Gunner Gear and Alchemer Help

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Corporal-Shade's picture

Hello everyone! It is I, Blazecat-Percival, writer of a fanfic that absolutely nobody reads!
Anyways, I'm thinking of getting some Gunslinger Practice with an alt.

First off:
There are a few guns which I will not be using. Call it Limitations, if you want.
Autogun Line - A close range gun, which could easily be replaced by sword slashes. And please don't suggest that I use Blitz.
Antigua Line - It fires BBs and also my guildmate says that it's trash.

Alright, for my Armor I'll go with Gunslinger(big surprise), which will end with Shadow Defense, due to terrible experience with staplers and gas.
Tell me which Shadow Defending armor is better, or if there's something wrong with my decision.

I'll likely have a Blaster, Alchemer, and maybe a Magnus.
What Blaster variant should I choose?
What Alchemer variant should I choose?
How the heck do I use an Alchemer?

Bopp .-.
I have a detailed Gunslinger for players like you.

Bopp's picture

I'm glad that you've seen the Gunslinger Guide, and that you said so. Unfortunately, it's not great (last I checked).

Armor: You might also check out my armor guide. The Gunslinger armor lines are good, but have you considered the Padded armor lines? And Perfect Mask of Seerus?

Weapons: Consider mixing damage types. This is pretty easy, if you're mixing magnuses, alchemers, and blasters. In elemental alchemers I like Nova and Storm, because raw damage and shock are useful. Umbra is also great. In magnuses I prefer Iron Slug and Callahan over Winter Grave, because I find freeze counter-productive. But some other players like the freeze. I haven't used many of the blasters.

Against fiends: Callahan's regular shots are fast enough to hit dodging fiends. Alchemers are okay too, due to the ricochets, but it's not a huge DPS. I don't know about blasters.

Using an alchemer: The first key is hitting the ricochets. I have a FAQ about that. You can also view YouTube videos. The next key is weapon switching. See YouTube or search Google, etc. for that. Good luck.

Corporal-Shade's picture
I'm a Wizard

I will try out an Alchemer later and practice ricocheting.
Anyways, Padded armor. Upon hitting three stars I become highly vulnerable to a single status effect. What would you say is absolutely not a problem to handle for an extra 8 seconds?

Bopp's picture

Upon hitting three stars I become highly vulnerable to a single status effect. What would you say is absolutely not a problem to handle for an extra 8 seconds?

Status weaknesses can ruin you, or they can be no big deal. It depends on the status effect, whether it is present in the level, whether your UVs or other armor cancels your weakness, etc. The same could be said of any armor in Spiral Knights.

For example, the offensively best Gunslinger set is Shadowsun, due to the blanket damage bonus. But it has shock+0. So if you wear it into a shock level, you might suffer a lot of shock.

However, if you pair Perfect Mask of Seerus with Grizzly Shade, then you get fire+4, shock+4, freeze+2, poison-5. And you get CTR+5 (at heat level 10), ASI+2, gun damage+1. That's pretty good, for an all-around set. Because poison resistance is rarely a priority.

Of course, more specialized sets can do better in special situations. And the Padded armor lines let you build any specialized set you want. For example, pairing Seerus with Falcon Sentinel gets you a really good shock-elemental armor with lots of gun bonuses. Or a full Grizzly set would be great in a freeze-themed level.

(And we haven't even discussed Black Kat and Chaos. I infer that you've decided against them already.)

Putkisen-Seta's picture

Grizzly is worthless. Everything does Strong Freeze so you can't be immune to it. Ice breaks when hit, shielded or not. The Shock set is easily the best one.

Bopp's picture

I agree that shock is more important than freeze. I was just giving examples.

But two pieces of Grizzly, with a perk or a UV, can give you the freeze+10 (or so) that you need to be immune to some kinds of freeze. In other words, if Grizzly is useless, then all freeze armor is useless.