Should i wait for apocrea to make my Silent an obsidian edge or just make it an Acheron?
So today i got an UV'd brandish with DMG bonus vs gremlins of V.High and vs slime of medium.
So my question is, should i wait for the shroud of Apcrea or make it an Acheron?
PS. i alredy have a silent nightblade with no UV's, i'm wondering which one i should make which.
Thanks! Well, should i get an obsidian anyways if the event comes?
I mean, i will alredy have a super powerfull gremlin/slime destroyer quarter moon punch 2.0 acheron, so would it still be worth it?
Acheron is at least as good as Obsidian Edge. So waiting has no value. There is also no value in having both. Just get one. Cheers.

There's some value in having both. Obsidian edge is better if you're fighting something along with gremlin menders. In general I think obsidian edge is substantially better because of this added utility as the damage increase isn't that big of a deal for me.
New content isn't coming out so there's really no need to get either, other than your desire to use them.... There are better weapons to bring than either for harder content, and easier content is best cleared by bringing a group and letting them use their brandishes while you play support. The group can crush sets of 3-5 enemies in seconds flat regardless of what you do, and harder levels like compounds can be cleared with your support techniques.
I'd also go for winmillion. It's incredibly cheap and the value you get from it is way larger than what you're paying, assuming your other weapons are designed around crowd damage, high single target damage or support rather than general use; i.e. blitz needle, iron slug, vortex bombs, things like that.

I think that, without a doubt, you should get the Obsidian Edge (Unless you need the upgrade soon). Poison is a seriously undervalued status effect. Not only does it prevent monsters from healing, it increases their damage received (from your attacks) and it decreases the damage they deal by 45%. Plus, the Obsidian Edge looks awesome.
While you're waiting for Apocrea, you could work on another sword. One of my favorites is the Gran Faust, which also looks awesome. Both the Faust and Edge are good against RJ.
Do you want to kill things quicker or poison things?
It also depends on your play style, do you want to charge your sword or just go around triple swinging it?
And also if you have a maskeraith then you definitely don't need the obsidian edge.
IMHO I think you should go for acheron because of its raw power, the only place where obsidian edge is able to hold its own is in arenas with menders (if you lack a maskeraith) but even so, if you like to go straight to chopping up menders with a sword, then the acheron will come out on the top.
But if you want to get an obsidian weapon that outclasses its normal relatives, the other two weapons are viable options.
But anyways, as you get damage boosting armors, the UV's will be irrelevant.