The Bomber's Dream

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Magnek-Le-Bomber's picture

I've been bombing for around 4-5 years now. VERY few bombers exist due to the fact that bombs do not deal enough damage at higher depths making swords and guns more ideal (keep in mind that i have damage bonus maximum). One of the best armor sets for a bomber is the Mad Bomber Set which helps boost your damage per second but its basically a Chaos set without CTR and damage bonus on ALL weapons. Curse defense is more than the Chaos set but honestly, u dont need curse defense AT ALL unless you play lockdown and even then there is no curse defense on the Mad Bomber set. In conclusion, a bomber's dream is equality. Everyone knows that a vortex is all you need to make a sword deal damage on a massive scale so why not boost damage on bombs?

Bopp's picture
bombs are already great

I don't know whether this is an April Fool's joke, but bombs are already great. They do not need a buff.

It's true that armor in this game is massively unbalanced, and Chaos vs. Mad Bomber is a prime example. But buffing bombs is not the solution. Probably nerfing Chaos is the solution. That has been proposed many times. Cheers.

Putkisen-Seta's picture

Howbout you boost the damage but make them damage the user? That'd be fun and make it less.. spammy.

I doubt they'll ever develop this game again though. It's a shame, a simple armor rebalance would count as "content".

Magnek-Le-Bomber's picture

I do agree with you that bombs are already amazing but if you ever saw a max bomber doing firestorm citadel versus a max player using a sword, vortex, and a black kat set you will see the difference. Theres a video on youtube made by idiosyncrasies doing a speed run of FSC in under 17min. Bombs cant keep up with that. I ain't saying that SK needs to boost damage on them that much but just a bit to make them competitive

Bopp's picture

I agree that bombs are not ideal in FSC. But FSC is just one particular situation. Bombs are great in many other situations.

The game is not well-balanced, but it's not so unbalanced that a single loadout is the best in all situations. And that's good.

By the way, what if there were a non-shadow version of Dark Retribution? You might see that a lot in FSC.

Magnek-Le-Bomber's picture

I would actually be happy with an elemental dark retribution or an elemental dark briar barrage but still not sure if it would deal enough damage. Currently the most powerful bomb is a shard bomb due to its double blast. SK intended for a bomber to be support so i might just be dissatisfied. FSC is a big money maker so thats why i mentioned it though i do jelly king way more. I dont make as much sadly. Only 22kcr-24kcr an hour cuz each of my runs is 10min

Bopp's picture

Currently the most powerful bomb is a shard bomb due to its double blast.

Most commentators on these forums would seem to disagree with you. Very few of the shards actually inflict damage, due to the invinciticks.

In contrast, Dark Retribution pumps out large amounts of damage that scales well: The more DRs you place, the more damage you pump out. Do you have this bomb? Do you disagree?

Magnek-Le-Bomber's picture

Look at the damage chart on the Deadly Crystal Bomb on the wiki. Nuff said. Stratum 6 shows its max damage without any UVs or dmg bonus. The key is to use a vortex with the bomb. Mine deals almost 500 dmg per charge without my vortex which is a lot for a bomb (DB max FTW X'''D). Not to mention the charge time on a shard bomb is as fast or faster than dark retribution. I aint your average bomber so i view things differently. Almost forgot to mention, yeah i have dark retribution. Its my main JK bomb along with my obsidian crusher. We should do an FSC run sometime so i can show you how I do things. Send me a friend request if u get the chance. I do prefer a duo team though >.>

Bopp's picture
that's the point

Look at the damage chart on the Deadly Crystal Bomb on the wiki. Nuff said.

It's not "nuff said", because it doesn't address the point about the invincitinks, or how the bomb scales, or how many times a DR charge will hit each monster. Here is a critique written by a well-respected bomber (Zeddy).

And here is a critique written by another well-respected bomber (Eeks).

The key is to use a vortex with the bomb.

Those critiques don't address your specific tactic of pairing shard bombs with vortex bombs. So maybe you've found a great new tactic. If so, congratulations and thanks for telling us. But maybe you can post some videos or offer more explanation. Because the damage tables on the wiki don't come anywhere near a sufficient explanation.

Please notice: I do not claim to be an expert bomber, and I don't have time to practice your tactic now and do experiments comparing it to other tactics. So I'm not saying that you're wrong. I just want to see how you address these points. And I want to see expert bombers respond to your points.

Traevelliath's picture

As someone who has become a bomber hybrid over the years, Bombs are AMAZING late-game for control and AOE damage. DBB is probably the best weapon to deal with devilites in the game. You can go through a lot of FSC with a VV and a DBB, putting out respectable damage. The only thing bad about late game bombs is the Radiant drought.

The problem is low level bombing is a PAAAAAAIN. You just don't have that much CTR. Even devoted 2* bombers are working with small radius CTR high-ish bombs. Very rarely will a low level bomber have heat lvl 10 bombs, thus they don't have the innate CTR med that bombs so desperately need. Also, as a pure bomber, you don't get ANY damage bonuses until 5* or trinkets or sprite perks. Recently I tried restarting from recruit as a pure bomber and it SUCKS.

Magnek-Le-Bomber's picture

U should give the EV/DCB combo a try. U wont regret it. The DBB/VV combo is good but for me it didnt work out cuz i wanted more power

Magnek-Le-Bomber's picture

I should make a vid of it but would be easier if i just show you. This invincitinks issue is something that never bothered me. Also with the damage scales, a lot of calculations is needed. I'm a bomber of few words who only wants power. I dont explain but list the problems i want fixed and the problems that I fixed. I tried all the top bombing combos for FSC and this is the only one that compares to the power of a sword. Thats what i mean by "nuff said". EV eliminates knockback and makes it possible to use both blasts which seems to be mostly the problem. I find a shard bomb best used just for FSC but thats IMO. Been researching for years so im merely listing my findings