What Is The General Opinion Of Gilded Griffin?

Just curious about this, as the rest of the gunner updates sort of drowned out GG a bit it seems, I am going to get one eventually but was curious about the reaction people had to it.

I dont really like the Gilded Griffin compared to the other Antiguas. Antiguas in general are best for chip damage and pulling aggro. However both fiends and beasts are some of the fastest and most aggressive enemies of the game. So you don't need to slowly chip away at them from afar, nor do you need to draw their attention. Ideally, you need quick burst damage, not slow sustained damage.

Disclaimer: I've never used Gilded Griffin.
Gilded Griffin has the advantages (ease of use, long range, fast hits) and disadvantages (mediocre damage, difficult charges, tedious clicking) of all antigua-style guns. Being piercing, the key question is how it performs against beasts and fiends.
Beasts are so easy that they are not worth thinking about. I recommend Dark Briar Barrage for clearing them out quickly so that you can get on with your day.
Are the GG shots fast enough to hit dodging fiends? That is a major consideration, that I can't answer without testing.

I'm quite fond of gilded griffin. It is at least on par with riftlocker and mobile piercing guns can be quite viable. A nice accessory for fighting fiends, since it combos quite well with swords and bombs. Riftlocker has higher burst damage i.e. more damage with fewer shots but gilded griffin has higher overall DPS and its multiple shots can help with grievers etc.
Beasts are a joke but it can hit them occasionally and control their teleportation, so that's a plus too I suppose.
It's an antigua. It does weak damage, which is mostly compensated by its high rate of fire. The shots travel quickly, so it can be used effectively against dodgy enemies like wolvers and devilites. It also does not affect movement the way a callahan or a blitz might.
It works for its intended purpose. But other piercing guns work even better: In the recent user poll, it did not fare well.