Attack Interruption on WHB v DVS

4 respuestas [Último envío]

So I have researched many topics on this but they seem to only refer to the fact that WHB interrupts way more on charge than DVS. But as far as the normal combos go, I couldn't find any information on whether the WHB still interrupted more than the DVS. If anyone owns both or at least knows a ton about them could you please let me know, because right now I have vile striker but I'd go back and get WHB if it interrupts better on combo because thats the worst part about the DVS imo is the lack of attack interruption.

PS - Before anyone says it (I know someone would) I am using these swords for fun, yes I know WHB can cause wolvers to dodge, yes I know DVS poisons, yes I know there are more effective swords.

Imagen de Jenovasforumchar
Vile Striker

I can tell you only this far: Only the last hit seems to knock down a Zombie while unleashing one full attack Combo with Vile Striker.

Unfortunally I only own this VS, but if I can help with testing it in a certain depth against a certain Monster at a certain difficulty at a certain Party size, then just ask and I will deliver that data.

Imagen de Bopp
I haven't noticed that

I have both swords. I tested them against each other years ago, but not since then. When I tested them, I noticed a big difference in interruption during charge attacks. I did not notice a difference in interruption during regular attacks. So I did not put it in my guide.

In short: It's possible that there's a difference, but I haven't noticed it, even when specifically looking for it.

Imagen de Fehzor

I haven't tested them in a while, but I don't see any reason they'd have changed it. The charge spam is a goofy tactic but not an unfun one, I'd definitely give it a try if you have enough resources to do so.

@Fehzor That literally has

@Fehzor That literally has nothing to do with what we are talking about, I am referring completely to basic, attack, interruption. I have already researched the interruption difference on charges.

@Bopp Very dissapointing, considering the charge is near useless because it has less dps than the combo itself, as proven through numbers and my experience using it the charge is almost useless, less damage over the time frame it takes to do it and you can't shield cancel midway through. The wild hunting blades is probably very useful though, because it can interrupt, but still, I thought that made the wolvers from the "shadow hits" or whatever they're called would interrupt the enemies, guess not.