¥¥Divine Gods¥¥ old guild, squads, events, weekly meeting, GM missions, GP currency, room rents, strong & friendly community.

¥¥Divine gods¥¥
Strong and friendly community we are noob friendly and will welcome anyone noble and divine enough rank does not matter.
- ¥Guild element¥.
- GM squad members are handpicked indeviduals by the GM himself, this squad is also the incubation phase befote officer rank.
- Officer squad members are automaticaly promoted to veteran if chosen, they have a higher dtatus than regular veterans and are more known in the inner circles of the guild.
- ¥Guild element¥.
- Events can be various such as: Boss raids, Social gathering, PvP (blast network), Guild weekly meeting.
Guild meetings.
- ¥Guild element¥.
- Weekly meeting is on every saturday at 6Pm (CET +1), there we disscus matter wich consern the guild, its growth and proggres. This is also a wonderful opportunity to rise up in the guild or rank up, seeing that everyone gets a word if so desired.
- Member rank needed to participate.
GM missions:
- ¥Guild element¥ (unique)
- GM missions are a unique element of Divine Gods its description is long so joining *TheDivineGodsGroup* steam group would be appreciated.
GP currency:
- ¥Guild currency¥ (unique)
- I personaly think we are the first guild to come up with this so exposing this idea to the public will evidently result in more copies.
- GP can be obtained by various ways, everything has a GP worth, however GP worth shifts depending on the time.
Room rents
- ¥Guild element¥
- Simple rent or buy system, botom floor is 2.5kcr weekly and that keeps dubling the higher the floor (2.5,5,10,20,40).
- Furniture rent system, available furniture can be rented for 10% of the price weekly or buyed imediately.
Strong and friendly community
- ¥Guild community¥
- We are againtst any toxicity, bad behavior, unfriendlines, insults, trolls etc. There have been many bans due to this behavior, we spare no one recruit or officer, apprentice or vanguard.
- Steam group *TheDivineGodsGroup* chat is active and a mountain of info about the guild is also noted there.
- ¥Something extra¥
- The guild started of like the mighty city of Rome it has 2 creators Nephilim and Taha, excited to have their pwn guild they quickly expanded their borders and began recruiting. The guild ran smothly as ever and had a flurishing community, however Taha began to grow greedy and was draining crowns from the members without Nephilim knowing. Finaly when Taha went to far and got 10.000ce from helping a member do Snarbolax it came to Nephilims notice. They clashed and Nephilim amerged victories, but there was little victory in banishing your starter friend and fellow GM. The guild suffered a heavy blow after that lasting only a few more months Nephilim gave up on Spiral leaving only his officers to tend to the guild. During his 1.5year abbsence, officer Dimithro was determined to keep the guild alive until Nephilims return, the guild was active for 1 more year being kept alive only by 1 officer and got new statues and furniture, however it was not enough without the leadership of Nephilim. But alas Nephilim returned after his long absence, what he saw was a furnished guild... but a empty one, everyone gone 143 known members inactive not knowing it they will return or not. Nephilim swore to raise the guild to its former glory along with his new companion Sophie, they renwed the guild and began ressurecting it with its first officers: Vulphos, Mrdestroyer, Isma. The officers were low ranked knight elites but were good at heart, without them the guild would of never ressurected. The guild grew and grew, got a overhoul in furnishings, built a stronger community, expanded the borders like never again, and alas Dimithro returned aswell. WE ARE BACK, WE ARE STRONG...congratulations on reading the guild story. write God-Of-Divines with the title Dimithro in it to recieve members rank upon joining.
Names u should know:
- God-Of-Divines (main GM)
- Goddess-Of-Divines (backup GM)
- Dimithro (oldest officer)
- Vulphos (Golden 3 officer)
- Deadlyerik (officer)
- Rogue-Pheonix (GM squad member)
- Ultimasonic (GM squad member)
- Thealmightyspoon (former officer worthy of honor)
- Pentaking (potential officer good ambitions)
Do you have a vocal tchat
my ign : Kirito-kitsune