Love Tiramisu fun guild to join for vetran players

hey there everyone! so, Love Tiramisu, a guild has been alive a long time and it hasent show it's latest updates and other knights thinks it's dead BUT it's no lone dead. Love Tiramisu is been revived (sort of) and we need YOU to join the Love Tiramisu! i will go over what you need to join Love Tiramisu and whats rule of this guild!
Requirement to join Love Tiramisu.
simple, be at mission rank knight elite or over, if you are guildless at mission rank knight elite or over you will always invited by one of guild masters.
Requirement to rank up on Love Tiramisu.
to rank up to member you just have stay on this guild for at least 3 days.
to rank up to veteran, be member first before you rank up to veteran. you need a achievement named daunless delver, you must travel from depth 0 to depth 29 without using any revives to get get this achievement.
to rank up to officer, be vetran before ranking up to officer. you need to do the 3 trials of Love Tiramisu. you will get more info about those tirals once you are ready.
to rank up to guild master, if you are officer and feels liek you are ready to be guild master, then you will be take into 1 week of trial as guild master
if you success the guild master tiral you will stay as guild master, if you fail you will demoted back as officer and can't try again until a month.
RULES, breaking one one of those rules 3 times and you will be removed from Love Tiramisu for at least 1 month, 3 month 2nd time, 6 month for 3rd time, 1 year for 4th+ time
rule #1: NO SWEARING!!!! swearing is no longer allowed at Love Tiramisu for saftey reaosons
rule #2: NO BEGGING FOR CROWNS OR OTHER STUFF YOU WANTED! beggers are annoying adn we dont want them on Love Tiramisu
rule #3: ASK BEFORE INVITING A GUILDMATE TO A PARTY. ask before you invite one of our guild mates to join your party
rule #4: DO NOT SPAM PARTY INVITE. dont spam party invite it's annoying, if you see one of guildmates do that on you tell or mail to a guild master about it!
rule #5: ASK A GUILDMASTER BEFORE TAKING ANYTHIGN ON ANY GUILD STORAGE. no thiefs allowed in this guild, ask a guild master first!
rule #6: DONATE 5000 CROWNS TO OUR GUILD STORAGE BEFORE TAKING 100 ENERGY! once you are at rank veteran you have access to energy well room, remember to donate 6750 crowns to our guild treasurry to take 100 energy and eys this is one cheepest 100 energy you can get.
rule #7: DO NOT ENTER THE DESGIN MODE WITHOUT A GUILD MASTER IF YOU ARE AT RANK VETERAN OR OFFICER!!! we dont want anyone mess around our desgin mode, so ask a guild master to come with you on desgin mode to make thing sure you dosent mess around the desgin mode, as guild master, you needed me to come with you on desgin mode, i am the oen desgin the guild hall now! ;)
rule #8: DO NOT BULLY GUILD MATES OR GUILD MASTERS! be respect with our guild mates and guild masters. if you ever bully guild master and not saying sorry to them you will INSTANTLY remove from Love Tiramisu. so, bully one of our guild mate adn you must say sorry to them or else you will break the rule!
rule #9: INVITE ONLY PLAYERS AT MISSION RANK KNIGHT ELITE OR OVER! we do not allow those are at below knight elites to join our guild, veteran players only! (and also noobs are annoying!)
Rule #10: ALWAYS COME TO MEETING ROOM WHEN I CALLIGN EVERY SINGLE GUILD MATES FOR A MEETING AT MEETING ROOM!!!! sometime i will shoutout in our guild chat for everyone at Love Tiramisu to got to meeting room for a meeting whatever it is weekly meeting or important meeting you must come to meeting room, if you are ding a mission complete as fastest as you can!
Rule #11: ASK ME TO OPEN THE GUILD TO PUBLIC. you wanna have some guest to our guild hall, justa ask me at guild chat if you really want some guest to come and see our guild hall, only officer and guild master can open this guild to public to ask me first before you open the guild hall to public
Rule #12: theres no rule #12! ;)
if you donate 100 to 500 energy to our energy well just tell a guild master that you donated 100 to 500 energy to our energy well because you get some crowns for doing that! ;)
if have any question about this guild just send me a e-mail. my e-mail is
i hope you enjoy staying at Love Tiramisu guild and as always have some sweet love on Tiramisu!
(also you are filled with determination for staying at Love Tiramisu guild!)

i do agree you bit with energy price but i got feeling that 7000 crowns sounds bit too much for me. so, i was thinking that 6750 crowns sounds good for me and dont make me started on speell fixes i got TIRED of those! >:(
We decided it would be better for 7000 crowns for energy (still insanely cheap)
Also, um... fix a few of your spelling mistakes....