Looking For A Good Guild!

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Paraxion's picture

Hey guys, and I am currently looking for a good guild. Mind you, I am quite new to the game and I need a guild that accepts new players. I am currently Rank 5-2 and a Knight.

I am looking for a Guild that can do these things:

-Offers free/cheap crafting materials
-No profanity
-Does Missions/Boss fights/farming with others
-Gives advice

That's about it. Please give your ideas! :D

Vohtarak-Forum's picture

tinkering gremlins fits that description, why dont you check out our thread and submit an application?
(for the future, its best to look at guilds and decide on one rather than have them come to you)

Paraxion's picture

Problem is, I'm not Vanguard so I can't join TG.

Hmmlol's picture
Sounds like Retribution

Sounds like Retribution Council might be a good choice for you. We have everything you need plus more! Retribution Council is a fantastic guild that I'm glad to recommend, since it's a guild that helps the community and it's players thrive. Check us out, I'm positive you'll be satisfied.

Paraxion's picture
Retribution Council

Looks like a an awesome guild! Thanks for the suggestion, making an application for it now. :D

Vohtarak-Forum's picture
youre still allowed in

you can join the guild if youre not a vanguard, you just get promoted to member rank once you reach it