Poison isn't getting any attention from the newbie equips

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Falminar's picture

There are no poison Breaker sets, no poison Edges (or freeze... Give us the Cold/Freezing Edges), no poison "status proto guns" (Spitfire, Frost Gun, Zapper), no "other status proto bombs" (Firecracker, Cold Snap, Static Flash)...

All the newbie equips are just ignoring Poison...

Jenovasforumchar's picture
almost, but not completely true
Dibsville's picture

Probably because Poison is severely underwhelming in Tier 1-- the damage difference legitimately isn't even noticeable, things like Menders and Silkwings lack AoEs plus don't heal a lot anyway so their negative healing isn't very notable, and the enemies already do such low damage that their reduced damage is negligible, even with 0* or 1* armor.

If they picked Maskeraith, they can experience Poison early-on, but really Poison is extremely underwhelming until you get to Tier 2 and Tier 3, so there's really no reason to push it on newbies. Now, it would be nice to have some early 2* and 3* Poison weapons besides Toxic Catalyzer (boss weapon), Toxic Vaporizer (not very useful early-on), and Toxic Needle (PvP weapon), that way newbies could start experiencing statuses more and branch off as they make their way into the Knight and Defender ranks, but the current Poison weapons really limit that. I mean, even Stun has nice 2* and 3* weapons to try out.

Bopp's picture
gotta hand it to you

In previous threads I thought that your comments on the breaker sets were boring and trivial. After all, who cares about low-star items that I use for the first couple of hours and never use again?

But I have to hand it to you, you really have a sustained interest in these items. And maybe some changes could even make the game more attractive to newbies. Cheers.

Fehzor's picture

This is actually an interesting observation from a development standpoint- what if the big 4 as we know them today were originally the big 3 as fire, shock and freeze with poison being more akin to stun or curse? It would have made sense for them to move it up a notch when they separated the game into levels based on status effects and created status variants of enemies; prior to that update the game was more open about statuses, with many status effects present on every level. To some extent, I wish they would return to this format for levels; like with lizard lounge but on a grander scale that makes more sense.