Divine Avenger Build

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Hey guys! I'm trying to work my way from Defender Elite into Vanguard and need to pass the 5 star HoH. I'm very fond of the Divine Avenger and I need an equipment set for general exploration through the arcades. This is what I'm thinking of making since I'm trying to shy away from the given Azure set:

Helm: Chaos Cowl
Armor: Vog Cub Coat
Shield: Grey Owlite Shield
Primary Weapon: Divine Avenger
Secondary Weapon: Acheron

Any tips or suggestions? Thanks in advance! I appreciate your help!

Imagen de Fehzor

Your loadout is a great starting point. You'll be well prepared armor-wise for FSC and other challenging levels, and you definitely get the stats to buff your divine avenger with a good deal of room to grow. The one issue, which hardly matters, is that you're going for chaos COWL and vog cub COAT. If you switched these (chaos cloak + vog cub cap) you'd be able to use chaos + divine veil, chaos + seerus and chaos + black kat cowl. It's not that huge of a deal since you can just go back and craft chaos cloak later anyway since running full chaos is an experience.

I'd suggest getting one of each of the following as you do branch out. These are the things that will make you stronger fastest.

An autogun for Vanaduke and Maulos:
Blitz needle = Prefer DPS, prefer to pay in crowns
Plague needle = Prefer utility, prefer to pay in lockdowns

A versatile sidegun for general play:
Nova Driver/Umbra driver = High damage + switch shooting
A status driver = Not as high damage + switch shooting + utility
Valiance = Larger clip + weak charge + normal = always somewhat useful
Other Blasters = Larger clip + weak charge + bigger bullets

A flourish for fiends and general utility:
Rigadoon = highest utility
Barb thorn blade = high damage + crowd oriented charge
Final flourish = high damage + mobile single target charge

A vortex bomb for dreams and nightmares: (least necessary)
Electron = Extra clumping from shock. Elemental damage added.
Obsidian Crusher = Healers damage poisoned enemies.
Celestial Vortex = Helps clean up stragglers with strong fire. Costs 200$.

Operation Crimson hammer
This is probably the best thing you can buy for your knight. You get 2 extra weapons, extra content to play and access to Seerus's mask. I'd definitely pick it up at some point.

Ah alright to me it doesn't

Ah alright to me it doesn't matter whether I get the vog/chaos helm/armor but I'll take your advice on chaos cloak and vog cap for better versatality in the future!

Imagen de Bopp

Shiruin, I have an armor guide that may help you plan your armor. And I have a detailed sword guide that can help you plan a loadout around your Divine Avenger.


Your defensive plan is good, and Fehzor's adjustment (switching the helmet and suit) is even slightly better. In case you don't understand, it's because you might possibly choose Divine instead of Chaos, and Divine Veil is better than Divine Mantle.

Grey Owlite Shield is great for general defense, but consider also Barbarous Thorn Shield. It often breaks a little more quickly than Grey Owlite, but it gives an offensive bonus to your swords. (The real "glass cannon" shield is Swiftstrike Buckler. Get that once you're good at dodging.)


Your offensive plan is good. I often play with two swords (and no other weapons). Divine Avenger with Acheron is a fine two-sword loadout.

When you want to branch out, your top priority, in my opinion, should be the bomb Dark Briar Barrage and the gun Blitz Needle. The former is massively useful against fiends, which many players consider to be the hardest monster family. The latter is especially useful against big enemies such as Vanaduke, Maulos, Almirian Shadow Guards, etc.

Fehzor's other suggestions are also good: flourishes, Dark Retribution, vortex bombs, and sidearm guns. Magnus-style and alchemer-style guns are fun and powerful. Haze bombs such as Voltaic Tempest can be extremely useful. Much of the fun of this game is trying out weapon styles. So try as many as you can, with the caveat that some don't become really powerful until 5 stars.

Thanks Bopp! I'll definitely

Thanks Bopp! I'll definitely work on Blitz after I get my 5 star cert!

Imagen de Wqkipedia
Blitz Needle

If you are short on funds (or rads) I recommend just using a 4* Strike Needle. As a Vanguard I still have not yet crafted a Blitz (The level 10 Strike is out-damaged by the Level 7 Blitz).