Explorator Machina: The Arcade is NOT dead!

1 Réponse [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Quintinius-Vergnix

Greetings! We're a relatively new guild looking for members. Although we specialize in Arcade runs, we also host Royal Jelly and Firestorm Citadel boss runs every Friday and Wednesday at 3:30.

-Basil Recipe Hunts: Currently our only guild utility. If you're looking for a Basil recipe and can't seem to find it, mail or PM one of our guild masters (Photon-Interceptor and Quintinius-Vergnix) and we'll assist in hunting down your recipe and selling it to you for the price listed at Basil's, for no additional markup.

If you want to join, mail me (IGN: Quintinius-Vergnix) and make a post in this thread.

Portrait de Inquistitive-Ego

Hehe, only just got the reference in your IGN very nice.... but yeah, I'm currently guildless (my old guild collapsed and I've had trouble fitting into anything else since) but I'll give you guys a test run. I'll be sure to PM you

-His honorable majesty SuperEccles (currently under the guise of one Professor-Ego)