Outbreak Gaming is Recruiting/Servers/Teamspeak/Open for everyone

6 replies [Last post]
Geakfreak's picture

Hello future member of our Guild,

We are Outbreak Gaming, We are a fairly large community of gamers, which has been around for a few years now, who enjoy playing various video games. We host games on our server such as Minecraft, Team Fortress 2 and Starbound but also play games such as Spiral Knights where we have active guilds. We strive to make our players happy both on our server and in the guilds we run.

Players come first and we hope to create environments that are friendly and open to all. Our Spiral Knights guild is becoming fairly big now and is filling up with new players every day.

With around 10 to 20 guild members online 24/7 you will always have some body to play with if you decide to join our guild! All of our members are friendly, nice people who support other members of the guild. We chat about all sorts of things and most of us have a lot in common with other players. We accept players from all over the world and with so many people in our guild we find that everyone comes across another fellow guildie who gets along with them well. We believe that anyone should be allowed to join our guild.


Outbreak Gaming was founded just after Spiral Knights came out of Beta with the aim of helping new knights on their adventures through the clockworks. For the longest time the guild was a bit quiet as there wasn't much to do guild wise we had a total of 50 odd members that all helped each other run arcade and gain crowns. After the guild hall update and later with the missions update the guild exploded in popularity and today has an active roaster of around 200+ players. A lot of work has been put into our guild hall during this past years since the guild hall update dropped, we have all pitched in and have built everything up from an empty lobby to the impressive fortress that we have now. It is a monument to our teamwork and community spirit.


1] Respect other players, be friendly and helpful.
Being rude or foul to our other members will get you kicked out of our guild very quickly. Be nice to our other members, answer each others questions and generally treat others how you would want to be treated by them.

2] Do not beg around Haven or in guild chat.
Guild members will happily help you with missions if they can but this guild isn't a free meal ticket for free energy/crowns or gear. We believe in players earning what they want themselves, begging annoys other players and it makes us look bad and so we ask that you don't do it while in our guild.

3] Be a dedicated and loyal to the guild.
We ask that you only join our guild if you intend to stay in it. It is disheartening when a player leaves our guild for no reason, especially when we've done so much to help them. If you have been helped by our guild members we only ask that you consider sticking around to help others.

4] Put your fellow guildies before anyone else.
If you see one of our guild members asking for help in guild chat please do your best to help them out. Join guild member games over games hosted by a friend, you can always invite them to join Outbreak with you. We say this because we want our guild to be a tight community of friends and if you ignore fellow guild members this won't happen.

5] Scamming is forbidden.
Ripping off other guild members or players will get you removed from the guild. Conning/Deceiving others is low and it won't be tolerated.

6] Hacking is forbidden.
We play fair. Using third party programs to give yourself an unfair advantage over other players will get you removed from the guild and reported to Three Rings staff.

7] If you have access to our guild hall's design mode do not make layout changes without first consulting the guild master.
This is just because what you do in design mode saves for the next person that uses design mode so if a small change needs to be made and all the furniture has been messed up it would all need to be put back before the small change could be made.

8] If you remove anything from the guild storage please put something of equal star value so there is always something there for others.
Please note that taking multiple items without putting anything back will get you demoted or removed from the guild. If you take everything and leave the guild you will be reported to spiral knights support which may mean your account is terminated.

9] When using guild chat please talk in English and do not spam.
Please be sensible when talking in guild chat as it get broadcast to all guild members and if they are doing other things they might not want spam scrolling through their chat. Also please talk in English as it is the guild's main language and by sticking to it we can all understand each other. :)

10] Do not ask guild masters/officers for promotions.
Promotions have to be earned, once you have fulfilled the necessary criteria to earn the rank you will be promoted. Please just be patient and be the best guild member that you can be and your efforts will not go unnoticed. Asking guild management for promotions all of the time is an easy way to annoy them and will most likely have the reverse effect.

Ranks and Promotions criteria

Recruit : Be an active and friendly member. There is no need for donating but it is welcome
Member : Be in the guild for a week and donate over 3k crowns
Veteran : Be active on our teamspeak server and on our forums. You should have donated over 20k in crowns and be a trustworthy active and friendly player.
Officer : Officers are appointed when we as the staff team realize we need more people to keep the peace. You have to be a well respected mature and active player in the guild.

As you can see you won't become an officer in a week in Outbreak gaming. We believe that the strongest guilds survive when the people in the guild have been there for a long time.


We want an active guild and this is why we remove inactive players. It would suck if you can't join because we have some one inactive who doesn't deserve the spot.

Recruits get a 1 month inactivity period before they are removed.
Members get a 2 month inactivity period before they are removed.
Veterans get a 3 month inactivity period before they are removed.

Want to join ?

If you want to join our guild Please give the following things :

  • Name(In-Game)
  • Motivation(optional)
  • Something Interesting about yourself(optional)

Remmer anyone can join as long as you are a great positive player who wants to contribute to our wonderful community :D

Contact us

Website: http://www.outbreakgaming.co.uk
Forums : http://www.outbreakgaming.co.uk/forum/index.php
Servers : http://www.outbreakgaming.co.uk/servers.htm
Clans : http://www.outbreakgaming.co.uk/clans.htm
Official Twitter @outbreakgaming
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/user/0utbreakGaming
Steam: outbreakgamingog


The Outbreak Gaming Spiral Knights Team

CombatMedic02 - Guild Master
Arkin-Threshold - Officer
Bananalooter - Officer
Boit - Officer
Davyblader - Officer
Dengreeve - Officer
DragonSkllzz - Officer
Eddiemeduza - Officer
Geakfreak - Officer
Goldenlight - Officer
Jimigen - Officer
King_Cobra - Officer
Lolight -Officer
Mickebest - Officer
Moxin - Officer
Susantrolly - Officer
Ze-Purple - Officer

Msboomie's picture
In-game name:

In-game name: Msboomie

Motivation: I used to play SK a lot with another, smaller guild, but as their activity died down so did mine. I've recently got back into the game and I've been really looking for another community to join. Outbreak looks like the ideal place for me since you offer more than just SK! My current character has just over 50 hours and I'm currently grinding heat for 5* gear. If people are doing arcade runs and need an extra man, I'm always happy to join!

Hopefully you'll have me!

Matikclocker's picture
I don't have Minecraft and

I don't have Minecraft and Starbound, but I have TF2.
On a broken computer.

Even my Internet broke down.

Do you offer Starbound as a gift for members of Outbreak Gaming?

Blue-Knife's picture
Instant Application!

I have heard of this guild for quite a while now, through YouTube and many of my in-game friends who are in Outbreak Gaming.

IGN: Blue-Knife

Motivation: Like Msboomie, I used to play SK with another guild, but then the guild started dying quickly so I joined another one, the one I'm currently in. I'm not particularly happy with the community I'm in right now, so I'm on the lookout for another one, and Outbreak Gaming seems perfect for me, since I play Minecraft as well and your guidelines are amazing, as well as the people on my friend list from Outbreak Gaming!


IGN - Fionnthehuman (I think but if it's steam and stuff then: Soggy_Towel)

Motivation - I can't really say much, I find the game fun and I would like to play with others. I used to play a while ago (when you had to pay materials to use the elevator) and I kinda got out of it until recently.

Interesting Thing - I know quite a lot of things for my age...? I don't really think I'm that interesting to be honest.

Fericirea-Senpai's picture

IGN: Fericirea

Motivation - I'd love to be able to play with other active members, do lots of lockdown with people, and best of all, use teamspeak! One of the biggest things I like about this guild is that it has teamspeak, which I would really like to get into.

Interesting Thing - Not much to say here. I have a way with cats. Even grumpy cats play with me a lot. I love cats C:

Geakfreak's picture
@fericirea @fionnthehuman @blue-knife

Thanks you have all been sent a invitation to our guild. Sorry for the delay but I've been really busy with things that have happend IRL.

I hope you will enjoy our guild as much as I do ^^

- Geak