Where is the Tundrus recipe?

2 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Dipeero

I know it is sold by Basil... somewhere...

I checked the missions where he shows up in the ready room, but none of the encounters appear to sell him. Do you guys know where I can find the recipe?


Imagen de Smalltownguy
Tundrus is a 3* recipe.

Tundrus is a 3* recipe. Basil only sells 3* recipes on depth 13 of the Clockworks.

Imagen de Bopp

Smalltownguy is right, of course. In the future, here's how you learn such a thing for yourself using the wiki.

1. Go to the wiki page Tundrus. The Acquisition section says that you can get it only from Basil in the Clockworks.

2. So, on the Tundrus page, click on the Basil link to learn more. The section Wares explains that 3-star recipes are available only at depth 13, as Smalltownguy said.

Are you asking because you visited Basil at depth 13 and the recipe wasn't there? Basil doesn't offer you all recipes on every visit. He randomly selects a small subset to show you. If the one you want isn't there, then you have to visit Basil again for another try. This is all explained in the Wares section of his page.

The fact that some recipes are available only through Basil, and they can't even be found there very frequently, is exactly why those recipes command relatively high prices on the Auction House.

Good luck.