Nova or Hail drivers?

Basically more damage or freeze status
Currently I've got the Storm driver and i wanna
Get another alchemer to quick switch
I'm afraid that the storm driver's shock will break
the Hail driver's freeze so I was think about the Nova route

Make the nog blaster.
But yeah, don't bother with the hail driver, I used to have one, it's okayish, but not the best, since its own attacks can break the freeze.
As Neueragon said, make the magma or nova.
If you don't have it yet, you could also make the umbra, and you could do the wep switch with that vs construct and slime.

First, freeze can occasionally be useful, but it also has drawbacks throughout this game. Namely, it prevents knockback, shield-bumping, and kiting. In most situations, I wouldn't want freeze on my weapon, even if it came with no damage reduction. I rarely see advanced players using freeze, except accidentally on Winter Grave.
Second, as the others have said, Hail Driver shots often break their freeze right after they cause their freeze. This isn't a big problem on the charge, but it means that you can't really spam the regular shots and hope to have anything frozen.
Magma Driver is fine, but since you already have Storm Driver I would recommend Nova Driver for the straight damage, if you want to get another alchemer. I hope that you've also considered Umbra Driver. (I own all of them but Magma.)

Nova is probably the best driver, though hail is a close contender... but that's for their charge shots. You're switch shooting, so I'd say to get magma. Magma lets you status all the things for both fire and shock and that's neato. But if you don't want that then just get Nova.

Nova/Umbra is my to go driver, highest dmg. Magma is the hipster gun that sucks. Basically the weak brother of Nova.
But for people who bash on the freeze breaking. I can't say I witness the same thing since I double switch my guns.
So even if the freeze does break. That monster could never really touch me (while standing a 2 tiles away from it) because the amount of bullets I throw at it. What I generally do is dswitch storm to get off a shock then switch hail only then that monster or boss should never really move when those two status are combined.

Yes, an advanced player can dodge, interrupt, and kill quickly enough that freeze is not important. But if you don't care whether your Hail Driver freezes or not, then why have a Hail Driver at all? Why not just use Magma or Storm (except against certain lichens)?

When did I say it didn't? I don't keep things that never works. In this case my hail works lol.
I keep the hail because I can and I like how it behaves. I also play lockdown. I had a Magma for a bit. The chance of fire was never there, so I disposed of it. I fire is my favorite but the only ones that ever worked for me was AoA and Combuster. Magma is never worth it when you can have better dps output with Nova and some cases Umbra as well.
No love for HailStorm-Switcher?It's the best interrupt combo for 1 target.
I guess i'm just an odd player.

You said this:
So even if the freeze does break. That monster could never really touch me...
Which I took to mean:
Who cares whether Hail Driver's freeze breaks all the time, rendering it worthless? I don't need it...
Was this an unreasonable reading of your post? Did you mean something different?

If you double switch hail or single switch 2x, you'd know what I mean.
What I mean is regardless I break the freeze with another hail shot. My bullets per second will likely freeze it before a monster can initiate attk animation to hit me. There's no way that I will not be harmed 2 tiles away if my freeze status doesn't go off.
In short, I am able to repeatedly freeze monsters with bullet after bullet/ricochet with the same weapon since I don't give reloading animation way for a monster to lunge at me.

Oh, I see. You mean that you can achieve many tiny micro-freezes, which is enough to slow or stop a monster, even though any one of these freezes lasts for a very short time. Thanks for explaining.

I like the Magma Driver just due to how powerful it is when mixed with the Storm Driver, the switch shooting, ricochet bullets, high status chance and DPS from both statuses means that together these are great weapons for melting crowds or single enemies.
If you want something with High Charge shot damage then you want the Nova/Umbra Driver, it's more suited to taking out single targets than dealing with crowds.

i agree with neb on how hail works when switching. thats also the reason storm+hail is actually a good combo. it doesnt matter that the shock breakes freeze, then the monster is stopped by shock instead. shock+freeze usually keeps the minion completely immobilized.
for LD storm driver (+maybe nova for dmg) is probably the best one. if you land a shock the target is basically dead (and thats why storm driver is kinda stupid in LD). hail driver can be nice for charging in LD, just beware of ppl like me running around in bk sets with double med freeze UVs who are immune :P
Yeah, Hail is kinda useless in LD because the overused sets usually have freeze resist, and teammates break freeze. I remember watching DoityToity freeze someone, and was about to hit them with a Triglav charge, but some teammate broke it just before and they escaped. Hilarious as f xD Doity was madder than a b/#%$
Storm driver is great for LD, though since people got crazy UVs it isn't the most reliable. I did watch one match where someone used a Storm Driver only and spectating them, they didn't get one shot. I PMed them about it, they agreed that their luck was bad.
Tbh, I think Nova is the best driver. Too many shadow resist enemies (both LD (BK, Snarb, Shade, Shadowsun) and PvE endgame (LoA, KoA, HoI, Apocrea). Nova solid damage, great vs solo enemies and groups alike (ricochets), and looks cool. Only downside is that it is kinda lame compared to a Magma cannon, Storm cannon, Hail cannon, or underworld Cannon. Who tf wants a gun that shoots star power when you could use a Magma driver and burn your enemies alive?
as someone who has a hail and a storm driver, yes it will. the hail driver itself can also break its freeze if you get a lucky shot. the charge can also break its own freeze.
I would get magma or nova so you either have a status that sticks or more damage.