafting chaos until I had fire a fire med 2* item, though I Need to say that I was no completely beginner at this Point anymore).

In short: Just go with the magical set from 2*-4* and once you are confident, do the upgrade to 5* chaos.

About Shivermist:
Bopp dislikes it, but it is actually a great weapon when it Comes to tough Areas.
Learning to Handle them might be a a drawback, but this Comes with each weapon. You should know when to place, when to spamm, when to stop with shiver and attack and when to not place shiver at all. Correctly used, it offers more protection than it harms.

Additionally to this: it Counter-works against lags, if you suffering on These (like me) and makes killing certain things like trojans, devilities, wolvers or Vanadukes much more easy as same as freezing the respawning Monsters in the Roarmulus Twins' fight.

(Note: don't wonder about spelling at some Points - autocorrecture from another language messes things up)

Imagen de Fehzor

The only problems with chaos as a first set are that it's rather fragile, and that it starts out as a defensive armor.. which means playing through the game with zero offensive stats and fire/shock resistance up until you get to 5*, at which point you'll have tons of offensive potential and less than zero defenses.

Actually I lied. The other reason not to use it as a first set is unique variants. You'll probably want fire/shock UVs on at least part of your chaos set, and those are going to be a lot harder to afford when you're 2* looking for your first set.

So when should you get chaos? As soon as you can, but choosing it as a starting set is going to be a rough time. I see new knights dying all the time and I'm like "Why?" And then I inspect them and they're rolling full chaos on some fire/shock area and it's like "Ah yes, of course."

Imagen de Bopp
good points

Fehzor's point about unique variants is quite insightful. A lot of my ancient equipment has no UVs or weak UVs because I was just trying to get it to 5 stars as fast as possible. Chaos is a great example of why not to do that. You really want good shock, fire, and freeze UVs on it, and getting them is a lot easier when you aren't a novice.

And I too have seen a lot of players over-estimate their skill and end up dying in Chaos. Chaos' offensive bonuses aren't helping you if you're dead.

Yes, it is defensive armor until the 5-star level, but I take that as an advantage. While learning the game you have great defense. When you reach 5 stars, hopefully you are dodgy enough to transition to great offense.

Imagen de Witelite
a good idea

What I sometimes run is a grey owl piece, and a chaos piece.
Grey owl cancels shock and fire weakness, and the ctr and dmg can be made up in trinkets
Since you have much less weakness to fire and shock, heart trinkets can be omitted, plus if you have chaos, you probably know how to dodge...