Does anyone use Drakon?

By use I don't mean carry around because you don't care for sprite skills but do care for things resembling charizard.. I mean like actually use its skills in combat. I very rarely see people actually slinging fireballs around or igniting crowds.

I use Sprites all the time, although Drakon is my second-most-used because I don't take it into places where I actually think I might die (Maskeraith is always my go-to for those, or Seraphynx if there's no other Sera's in the party, and I'll make it my mission to ensure they use Heart Attack if they're not already doing so), so I only do it in lower-tiered places. But I use the skills about as soon as they're off their cooldown, and I have all four Elite harnesses to go with that-- Drakon is definitely the most fun to me because I get to abuse the lower cooldowns. If only sprites had lower cooldowns as Drakon had lower than the other two, I'm sure people would actually use their sprite more.
But to answer your question more bluntly: personally, heck yes. Do I see others doing it? Sadly, no. I guess I'm one-in-a-thousand.

That's pretty much what I do with mine, speed boost or vortex/firestorm.

I use my buddy Dr-Drakon. I leave a normal harness on him and whenever I bring a poor loadout to a danger room I especially make use of sprite abilities to compensate.
Otherwise I'll usually use Concussive Firebolt to hit switches, to initiate on enemies, stun part of a crowd.
If there are greavers, I'll use my Explosive Firestorm to give some breathing room and I'll hopefully kill them if I don't have terrible weapons with me.
I rarely use Scorching Barrier because it's the most dangerous option to legitimately use. I basically only use it if I'm support bombing to supplement my lack of damage.
Recently I've been doing this combo: Obsidian Crusher >> Ionized Salt Bomb >> Firebolt >> Tortoshield bash. You can fit that all in before the OC explodes IFF you have a decent crowd of enemies that don't disperse on a Tortoshield bash. I used the bomb CTR med perk, but you could probably do without. That's potentially 4 statuses with all normal or shadow damage. However, it's not exactly useful on Jellies because a DR would be a much easier and better option.
Sadly, you can't translate this beautiful combo to other damage types... the weapons aren't there to support it.

Drakons are useful and from pure observance I can offer some insight.
The Firebolt is fast and strong, more like a Iron Slug shot with fire. Good for an opening attack in a fight to set your enemy on fire as you follow up with damage.
The Barrier is useful for combating groups of melee enemies or supplementing your melee attacks. Good for fighting a horde or Greavers or just stacking extra damage on a turret or lumber.
The Firestorm is a strong attack and as you have seen works great when paired with vortex bomb. For best results get the Electron Vortex since it's status also deals damage like the Fire status and will help even more.

It's a good sprite for pure bombers, offering a direct attaack, a means of manipulating far off switches, protection, mobility (or even more damage!), and added damage for vortexes.

That's actually how I use my Drakon most of the time^.. Though I do forget to actually use it too, which I'm trying to overcome.

Scorching Barrier + Rocket Hammer is still my favorite combination in the game, and I use it whenever I do Legion of Almire. It promotes such a fun, hyper-aggressive playstyle.

Yes, I indeed use my Drakon.(Although I wish I had enough Crowns to buy a Puppy re-skin from someone since machines are cool) To fit into my omni-situational equipment agenda, I give my Drakon a Dark Harness to deal Shadow damage without me having to buy a weapon slot or something.

2 years or so since sprites release and I'm still really bad at consistently making use of my sprites. I do use Drakon a bit but it's mostly when I wanna go fast.

My Drakon is the only sprite I have at the moment, and I use it all the time. In fact, I use his Firebolt ability so often that I start pressing one when I'm facing monsters in other games XD

My Drakon is the only sprite I have at the moment, and I use it all the time. In fact, I use his Firebolt ability so often that I start pressing one when I'm facing monsters in other games XD

I like drakon, seems to me to be the most useful for swordies due to the fact that they get hit the most, and thus the shield comes in handy, you can flip switches with the firebolt, and can greatly increase DPS with explosive firestorm. And the fact that it looks like a dragon is freaking epic.

Is the explosive firestorm good?
I got frenzied on my ones and I rarely play with winged drakon owners, so I can't rly tell. But imo the dmg/asi boost and the chance for flashcharging is better, since YOU can do more dmg, not the sprite. This 'upgrades' it to a good party friendly sprite (sera is alrdy built for that, the mask's quills helps everyone). It also makes it viable on fire themed areas, since for the boost the enemies don't have to be set ablaze, just be in the firestorm.

I'm wondering the same thing, actually. My second Drakon is rather low in level since I'm too lazy to open the tab and feed it materials, yet too poor to buy it actual food.
I've heard that both skills are viable and I can see a good argument being made as to why frenzied would be a poor choice- maskeraith offers a much nicer bonus on it's invisibility skill in addition to allowing your knight to find a good position and less cooldown.

Scorching Fire Barrier + DVS is still my favorite combo of all time. Throw in another barrier for extra sizzle. (Shock Barrier works best.)

Feed it with any random mats you get from your frequent clockwork places. Mine was feed by those fiery mats due to FSC farming and I named him, Irritable Bowel ("Syndrome" was exceed the character limit sadly).
Frenzied actually gives the best potential dps, when all four party members "abuses" double, flash charge, whatever the bug name is. (assuming the game never updates the mechanic fix)
The explosive firestorm is also viable on fire-themed areas, it basically deals damage+fire, so in fire-themed areas it will still deal damage. It's over 50 damage per hit and it hits a lot of times. Frenzied is probably better, though, especially in a party. I say probably because in some situations, getting the boost is not that useful if you are under lots of pressure and unable to set up a flash charge anyway, then it's better to have an instant-use AoE bomb (I guess it's probably closest to compare it to dark retribution, fast and small hits + fire status) to soften up the enemies while staying safe yourself.

Is that +50 dmg with the normal harness or with ele/shadow harness vs undead-const/slime-grems?
I like never use the firestorm for flashcharging just for the sheer amount of dps boost it can give.
I think it's like 55 dmg with an elemental harness on Legion of Almire, it's been a long time since I played SK, I just came back so I don't remember everything. But I do remember it's a lot of 55's popping up, similar to DR or shock ticks on a crowd...

I use Flame Barrier most of times if I run into some bad situation like from Nasty Devilite Overtimers That keep getting us struggling. I have all Advanced Harness which gets great Advantages for me.
Firebolt is really useful.
Ever been in an arena and be swarmed by unpushable Mechas?